View Full Version : A small update on my Shadow

03-22-2005, 09:07 AM
I took her in this morning and the vet says it does sound like behavioral issues but they are keeping her until lunch time to collect a urine sample. I also talked with her about Shadow's weight as she weighed in at 13.9 lbs. but she has such a small frame (small head, small legs LOL :rolleyes: ) that the weight she is carrying is too heavy. She needs to lose about 2-3 lbs. and I've been feeding her more than I should. She needs only a 1/4 cup in the morning and at night so I'm going to have to feed her separate from the others and take up their food before I leave in the morning. She eats the other cats' portion; most likely Whisper as he could probably put on a pound or two and be fine.

I have some issues I need to work out between her and Whisper as he is the most likely cause of her urinating. He's become a lot more aggressive lately and I've decided to separate them when we're not at home and at night. She'll stay in the room with us and he'll be out in the living room--he doesn't really cry to be let in so I'm sure he'll be fine. The during the day is what I need to work out???? Any suggestions would be great as I don't want to leave her in our bedroom forever.

03-22-2005, 09:17 AM
When I introduce new cats into the household I use a baby gate to separate them. I know some of the other people here will stack two together. That way the cats can see each other but not get at each other.

03-22-2005, 10:09 AM
Have you tried the Feliway diffusers? They send out a small amount of kitty hormones and I can tell you that they made a difference for our guys. It keeps them calm. When one of our diffusers runs out you can really tell the difference in attitudes! I get ours thru Fosters and Smith.com

03-22-2005, 11:49 AM
So far,Scrappy 2,has done well,with the introductions,with the exception,of a caertain bully,a Gray,and white Cat,that will remain,nameless.And thats a shame,that Whisper,is making Shadow,so uhhappy.Maybe he is blocking,the way,to the litter box? We hope that your Cats,are able,to make Friends soon.

03-22-2005, 04:25 PM
Poor Shadow.

Ripley can feel her pain. Although he did have a slight bladder infection the vet and I still think a lot of his spraying issues are stress from the new kittens and being bossed around so much by Scout. Scout seems to just hate him, there is no other way to describe it, and poor Ripley won't really stand up for himself often. Things between them have gotten better but I thinks it's just because Scout has become too lazy to always annoy Ripley.

I use the Feliway Plug-ins and spray (not so regularly anymore) and we've started letting Ripley go out into the garage to use the bathroom and have some alone time. Also my vet has prescribed Valium to help him chill while recovering from the bladder infection. It's done wonders for him, he no longer cares if Scout bothers him. Unfortunately we will run out of that next week. I may call and ask for more but I don't know how long is good for him to stay on it.

Best of luck. I hope you come up with a good daytime solution. Look into the Feliway and if the vet does or even doesn't find an infection ask about Valium to help her chill out a bit.

03-22-2005, 07:04 PM
From what I hear, the Feliway is the way to go. I might get some of that this spring when I bring in some more foster kittens to help Pouncer and his "foster stress" -- let me know if it works for you!

03-22-2005, 07:30 PM
I still need to purchase some of that. I'm keeping her in the kennel during the day and at night until I find out what is wrong with her. Litter wise she is doing much better since she is no longer concerned with someone attacking her aka Whisper :rolleyes:. I'll find out tomorrow if this is a behavioral or medical problem tomorrow when preliminary data from the urine culture comes back. Cross your fingers this is something easily treated. The vet said she looked great; just needs to lose a little weight. LOL

03-22-2005, 09:29 PM
Fingers and paws crossed here that everything will go well for Shadow.

Whisper, please leave Shadow alone and learn to get along with each other. I know you waaaannnnna.:)

03-23-2005, 12:08 AM
All fingers and paws are crossed here that Shadows tests results are normal and hopefully if it's a behavioral issue it can be easily fixed. Please keep us updated when you can.