View Full Version : How do you teach......

03-19-2005, 01:22 PM
How do you teach an old dog, um cat a new trick???? :confused:

We bought Fluffy a ramp so it would be eaiser for him to climb into our bed at night. He is around 16-17 years old and has arthritis. We had a step stool by the bed, but it still wasn't enough and we can tell it hurt him to get up and down.

The day this ramp arrived I took it and all 3 cats into the bedroom, placed the ramp up against the bed and walked each one up and down the ramp. Lucky & Yoshi though I was strange because they can just jump up on the bed, and when I "taught" Fluffy he seemed to do well. Then late that night he was trying to come up the ramp and we think it wobbled or something (this ramp is only 7" wide, and Fluffy is 20 lbs !!) and we heard this crash, the ramp was down and Fluffy meowed loudly. Ever since that night he will NOT get back on that ramp.

Any suggestions on what else to do? Of course Fluffy HAS to sleep with us!! :D

03-19-2005, 01:38 PM
The only thing I can think of is to physically lift him up into the bed with you if/when it's his bedtime.:confused:

03-19-2005, 01:40 PM
Thatys a shame,that he had that bad experience,as often yoy dont get a second chance,with a cat,as they have memories,I think,that are long as an elephants!

03-19-2005, 02:46 PM
Maybe make some "feet" out of blocks to stabalize it, and show him it won't wobble anymore? My Abby is much like your Fluffy... she was playing with a feather teaser a few months ago and pulled a muscle or something. She has never played with one since. Same with her FAVORITE toy, she must have twisted wrong or something, and she never touched it again. :(

03-19-2005, 06:59 PM
You know how cats never forget something bad! I have no idea how you can get him to try it again. Does he like catnip? Maybe if you sprinkle some on the top of the ramp so he can see that its stable now and won't fall. If he likes nip then maybe he will go up after it. Of course, he is a cat and cats never do what you want them too!:p ;) :D

Thats so sweet that you got him a ramp so he can still snuggle in the bed. He's a lucky BIG boy!:)