View Full Version : New Pictures (and a video)!!

03-16-2005, 08:01 PM
I know I hold out on pictures all the time, but I've been very busy here lately. But over the past couple of days I got busy and took some pictures and videos to share with you all!
I have to say Bon is the worst about getting his picture taken:o I don't think he ever wants to be still for me! He just wants to be right beside me all the time (I think he loves me;))

They were out playing chase yesterday and I got this shot.
I seen something on his face and couldn't figure out what it was till I zoomed in...it's his face jiggling around! So I lightened it so you all cold see it a little better...hilarious isn't it?!

We've been moving things around here and put the computer in the bedroom. Well the carpet is still fairly new so Mark told me "No dogs in the computer room"....
Seems like we don't listen too well:p

Sorry if it seems like I just get pictures of Bon, it just seems to work out that way so I hope you don't mind!
But here's a cutie one of Huney:D
And then one of Roxey howling at me!

a few more in the next post

03-16-2005, 08:11 PM
I just can't belive how much this boy has grown!
I took him to the vets yesterday before our obedience class and he now weighs 117.2 and is almost 8 1/2 months old:eek: Woah Momma is he ever a big boy:D
Here is a picture a couple days after I brought him home...
and here is one from today (I tried to do the same pose in the same spot)...
Just a little differenc in size hu?!
He's such a little handsome man and I can't say enough good things about him. I'm sure glad that my Angus sent him to me:D
And for good measures here's a couple more of the girls!
Huney trotting through the yard
And my blue eyed beauty!
All the rest I took are HERE (http://www.imagestation.com/album/index.html?id=2129419379)
Take a look if you'd like:D
And also here's the video..
They were having such a great time playing chase around the pool!

Hope you enjoyed!

03-16-2005, 08:15 PM
great pictures!!i still cant believe how big Bon is getting:eek: What a handsom hunk:D And i can never get enough of your girls,they're too pretty:)
the Video is adorable!:D

03-16-2005, 08:16 PM
Huney is as beautiful as always! She is so adorable, seems to have the puppy face look down-packed:p

Bon has only grown a couple inches, not that much:pThat picture of him running around in the yard with Roxey is priceless!

And Roxey, your blue-eyed beauty, she is so pretty, always doing picture perfect model! :D I love her markings! She is pretty, so are you Anna! :)

Thanks so much for sharing!

03-16-2005, 08:18 PM
That video was such a joy to watch, I can just imagine what a joy it was to watch them in person. I could watch pups playing all day! I can't believe Bon still lays with frog legs LOL So cute :D.

I really liked this one of Roxey


Thanks for treating us with pictures and the wonderful video Anna!

03-16-2005, 08:18 PM
Nice pics - I love the video- sounds like a herd of horses! Can't wait to see you all at the dogpark!

Ginger's Mom
03-16-2005, 08:50 PM
Those were the first pictures I have seen of your dogs other than those on your sig. Huney is gorgeous. What a very pretty girl. And Bon sure is a big handsome boy. He is not even nine months old and he is 117 pounds? Oh my!
And the video was great :D It was funny I had actually turned away from the computer while it was loading and the noise scared me when it started :D Thanks for sharing.

03-16-2005, 09:38 PM
Those really are great pictures! Those three should really be shown more often!!

03-16-2005, 09:48 PM
There you are!!! Its about time your mommy post some pics of your beautiful furfaces! I always love seeing my nieces and nephew. My goodness you three look like you were enjoying a bit of nice weather. Bon....what can I say about you sweetie. Geesh, you have really grown and I can see that you are turning out to be a fine young man. I feel like I can't call you Baby Bonbon any more. Oh, you'll just have to forgive your Auntie Robin if she slips and says it. No matter how big you get you will always be the baby of the group. Roxey...you are just as stunning as ever. You have the prettiest eyes and the most gorgeous mask ever. I love watching you play and be the big sister. You are so great at it. Huney....You are looking especially radiant. You look so happy out there trotting around. In my eyes you are always the ever gorgeous beauty queen.

I had so much fun watching the video. I played it several times and smiled the whole time. Alden and I were trying to figure out if the noise was the three furkids running or the wind. We just loved watching the pups play. Nothing beats watching the furkids have fun! I feel like it has been way too long since me and Tori have been up to visit and I can't wait to come and watch my girl get in on the action. Tori absolutely loves romping around with her three cousins! ;)

Great big hugs and kisses to all three of you!

Love ya bunches....Aunt Robin :D

P.S....Hey kids! I knew mommy wouldn't be able to keep you out of the new computer room...hehehe. I don't know what her and daddy were thinking. :p

Daisy and Delilah
03-16-2005, 10:07 PM
Thanks for sharing these pics and video Anna. Those 3 are such healthy, happy puppies!! They must be so much fun!! Bon is such a loveable big lug and the girls are raving beauties. Three cutie patooties!!

03-16-2005, 10:10 PM
Oh Anna, what fun they were having in your video! I love watching all 3 of them run like the wind!!!!! :)

They are all just beautiful!!!! :D

03-16-2005, 10:51 PM
Well of course Bon loves his mum!:D Great pics, and loved the vid.

You have been a tad remiss in posting pics of the kids Anna,:D So glad we got these.:D

03-16-2005, 11:28 PM
Yay there's 3 of my favorite doggies! I loved the pics and the video is adorable! I can't believe how big Bon has gotten! :eek: I'm hoping Nebo will be a good boy at your house, sometimes he thinks he's "tough" with male dogs. I think he'll be ok when he realizes Bon is (literally) twice his size! ;)

03-17-2005, 01:06 AM
great pics Anna!!
I love you're trio!! My favorite Southern Ohio trio! ;)

03-17-2005, 03:16 AM
What great pictures!!! Bon's "jiggly" face is just too funny!!!

03-17-2005, 06:54 AM
It's great to see the video of your dogs chasing one another :D
Bon sure is bigger than Hunney and Roxey now, isn't he?
They all grow so quickly....

03-17-2005, 07:31 AM
Great pictures Anna! Roxey's marking are so cool, in the howling picture she looks just like one of those guys in the rock band Kiss with the makeup on their eyes in the shape of stars!:p Or maybe I should say they tried to look like her!!
Bon is HUGE! I love big dogs as you know! Especially when they are young and their feet are so big and clumsy...so cute! And Huney is just the most adorable girl, her face is so sweet...Gosh I remember when she first came into your life Anna....you do a wonderful job with all three of them, giving them love and a happy home...:D

03-17-2005, 10:56 AM
My Bon how you've grown!! :D :eek:

And I love Roxey howling and Huney flashing that tail. :D

The video is so funny. It's as if Huney said, "ha ha! Safe!" when she got under that table. :D

03-17-2005, 11:22 AM
It's about time you posted some pictures! I have missed seeing your crew. They are always so cute!

Dixieland Dancer
03-17-2005, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
I have to say Bon is the worst about getting his picture taken:o I don't think he ever wants to be still for me! He just wants to be right beside me all the time (I think he loves me;))

I think you love him too! It's just something about those boy dogs and the way they love you. Girls are loving too but the boys have that something else that makes them different. I'm sure you know what I mean. ;)

Great pictures and the video was neat too! Thanks for sharing. :D :D :D

03-17-2005, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
I think you love him too! It's just something about those boy dogs and the way they love you. Girls are loving too but the boys have that something else that makes them different. I'm sure you know what I mean. ;)

Candy I read this and now I am sitting here with leaky eyes. Your right, I do love him and love that he lets me love him. I miss Angus so much sometimes and of course Bon will never take his place, but the way he lets me love on him makes the hurt not so bad.

Oh, and today while I was out pooper scooping I got one of Angus's big red balls out of the shed.
Bon was afraid of it when he was small and still isn't sure what to think of it. But my goodness did he ever have a time with me kicking it around:) He's still a little afraid to try and get it, but he does show quite an interest in it. Actually when I let him out just a bit ago I heard him barking. I looked out and yep...he was barking at the ball:D Maybe one of these days he'll get the nerve up to play with it!

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments on my kiddies. I'll try not to hold out so much on you;)

03-17-2005, 05:21 PM
Your pups are adorable! Bon is getting so big! Looks like he's gonna be huge! :D