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View Full Version : Casey had her annual and she is overweight

03-18-2005, 11:16 AM
Casey weighted 35 lbs when I rescued her Nov, 2003...she weighed 45 lbs yesterday at her appt.:eek:

I feed her 1 cup of california natural a day...1 cup...I guess she needs some excercize...I don't remember seeing a weight maintenance california natural at my feed store.

the vet said he can prescribe a weight loss food also...anyone have any suggestions...

She also needs her teeth cleaned...she has an appt apr 8 for that...same day bubba gets neutered...casey has the better of that deal!

03-18-2005, 12:01 PM
I would try a weight maintenance food that you can give her more of and then give her two meals a day instead of one. Autumn gets two meals a day now because I think she was retaining fat from only getting one meal a day and then not having anything for the next twenty four hours. Exercise is good too, but not on one cup of food a day. This food you give must be extremely high fat content if she is gaining weight on a cup a day.

03-18-2005, 12:05 PM
Her food has 514 calories for 1 cup....seems pretty high...her coat is gorgeous so I am guessing its high in fat.

I never thought about her retaining because of the once a day feeding I had fed her twice a day before she didn't eat the other meal more often than not so I got on the once a day...maybe I should try 2 smaller meals.

Has anyone tried pumpkin or green beans for weight loss in dogs?

03-18-2005, 12:05 PM
Are you feeding her once a day? Or feeding her two meals of 1/2 a cup? If you are only feeding her once then I would split up her meal, it will help her metabolism to keep moving.

03-18-2005, 12:06 PM
Thanks...IRrescue suggested that also...I think its a good idea.

03-18-2005, 12:38 PM
Green beans work great! Reduce the kibble and add that amount of green beans. Most dogs really like them.

03-18-2005, 01:28 PM
I never knew green beans worked for weight loss. Fresh or canned or frozen? I'll have to try that.

03-18-2005, 01:30 PM
I think canned. I think if you cut down on their food this just makes them fill fuller. Kind of like us! I know I eat a lot of veggies to fill up when I am on a diet...guess its the same principal...I think casey and me need to eat more green beans and go for more walks!

03-18-2005, 02:24 PM
I think any kind would work. I used canned, just be sure and rinse them really well to get the excess salt off.

03-18-2005, 02:33 PM
Don't worry... this happens to almost everyone, especially when dogs are no longer in their puppy stage and their metabolism and energy starts to slow down. I also give Gonzo green beans to fill up, I rinse off and steam frozen green beans. Nutro Natural Choice has a good low calorie food. One thing that most people dont notice is the amount of treats they give their dogs, try to cut down on biscuits and feed baby carrots and pupcorn (only a few calories each) as treats. Frequent exercise is good too ;) just take her out and play ball for 10-15 minutes whenever you can, and walk her as much as possible... you could always have your daughters walk her too :p

Good luck, I'm sure Casey will lose the weight easily! Especially now that the weather is better ;)

03-18-2005, 02:38 PM
Thanks bccrazy...the funny thing is my daughter doesn't like to run with her because she is slow...bubba with his 4 inch legs can keep up but not her...she likes to sniff more too.

I need excercize too so I think me and casey can have a plan to get in our bikini's...hehe