View Full Version : Some stuff...(drawing and other)

03-21-2005, 07:33 PM
I want to get into a graphic arts course next year, but you need a portfolio to get in. The problem is, it is all traditional stuff. Like, paper/pencil and other stuff like that ;) I NEVER use the stuff. I do like all my stuff on the computer. So, I have been trying to practice shading and such (with a pen..in class :o) I assumed I wouldn't get into the class because I'm no good with these things, PLUS I've never drawn realistic 'humans'. I spend all my time on animals.

Part of the portfolio asks for a self portrait -sigh-

Ok, don't laugh please?? I know it really suchs, but it IS my first time doing portrait/people/stupid freckles. Plus, I had to take apicture I don't want to scan it...

Horrible, no? I only spent an hour on this. I didn't really care to finish it/make it look good, I only wanted to see how much work I need to do haha. (a lot)


Also, to be completely random. I bought a new clock today. It's funky
Although it's hard to see, this IS a projection on my wall ;) hahah. I'm such a loser. It's an alarm clock/cd player/radio with a projection for the clock!! XD

03-21-2005, 07:36 PM
Psssh, that's a better self portrait then I could ever do. :p

Great job, Audrey!

I love your new signature, by the way!

03-21-2005, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
/stupid freckles.

lol. :p Wow, that is amazing Audrey!! You are very talented, on the computer and off. That's wayyyyy better than ANY self portrait I could ever do!! I think I'm taking an animation class over the Summer, not sure. ;)

I agree with Julie, I also like your new signature. ;)

03-21-2005, 08:09 PM
I think its fabulous, and I love your ranDOMness.

03-21-2005, 10:25 PM
Thanks :o

03-21-2005, 10:58 PM
It's very good mate for something you don't normally do. Personally I think you would ace it getting into that course.:)