View Full Version : Tigger & Emma *12 Pics*

03-18-2005, 06:23 PM
Yes, more pictures ;)

I'm been sick all day today, and Emma hasn't left my side, she always knows when somethings wrong with me and sticks to me like glue, she knows I'm sad as soon as I feel sad, without any clues. I've never had any pet like that before.

Pretty girl sleeping in my bed:

She rolled over when I said her name:

So pretty:


Being a nurse is hard work!


More To Come!

03-18-2005, 06:26 PM
With a nurse like that, you should be as good as new in no time! Take two tabbies and call us in the morning! :D

03-18-2005, 06:26 PM
Tigger really got me bad today, he grabbed my hand and his claw dug into me and then slid across my hand, I actually had to pull a bit hard to get it out of my hand :( I guess he was in a bad mood.



He *loves* to lay on the 'deep freeze':

Emma comming to see what we're doing:


Ignoring each other:

Tigger got smacked after that last picture!

Hope you enjoyed.

03-18-2005, 06:32 PM
I enjoyed!!:D Sorry you have been sick but it DOES help to have a kitty-nurse by your side! Emma is doing a good job of it - I think it is amazing how our kitties can sense our moods:) She is SOOO pretty!!

Tigger is looking handsome as ever! Again - sorry to hear about the painful *lovebite*:eek: The pictures are funny - watching Emma sneak up next to him...I was wondering what would happen!! At least they shared the space briefly, even if they ignored each other.

Great pictures as always Robyn! I *always* enjoy your Emma&Tigger pictures. That snuggle or grooming photo will come eventually I think:D

03-19-2005, 08:16 AM
Thanks :D

Debbie-I'm *so* hoping for a snuggling or grooming picture, atleast one ;), but right now I don't see that happening!

Emma comes around Tigger(as you've seen), but he's not comfortable around her at all because whenever he moves or smells her, she smacks him! So he tries to act like a statue.

03-19-2005, 08:40 AM
I alwasys enjoy seeing Emma,and Tigger,and when , I see that they are coming up,there is an automatic BIG SMILE,on my face.And when I was picking up Cat,in a Hot Pink Pursuit,my Librarian Friend,told me,that Tigger,was a favorite,of hers,too.

03-19-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by catmandu
And when I was picking up Cat,in a Hot Pink Pursuit,my Librarian Friend,told me,that Tigger,was a favorite,of hers,too.

Awww-my boy seems to have alot of fans ;)

Thanks :)

03-19-2005, 12:47 PM
Great pictures! Your kitties are so cute!

03-19-2005, 01:07 PM
Great pictures, Robyn! Get feeling better soon!;)

03-20-2005, 07:49 AM
Thanks :)

Kim-I'm feeling much better now, probably because I have such a great nurse ;)

03-20-2005, 08:05 AM
OMG!!! These are awsome pictures! How did I miss this?

Emma is such a BEAUTY! She has such pretty markings and her eyes would melt an ice block!!:D

Tigger, well we all know Tigger is one handsome hunk of orangie fur with the cutest little nose freckles!! Shame on you for being cranky and hurting your meowmie Tigger! Poor meowmie, that hurts!
You're still as cute as they come!:D

Robyn I hope you are feeling better. It really stinks to feel rotten but I can't think of any better nurses to have around!
;) :D :D