View Full Version : Abby's Gotcha Day

03-17-2005, 11:37 AM
It is not Abby's Gotcha anniversary today (we've had her only 4 months) but after reading a Gotcha story today it reminded me of Abby.

We were looking for a cat, age didn't matter - in fact, we were NOT looking for a kitten. We went to a number of shelters and played with lots of cats and none of them were "jumping out at me" as the cat to take home. We went to our local Petsmart when they were having an adoption day with the intention of looking at a grey cat we saw on PetsFinder. She was very timid (who can blame them after being shuttled around like that?) and we decided to give her a little bit of time and we went shopping around the store instead for a while.

Coming back, someone else was holding this grey cat so we looked at other cages and I don't know how I missed this at first, but there was a cage of 7 month old kittens, all were so adorable. My hubby pointed out one that he thought was cute, and at first I said no because she looked so similar to our other cat who died of CRF last year. But I opened the cage anyway to humor him and she "flew" to the open door and put her paws out to me and gave me a huge hug. THAT was the sign I had been waiting for! So she came home with us, and we've all been living happily ever after since.

We love ya, Abby!

03-17-2005, 11:55 AM
That is so very true,that the Cats,that are outgoing,and friendly,are the Cats,that catch our eyes,and are adopted.The squeaky wheel,in that case,gets the Furr Ever Home!

03-17-2005, 12:01 PM
What a sweet story!! Happy Gotcha Day Abby! :D

03-17-2005, 12:13 PM
How precious!!! :) Even if it isn't her "Gotcha" Day, she still "gotcha" and that's what matters!!! Thank you for realizing she needed to be with you. :)

03-17-2005, 03:43 PM
Awww....I didn't know the story of Abby. :) How sweet.

The cats at PetSmart are so timid here...I'm sure its due to their being shuffled like you said. That's how I feel in love with Noel...she was so pathetic looking I HAD to have her. ;)

Happy Gotcha Day, Abby. 4 months late. :D

03-17-2005, 04:25 PM
Awww! It feels wonderful to be chosen, doesn't it? Abby's such a sweetie.

03-17-2005, 04:37 PM
She is adorable! Happy (semi-unofficial) Gotcha Day Abby!:D