View Full Version : Sidney says "I've had enough"

03-18-2005, 03:20 PM
I thought things were going so well with our newcomer Strauss - who has been with us since January. But last night Sidney - the oldest, decided that he was tired of Strauss being the top cat and took matters into his own hands - I mean paws.

So a major cat fight ensued. At one time Sid had Strauss on his back and proceeded to make sounds that were almost human - there is really no way to describe the type of vocalizations he was making but I have never heard anything quite like it Then more flying fur and fighting and then we got the fight broken up.

Unfortunately, for all his bravery and posturing, Sid isn't a very capable fighter and is now missing a small part of one ear and has scratches on his face. :( Strauss, who is a very capable fighter seems ok at the moment.

I hope this doesn't continue and that we don't end up having to rehome Strauss.:( :(

03-18-2005, 03:32 PM
Sometimes,like Chilren,in the playground the Cats,have,to fight,to prove,who,is Top Cat,and Poor Ragnar,who is Big,but not much,of a fightyer,had to fight,when he first moved,in,but things have settled down,Of course,the fact,that he is So Big,means,that there is no much,that they can really do.And I hope,that your Cats,can at least,reach an agreement.


03-18-2005, 04:26 PM
Have you tried Feliway? I know I sound like a broken record but so many people here swear by that and Rescue Remedy. These are supposed to help calm the kitties and ease the aggression issues. I'm sure those that use it will be able to tell you a lot more about it.

I would really try one of those before you start trying to rehome Strauss. Hopefully something as simple as this may help remedy the situation. It certainly sounds pretty intense if Sid is missing a piece of her ear!!

Good luck and keep us posted.

03-18-2005, 04:40 PM
This might be a stupid question, but are they both neutered?

I started having fighting issues 2 weeks ago when I adopted out 2 of my long-term fosters. It sort of disrupted the hierarchy in my house and so now I'm having trouble with my 2 black boys who are brothers. I ordered a bunch of Feliway. Hopefully that will work.

Good luck with your boys!

03-18-2005, 04:56 PM
Thanks for the responses.

Yes, they are both neutered. Also, I do have a couple of Feliway diffusers running since getting Strauss. The incident happened in the backyard though - away from the influence.

Maybe Rescue Remedy should be the next step. Strauss is doing well with the others. Joxer is such a non-agressive guy that they have no issues whatsoever and Jan is annoying, but at only 8 pounds, Strauss just thinks of her as more of a pest.

I was just so sad when I saw those scratches on Sid's face and his bloody ear.

I plan to give Strauss plenty of time but ultimately if I have to choose between the two, well, it was Sid's home first. But don't worry - I'll do everything in my power to make this work and if I can't - I'll find a good home for Strauss - he won't be seeing the inside of a shelter.

03-18-2005, 09:39 PM
can anyone explain me what is Feliway? and the progress itself, thanks!