View Full Version : An Uppy-Date on Sheba *POOF* Paddypaws!

03-18-2005, 09:32 PM
She is officially a "she"! She got her checkup at the vets today, and arrived with a seriously stinky, and clogged up butt! :eek: Funny she smelled fine last night, but when I pulled her from the cage in a hurry this morning, she had major stinky butt! :rolleyes: Not a problem...her fanny was shaved down some, and she had a butt wash before doc checked her over. :eek: Turns out she's spayed, about 3 years old, not microchipped (gee tough for the 'owner'), and had a very hard stomach which raised red flags for the vet! :eek: An X-ray revealed she was gorged with lots of food, despite the fact she didn't have any wet this morning! She has a tentative home with a physician who has been without a cat for a while, since losing her elderly kitty! Say some prayers that Dr. D will adopt this beauty, and give her a proper life. The other potential home was nixed..as this woman has enough on her plate with three young children! :rolleyes: Sheba's going in for proper grooming on Monday, and I can only hope her forever home comes through from there! ;) She was a doll at the vets!!!! Next week I hope to commence "Operation Catnap" phase 2! :D :D ;)

03-18-2005, 09:36 PM

03-18-2005, 09:41 PM
Oh Jan, this is such great news.:D

Fingers and paws crossed here that the new home comes through for her and she lives a long and happy life that she so deserves.

Congratulations on your "Operation Catnap" phase 1.

Praying that "Operation Catnap" phase 2 goes just as well.:)

03-18-2005, 10:44 PM
WAHOO!!!:D :D :D Great news, except for being a little stopped up. That should be easy to fix!;)

I'm so glad to hear that she is fixed even! One less thing to have to worry about. Prayers on the way that she and the good doctor will make the perfect pair!

I can't wait for pictures after she is groomed.

smokey the elder
03-19-2005, 08:05 AM
Sheba looks like she ought to be the pampered pet of a professional! I can't wait to see her all groomed and clean!

03-19-2005, 08:49 AM
And Sheba Angel,is,of course delighted,that she has A Cat Namesake,and shewill beYour Shebas Guardian Angel,along with her lifetime Companion RB Mr Whiskers,the Meezer. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/SHEBA.jpg