View Full Version : YEOWCH just shows the danger!

03-21-2005, 12:19 PM
geesh some people try to insist that flyball is very dangerous to the dogs etc etc.. well dangerous yes, to the dog? no, more like to the handlers, my mom was at house leagues yesterday one poor girl was running her dog, slipped on the mat and litterlly broke her foot like it was just dangling kinda thing, obviously the ambulence came and apperntly she has several severe breaks on the tibia and on looked like a corkscew on the x-ray, obviously she iwll be out of the dog world for a while! I have yet to see a dog get hurt any worse then a small concussion, but handlers and judges.... this is the worst I have heard about although stuff happens often, its normally not this bad lol. all I could say when I heard about it was OUCH :eek:

03-21-2005, 12:35 PM
Ouch! My ankle hurts just thinking about it. I hope she'll be okay. I have a question because I was thinking of signing my dog Fenway up for a Flyball class. How can a dog get hurt doing Flyball? Especially a concussion? What other injuries can they get? Now I'm worried I may be putting my baby in danger. Thanks for any info you can give me.

03-21-2005, 12:41 PM
dog injurys are not common, Happys sister got a concussion when another dog that was supposed to rerun got away from his handler too soon and they had a head on collision, there are always vets around at tourniments just in case as many vets participate in flyball themselves, when the concussion happend we actually had a vet on our team. your not putting him in danger with flyball dont worry, most flyball dogs that get injured, dont get it from playing flyball, most often its in the owners own backyard and totally unrelated to the sport. :)

03-21-2005, 12:47 PM
Ouch! Those poor dogs. I'll probably still sign him up for it. Now I understand why they have the classes by weight. I wouldn't want my 20 pound mutt to collide with a 75 pound dog.



03-21-2005, 12:47 PM
ouch.. poor girl! :(