View Full Version : A few short stories

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-16-2005, 03:47 PM
First of all Peanut. She's such a little cutie pie and seems to be really "coming out of her shell" since CJ arrived - and I didn't even know she was "in her shell!" She seems so playful lately, and I haven't heard a hiss from her in about a week now. The other night we were on the couch watching TV - about 9:30 pm, about bed time. Well, Peanut would come up to the couch and squeak at us. We would pat the couch and say "come on Peanut, come up here." She would look at us and squeak. I'd reach out to get her and she'd run for her box. Next thing you know she's back, squeaking at us. We eventually got her to come up on the couch, but again, when I reached for her she jumped off the couch and ran to her box. We finally realized....she wanted one of us to come play with her in her box! I got the feather on a stick and she went goofy! Then when it was bedtime and CJ got up to come downstairs with us, I swear she wanted to play with him but didn't know how to go about "asking" if he wanted to play. Then yesterday she knew he was under the chair and she went right up to the chair, then turned tail and ran - like she was just taunting him! I'm starting to think she really likes her new brother. :D

Next we have CJ tails. Forgive me if I told this already, they say the mind is the first to go. The other weekend it was a be-u-tee-ful day - about 66 degrees if I remember right - so I decided it's time for CJ's first trip outside. I put Peanut on her rope and let her out - she loved it! Now for Crackers. I finally get a hold of him and put his collar on - he's not too thrilled. I then put him down on the outside step and he bolts right back in the house! I follow and easily catch him since he's on the rope. I carry him outside, talking calmly too him. He's fine until I walk past the door and am fully outside. I can feel him shivering. I'm talking calmly and he's looking scared. I show him Peanut - who is calmly sniffing the catnip pot - and he starts struggling to get down. He has a scared demeanor so I don't want to let him down and have him bolt, so I struggle with him for a minute until I can get him back inside. I let him down and he bolts. Luckily the rope is still on so he doesn't get too far. I take the rope off and go back outside with Peanut. CJ eventually comes ever so tentatively back to the door, but the second I make a move to open it he bolts. Conclusion - I'm not going to push it, if he doesn't want to come out he doesn't have to. I think he will eventually learn to like it, but he's only been here for about 2 1/2 months now, so I'm just going to let him get used to the outside at his own pace. Not too hard to do since it's so freaking cold since then. :rolleyes:

So anyway, they are getting along great. CJ is a little cuddler in the evenings. He won't sit on our laps, but as soon as one of us sits in "the cave" (corner of the pit couch) he immediately comes over and settles down right next to us and stays for most of the evening - even when I'm doing my school work and I keep disturbing him with the movement of the mouse. He's a little love and we think we made the perfect choice. :D

03-16-2005, 03:52 PM
How wonderful, Debbie, that Peanut is bonding with her new brother! I can't wait til the day you post videos of them playing together!:D ;)

Edwina's Secretary
03-16-2005, 03:57 PM
Edwina was like that about going outside when she first came to us. She liked the yard...it was a townhouse and the "yard" was very small and enclosed on all four side. The first time Don took her out into the common area she freaked! Once she got used to it was, of course, another story. She would occasionally jump over the fence...go through the neighbor's yard, jump the fence again to get to the grass.

So...be careful what you ask for, you might get it!

03-16-2005, 04:04 PM
I'm glad to hear our Peanut girl is a happy camper. How cute! I love when they get like that. :)

Don't worry about CJ not liking the outdoors. Hermie, Jonah and the babies HATE it outside. Whenever I open a door, they freak out. :eek:

03-16-2005, 05:09 PM
That is great,that they are getting along,so well.i used to let the Found cats out,until Moose disappeared,for two months,and BoBo,jumped 3 Fences,and was eating,out of the bowl,of a very Large Dog.But he was Cat friendly,so all went well.But,the feeling,of doom,when Moose,was gone,was too much,I never want,that feeling again.

K & L
03-16-2005, 05:36 PM
Debbie is so good to hear how well everything is working out! The little Princess decided to accept her Prince!:D