View Full Version : Lets talk about Rosco

03-17-2005, 08:00 AM
Well, by now you know how I caught this little buggar! I snatched him and rolled him up into my gown and brought him in with Abigail. He never seemed to concerned about it. He never acted like he wanted back outside. There were way to many adventures and new things to discover inside.

Rosco has that wonderful personality that just sucks you right in. He has many of the same characteristics of Leroy. He is very nawtee, but so sweet and loving that you can not stay mad at him! He does everything at high speed. This little guy walks around looking for trouble and is as happy as a lark when he finds it. No cat is too big, mean or moody for him! As a matter of fact, the more they are perturbed by him the happier he is.;)

Rosco has a thing for certain toys. He loves to play with the feather wand and the cat charmer but when he has had enough of it he will take them from you and hide it. It doesn't matter that there are six or seven other cats playing with them, he's done so off it goes. It is so funny to see him carry these things off to his hiding spots. Because he is so small he has to hold his head way up high and drag the wand behind him. He looks like one of those fancy horses trotting along. Of course while he is trotting off he's dragging parts behind him and that creates a stir all on it's own. He will have three or four cats running behind him jumping on whatever part he is dragging! :D

Now a sleepy Rosco is another story. That is one sweet and loving little boy when he winds down. He wants to be on me no matter where I am. He will climb into my lap and I know that if I have on long sleeves I had better pull them up because he wants to do the Rosco variation of nursing. He wants any part of my arm from the wrist to the elbow and he will start licking, licking, licking, nip, lick, lick and lick some more. His eyes are closed and he is purring while he is doing this so I know its some form of nursing for him. Then he snuggles in and takes a sweet little nap. He can be such a sweet little cuddle bug! Now there are down sides to this. If I'm asleep on my side then he comes and lays on my shoulder, peeps down at my face, and gently paws my eyes until I get my arm out from under the cover! He also loves to be gently rocked so I start slowly rocking back and forth and he goes out like a light! (My cats are not spoiled!)

As ornery as he is everyone seems to love him. All the kitties are tolerant of his obnoxious behavior. He takes his fair share of whacks but it never seems to slow him down. Sometimes I ask him why he keeps on after he has been slapped several times. He will look at me and I just know he is saying "It only hurts for a minute ma, I can take it!" and sure enough he gets it again!

He was such a tiny and skinny little guy when I brought him in. I was so worried about Abigail that I don't think I realized just how scrawny he was too. He was so much bigger than her and so bouncy, but I look back on the pictures and I can really see just how little he was.


He had a dirty scabby little nose and was covered in fleas but he was so darn happy. Thankfully, he tolerated the bath much better than his sister. This picture of him after his bath always cracks me up!


From day one he has been a hoot. He stole hubby's heart with his silly antics and sweet nature. He is a laugh a minute when he is awake and a smile straight from the heart when he is curled up sleeping.







That's the last and final kitty in our house. As of today that is! I can't even imagine life without Rosco. I love you my little sweety!

03-17-2005, 08:12 AM
You have done a remarkable job,with all your Cats,turning them,from shy,scared strays,into such Wonderous,and contented Companions! You,along with Jen,and Jan,and K& L,areOur Heroes,as well as many,that I cant recall,just now.Senior Moment!

03-17-2005, 08:44 AM
Yay for Rowdy Rosco! With that sweet little face, it's no wonder all of your crew loves him! :D

03-17-2005, 09:17 AM
Lisa all of you stories were wonderful. Thanks for sharing all of them with us.

I especially love thispicture of Rosco.

K & L
03-17-2005, 09:20 AM
Boy we sure can't wait to meet all these guys! Well at least the ones that will let us!:)

03-17-2005, 09:39 AM
I'm so sad these stories are over!!! I've thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone. Maybe you should get a few more kitties?!?! ;)

03-17-2005, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by CalliesMom
I'm so sad these stories are over!!! I've thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone. Maybe you should get a few more kitties?!?! ;)

I'm in total agreement here!!

03-17-2005, 11:17 AM
Me too!

03-17-2005, 11:42 AM
I'm in love with Rosco. He reminds me of my Sunny only in a buff color.:) I agree that you need to adopt more kitties so we can continue to enjoy your wonderful stories.:D

Don Juan's mom
03-17-2005, 03:00 PM
I've loved watching Rosco go from scrawny stray to pampered prince! You're a miracle worker.


03-17-2005, 03:43 PM
Wow, seeing him again as a kitten, he really was scrawny! :eek: He's sure matured into one handsome young man though. This picture is just soooo precious. :)
Please give the lil' brat some kisses for me. :)

03-17-2005, 03:51 PM
*heart flutters* ♥ ♥ ♥

What a sweetie pie...his personality (stealing and dragging toys, nursing on your arm, cuddle time, rocking) is JUST like my Pee Pee. *heart flutters, again*

He's so photogenic and you're very good with that camera. The pictures are all so lovely.

He has a wonderful home with you...what a happy, healthy boy.


03-17-2005, 03:59 PM
Poor little Rosco has turned into a good looking young lad.

03-17-2005, 05:24 PM
Another fabulous story Lisa. I remember when you posted that dirty scabby little Rosco nose picture and I was thinking, "Oh he looks like he is going to be a handful."

He has turned into one handsome boy and I just LOVE the color of his eyes.

I hope all these kitties know how lucky they are to have landed up in a very loving and caring home.

I truly enjoyed each and every story of all your crew and I am sad that it has come to an end.

Thank you for sharing your stories of all your gorgeous cats and thank your hubby, even though very reluctant at times, for sticking by you when you needed help with these precious babies.

03-18-2005, 01:14 AM
What a sweetie! :)

03-18-2005, 05:00 AM
That's another WONDERFUL story! I loved the picture of him right after his bath, too!:D Actually, I liked ALL of his pictures. He sure is a handsome little feller!:)

03-18-2005, 05:59 AM
Look at the expression of his eyes in this picture....

And in this picture. Big difference!