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View Full Version : Truth about cats & dogs *so excited!*

03-21-2005, 06:48 AM
I am soo excited!! Emerson & Marigold do not really get along that well. They avoid each other, and in so doing live peacably. This morning, I woke up with Emerson cuddling around my right arm. Not 3 minutes later, Marigold jumped on the bed and cuddled around my left arm.

Emerson finally noticed, but I was able to get him to stay on the bed and not jump down. Slowly, so slowly he inched over top of me until his ear was resting on Marigold. :eek: She didn't do anything but roll over for a belly rub. They were so close together (not exactly touching, but still!) and relaxed!! Marigold was even purring!

I am so excited, and I think this is a major step forward! :D

03-21-2005, 07:34 AM
Oh Anna that's so great to hear! I can just imagine how happy this makes you to see them being so close:)
I hope they continue to get closer as time goes by!