View Full Version : Our Loving Princess Prayer's Needed for Her Mommie and Dad

Dusty's People
03-18-2005, 08:55 PM
Well today we lost our beloved Princess. We came home for work to find her very unresponsive. Rhonda and I set with her for a while and I got up and fixed our Dinner, Rhonda stayed sitting with her. We knew she would not make it long as dinner was served and we sit down and took a couple of bites Rhonda got up to go check on her and she started Greiving telling me "Kev she is gone." I think Princess in her own way just wanted to wait till we got in to tell us Good By.......... As we were trying to eat her own Angel came to her and said Its time to go. This has been a day that I knew we would regret cause Losing Princess Is as bad as Losing a child. To Rhonda and I Princess and Dusty were/are our Childern. Just God has chosen to Bring Princess to Heaven with him.
Princess I know your there looking down upon all of us I know you are going to be the Angel Looking Down on all Homeless Pets you will be the Angel that comes for others. Us having you brought to us from the Shelter was meant to be. Now your Angel is bringing you to a better Place You just always remember Your Mommie and Daddy will always Love you. RIP Princess.

03-18-2005, 09:20 PM
Kev, I'm so sorry!!! What a sad day. :( I know your mother will be very upset. Isn't Princess the shelter baby she brought home last year and you and Rhonda adopted?

Rest in Peace beautiful Princess. You will be missed.

03-18-2005, 09:27 PM
Oh, that's so sad!:( You are in my thoughts and prayers.....
RIP, little Princess....

03-18-2005, 09:30 PM
I am so sorry for on the loss of your beautiful Princess.

I know it is difficult to say goodbye to a pet you held so dear.
I hope and pray that you find comfort and peace in the fond memories you made together.

Rest in Peace Princess.

03-18-2005, 09:38 PM

03-18-2005, 09:44 PM
Kevlin, my heart is breaking for you and Rhonda! :( What happened that Princess died so suddenly? Wasn't she the lovely Siamese mix that your mom got last year? I have so many questions, and I know you probably have no answers. :( I'm so terribly sorry. :( Jan

03-18-2005, 09:48 PM
:( :( I'm very confoozled. What happened???:confused:

My thoughts and prayers are with you. RIP little Princess. You have, no doubt, earned your wings and are a sweet new addition to the Cat Angels at the RB.

slick xo

03-18-2005, 10:15 PM
I am so very sorry. Rest in peace dear Princess.:( :( :(

03-18-2005, 10:40 PM
Oh NO!!! I'm so so sorry!:(
Please forgive all the questions but we didn't know she was sick. What happened to that beautiful girl?

smokey the elder
03-19-2005, 08:07 AM
I'm so sorry about Princess. Play hard at the Rainbow Bridge.

03-19-2005, 08:46 AM
That hits me,very hard,as I have my Little Princess,The Gray/Black Tabby,in my signature,and she is 15,at least,and has had health issues,and is blind.And I dread,that day,whenI find,thaty she is gone,andhave,to bear the loss,that you have suffrered.Your Princess,is now An Official Pet Talker Pet angel,and is now visiting Buenos Aires,Argentina,with all,the Pther Angel.She is goingall,over the world,with them,scouting out interestingplaces,and fantastic restaurants,so that when,you are reunited,you will have places,to go,and places to dine.

Dusty's People
03-19-2005, 03:49 PM
Yes Princess is the Shelter Kitty Mom brought home to us somewhere around July of last year. We were told she was about 4yrs old. I spoke to mom today and let her know about Princess. Her and I both agreed that we think Princess was older than the Vet had told us, We also believe that she had grieved over whom ever owned her before she arrived at the shelter. We feel that she was brought to the shelter where her previous owner had passed. We just helped her to live a little longer. I think she Grieved herself to Death. I personally feel that her Previous owner came for Princess last night.

May Princess Rest In Peace Fly well with her owner in the Heavens. She has left her mark here in our Hearts and the Memories will always be here in our Heart. She has Earned her wings to fly in the Heaves above.

Thank you all here in PT for your Kind thoughts and Prayers.

Dusty's People
03-19-2005, 04:03 PM
Ok I went back as far as I could find and this is the first Tread that I can remember mom Posting. http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52685&highlight=Princess This may help you all remember her. Thanks everyone

03-19-2005, 04:07 PM
Sorry to hear she left to go to the Rainbow Bridge. At leat she had the pleasure of knowing love and happiness in her last few months. I felt chills when you said you felt the previous owner came for her last night.

Bless you for your loving heart.

03-19-2005, 04:09 PM
RIP Princess.

Laura's Babies
03-31-2005, 03:47 AM
I was heartbroken that we lost this beautiful girl and I am so sad over her passing without me having the chance to bid her farewell.

I told Kevlin that I do think she just grieved herself to death over loosing her forever human that adored and loved her for so many years. Loosing her was more than Princess could stand and she died of a broken heart.

I always felt she had belonged to a older person, a lady that had either passed away or had to go to a nursing home and it was so sad that the family wouldn't keep her. As much as we all loved her... it just wasn't the same and the loss was to much for her.

Maybe it was insight of things to come that made me create this of her right after I brought her home, I don't know. Here it is again. (some of you may remember it from when I posted it before)


Princess, I am so sorry we could not replace what you lost or fill that void in your heart. May you rest in peace and be happy in the arms of the one you loved the most. At least you had a home and others that loved you and did not have to die in that cold shelter with no one who cared. RIP beautiful girl.

03-31-2005, 04:35 AM
Princess sure was a beautiful girl. So sorry she has now gone. RIP Princess.:(

Nicki x

03-31-2005, 05:27 AM
I am so sorry. :(