View Full Version : Couch Scratching Question

03-16-2005, 01:59 AM
...posting in here in case you guys don't check Cat Behavior too often...

OK - we've tried everything - Sticky Paws, spraying that "No-Scratch" spray on the couch, we have cat posts and cardboard scratchers near the couch, etc. Nothing seems to work for one of our cats - Leo - he insists upon scratching the couch - Claudia has done it too, but it's rare for her to do it.

My question is this - is there any substance that we can apply to those corners of the couch that is a scent/taste that cats cannot stand, so I can see if that will deter Leo? Something that won't mess up the couch's color, etc.?

Please let me know if any of you have any ideas. Thanks!

03-16-2005, 02:03 AM
I've heard that cats don't like citrus smells. Maybe you could spray something like that on there?

I was at PetCo today and saw this scratcher thing that you slide next to the couch (there's a metal "foot" you put under the couch to keep it stable) and it deters cats from the couch and entises them towards it instead. I didn't see it on the website though.

Does spraying them with water help at all?

03-16-2005, 02:53 AM
We actually tried putting dried up orange peels under the recliner to deter them from going under there (that worked), and also around the edges to deter them from scratching (that only worked for so long before they ignored it). I'll have to figure out how to maybe adapt that so the citrus smell can be applied to the couch.

Spraying water never really worked for us - they always forgot about it and came back to the couch another time - making a loud noise and raising our voices when they do it only deters them for that time - they come back to it later, especially Leo.

I wonder what that thing is that you're talking about from PetCo. I'll have to look into it sometime. If you find out more about it, let me know. :)

03-16-2005, 07:13 AM
We bought a citris air freshner and sprayed it around the couch every day . . . worked like a charm!

You also HAVE to have scratching posts everywhere! We didn't hardly have anything with Josie and she ripped my couch to shreds. But we had a ton of stuff for Brodie to scratch and he hardly ever goes to the couch!

03-16-2005, 07:51 AM
That reminds me,of the Whats Micheal Comic Strip,where Michaels Guardians,set up Loud Speakers,around thier wicker furniture,to scare Michael off.Of course,it then scared any onewho wanted to sit there! I am,at a loss,as the Cats scratch her,even the Good Lift Chair,that was my Dads,and other,than hiding behind the chair,and yelling BOOOO! I have no suggestions,as The Found Cats,rule this house!


03-16-2005, 07:54 AM
Another thing you can try is spraying catnip on the scratching tree's (positive re-enforcement). I used a combination of that and negative re-enforcement (the Cat-off spray) on my sofa and it worked like a charm.

03-16-2005, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by christa
We bought a citris air freshner and sprayed it around the couch every day . . . worked like a charm!

You also HAVE to have scratching posts everywhere! We didn't hardly have anything with Josie and she ripped my couch to shreds. But we had a ton of stuff for Brodie to scratch and he hardly ever goes to the couch!

I don't know if this helps, but Mina had a fasination with trying to climb the Christmas tree. We sprayed it with a citrus airfreshner and she wouldn't go near it.

03-16-2005, 08:24 AM
What worked for me is wrapping fabric around a long board. I leaned it against a wall. Pouncer and Harry like to stretch out as long as they can, and they prefer the feel of fabric over carpet or sisal.

Here's a picture of it. You can tell its well loved. I have to refabric it again. But better a cheap piece of fabric over a board than my couch :D

K & L
03-16-2005, 08:45 AM
Are you keeping their claws trimmed? This will help a lot!

03-16-2005, 08:54 AM
I have the same problem with 1 of my cats. Out of the 6 of them, Kitten is the only one who scratches the couch. :rolleyes: