View Full Version : Need a few good thoughts today

03-18-2005, 07:04 PM
In a few hours time, one of our best friends Megan will be coming over with another friend Di. Both are huge animal lovers, which is probably one of the reasons we are such good friends. Meagan has a rescue dog called "Mr Jed". We call him Mr Jed because he is such a lovely old boy and so distinguished. Meagan thinks Jed is about 12 years old. He evidently suffered a bit as a pup, but this would be no surprise to the people who rescue pups on here. Meagan has such empathy with animals it's amazing to watch. When administering medicine for example, she will patiently talk to Jed, explaining what she is doing and why, and Jed just calms down and lets Meagan go ahead. I got a message during the week that said poor Jed was ill. Tests have come back confirming cancer. So Meagan and Di are on there way over to chat. I'm not really sure what is ahead this afternoon, but the trepidation is killing me. It promises to be a sad afternoon. So a few good thoughts sent down under would be much appreciated. Mr Jed is like a nephew as such to us and we are quite saddened about his situation.

This is Mr Jed having a kip.

03-18-2005, 07:12 PM
Trevor, prayers on the way from Canada for you and rest of the gang...especially Mr. Jed. What a sad situation and since I've never experienced this, I really can't offer up anything except my moral support. Please let us know how it goes.

Seeing that pic of Mr. Jed makes me want to plant a kiss on that tummy...not to mention those feetsies.

03-18-2005, 07:28 PM
Prayers and good thoughts coming your way. That has to be so hard on your friend and you also. Mr. Jed is sure a pretty dog.
It's so sad when they get sick.:(

03-18-2005, 07:47 PM
Mr Jed is a handsome pup. I dont know what the future will hold for him, but we will certainly keep him inour thoughts and offer best wishes

03-18-2005, 07:50 PM
Good thoughts headed to you and Mr. Jed. He looks adorable.

03-18-2005, 07:53 PM
Mr. Jed is so handsome, and looks so swetly asleep! Give him a big hug from me, and he'll be in my prayers.

Ginger's Mom
03-18-2005, 07:54 PM
I am very sorry to hear about your friend's dog. Love those big old feet, how cute. Our thoughts and prayers are going out to all of you.

03-18-2005, 07:54 PM
Thoughts and prayers from Nebraska, USA.............

03-18-2005, 08:04 PM
so sorry to hear this.....prayers on the way

03-18-2005, 08:11 PM
Thank you for the good thoughts everyone. I have to log off now and face the music so to speak. This place is just the best for moral support.:)

03-18-2005, 08:26 PM
Mr.Jed is a Beautiful Boy!!!!

Good Luck

Know that Mr. Jed is in our thoughts and prayers

Give him a Treat for me!!

Daisy and Delilah
03-18-2005, 08:26 PM
What a sweet looking doggie. He is so cute. We too would like you to give him some hugs and kisses for us. Our thoughts and prayers are on their way to you from Florida. We have been through this and it is so hard. God Bless all of you.

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah

03-18-2005, 08:30 PM
What a sweet looking guy. He and Duke have something in common as they're both about 12 and both were abused when they were puppies. I hope Mr Jed has many more happy times with your friend. She is a really kind soul for taking him in and giving him love. Give him some love from me, too. He looks like such a sweetie.

03-18-2005, 08:52 PM
Sending good thoughts and prayers for Jed from Pamela and Gracie...I sure hope that they can treat him and he can live a much long and happy life.

03-18-2005, 10:27 PM
Oh such sad news this must be for your friend. I hope all went well with the visit. I know I'm a little late, but the good thougts are definately sent your way.
That is just a precious picture:)

03-18-2005, 11:08 PM
What a sweet looking fellow - he reminds me of the dog I grew up with. Sending prayers your way, & hope that Mr. Jed will have some happier times ahead.

03-19-2005, 05:38 AM
It was a bit of a sad afternoon, but managed to "sort things out mentally" like. Some wine and good food lightened our mood and we were able to enjoy each others company. Meagan said that there is a possibility that chemo can help Mr Jed. Apparently retreivers respond well to this particular treatment. She is not entirely certain if she will go down this road though as Jed's quality of life is most important to her. Her partner has a friend who is doing some research on the treatment for them at university so it's something that will be discussed a little later when more definate information is available. Meagan is going to find out exactly what cancer it is, and I suggested that she look at posting on Pet Talk, as some advice would no doubt be forthcoming. I also mentioned what a great community it is on here, so I'm hoping we get another member. Meanwhile Mr Jed is happy and not in pain at all, I also found out that he is closer to 15 than 12, so he's kind of at an old age where the ultimate question takes on more significance. I absolutely dread going through something like this with my kids.

Thankyou everyone for your good thoughts, it certainly helped.

03-19-2005, 07:37 AM
Wow, Jed sure is a good old boy at 15!!!
What a long life he's had...

I hope all goes well, and I hope he stays pain free.

~*Hugs*~ to you all during these hard times.

03-19-2005, 03:11 PM
What a beautiful boy Mr. Jed is. He and Meagan are so lucky to have kind, caring and supportive friends like you all. I'm sure your visit with them, just having the chance to talk it out, gave Di much comfort. Much love and heartfelt prayers coming your way with hopes that whatever her decision, your dear friend will know many more happy days with her beloved boy. Di sounds like a very special person, just like you:) Please give Mr. Jed a hug when you see him next:) Sandra

03-19-2005, 08:43 PM
Thankyou Sandra,:) I'm really hoping Meagan will become a member here, I'm sure she will find it beneficial. :)