View Full Version : Be Bee.the Bodacious

03-20-2005, 06:37 AM
We Found Cat,are the first,to talk,about our New Friend Be Be,and what a happy,playful Cat,you are Big Bee Bee.and you have such a nice White Coat,and we like the way,that you are winking,at us.Andthats a shame,that you,and Max,couldnt get along,and we hope,that Max,got another Furr Ever Home.Maybe,if your Guardians,adopted an Older,More Mellow Cat,that would work,as you should have a Cat Friend.A Big Found Cat MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Goes to Beautiful Bee Bee COTD!!!!:D :cool: ;) :) :cool: ;)

03-20-2005, 07:26 AM
we wont pick you up then......we will just admire you from afar.......such a pretty one you are.....congraulations to the cotd!

03-20-2005, 10:13 AM
What a little cutie you are Bee Bee! You have the prettiest blue eyes and milky white fur! Congrats to Bee Bee, Our Adoorable Cat of the Day!! :) :D :)

03-20-2005, 11:48 AM
Hello BeeBee!!!! Well, you certainly have alot to say!!! It does take some cats a long time before they realize just how wonderful being held and sitting on a lap can be!!! But after hearing about your sad start in life(all those bugs....YUCK!!), I can see why you might want to take your time. Despite it all, it sounds like you have found a good family to take care of you. HAPPY COTD!!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-20-2005, 12:56 PM
Congrats to you today, Beebee!! You have such beautiful eyes!!

You sound a lot like my Inka. At first she absolutely refused to sit on my lap. Now that she sees her big sister Maya doing that and get lots of hugs, she is imitating her!!

Have a super COTD-day Beebee!

03-20-2005, 01:04 PM
Wow.......what an awesome cat you are........
Your story was both humorous and heart warming. Your human guardian's are angels for taking such good care of you [especially in the beginning with all the creepy bugs on you] and giving you such a great home.
It's too bad your "companion" cat didn't work out-but sometimes that's the way it is. Hopefully, it is happy where it is now and you are enjoying being an "only" kitty.
We wish you a long and healthy life--you are soooooo pretty and sweet.
You're smart too......'how many cats can go "down" on command?? I'm totally impressed.

You are definitely a special cat who is most deserving to be the "cat of the day" to usher in SPRING.....

Keiko, June and Pearl' mom.

03-20-2005, 01:36 PM
Greetings to you beautiful BeeBee! Thanks you (and the humans:D) for taking the time to write to us! Wow, what an amazing tale you tell! And frankly, I admire your honesty and frankness! We all have an issue or two we need to deal with and it's good to know that it's no different in the cat world!;) I'm sorry dear Max had to go, but happily he found a home where he, like you, can reign supreme! And it wasn't all for naught, because it sounds like you picked up a pointer or two from him in the trick dept!:D And you know, Beeb, I'll bet before long you'll be longing for those warm, comfy, lap/love sessions!:) Till then, your humans will just have to settle for enjoying that sprited, spunky personality of yours and soaking up your incredible beauty...Oh, those eyes!:eek: Did Max teach you to wink, too?;)

Congratulations to you BEE-UTIFUL BeeBee, our spunky, first day of Spring CAT OF THE DAY! Lots of love to you sweetheart with wishes for a long and happy life with your proud people! Enjoy your day on center stage, BeeBee!:)

03-20-2005, 01:47 PM
Bee Bee
WOW! What a beautiful blue eye I see!
I think you are winking at us. That's why the other is half closed, right? ;)
You are totally adorable!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!:D

Dan Holder
03-20-2005, 05:42 PM
Fortunately for this pretty kitty, she found some humans that give her all the love, even if she is a little finicky. Surprising that she's not a little more interested in that warm lap when the Canadian winter comes around. Who knows what she might decide in the future. Good luck.

03-20-2005, 07:07 PM
Uh-Oh, be still my heart . . . another white kitty!!!:D BeeBee, your story had me so engrossed and I very much enjoyed reading all about you, darling! I presume you are much more relaxed now that Max has found another home, but you haven't forgotten all that he taught you and his presence helped you to consider enjoying things you never thought about before, right pretty girl? :cool: Congratulations on being our special COTD, BeeBee!:)

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-20-2005, 10:35 PM
Congrats on being COTD Bee Bee

You certainly know how to "rule the roost" don't you? I am so glad you found such a caring and understanding forever home.

I LOVE your beautiful blue eyes!

Connor and Ally send Kitten Kisses:D

03-21-2005, 12:22 AM
BeeBee!!!!!!!!!!!!!...congrats on your most wonderful day!... well i must say that you are one articulate cat!!!!!!!!...you told your story very well!!!!!!!:) :) ...i bought you a toy as a gift for you, but alas, it was not a mouse, so i threw it out..:D :D...

03-21-2005, 12:26 AM
BeeBee, you are such a beautiful kitty with your bright blue eyes and clean white fur. Quite a change from your prior life, isn't it? I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and Max, but at least there is peace in the house now. Your family loves you a lot, BeeBee, and maybe one day you will be trusting enough to jump up on their laps for some gentle petting. You are a great COTD BeeBee!

Gail Wolfe
03-21-2005, 05:31 PM
Be Bee

Another white cat! What a beautiful baby you are. Congrats from Spinner and Arbuckle on COTD honors. I'm sure you will meow about it for days!:D