View Full Version : How do I stop at one?

03-15-2005, 10:34 PM
We recently adopted (the day before Valentine's Day) our now 5-1/2 month old tri collie. She's absolutely lovely -- very spirited during the day and very affectionate and mellow in the evenings when we hang out together after the kids have been put to bed.

But - I admit - I'm a Petfinder addict now. I check my local shelters & rescues and have a few favorite doggies I keep my eye on. On the one hand, I hope they'll be adopted so they'll have loving homes like my Bijou, but I also hope they'll still be there the next time I look because I want them for myself too! I really enjoy researching websites for tips on teaching my pup good manners, and I also love learning about other breeds (besides collies, of course!) that would be compatible with my family...

My husband says five children, one cat and one dog are plenty. He's content and then some with our household. But I have a few dogs that I would adopt in a heartbeat if I could...

How do you stop at one...or better yet, how do you manage to adopt more than one and make it work?!

Our funny jewel.

03-15-2005, 10:47 PM
What an absolute cutie you have there- I think you should definitly adopt another just like her!
We just made a committment today to keeping a third siberian - so I guess I don't have any advice on how to stop at one-- (it's the potato chip syndrome), but it just depends on your situation. Siberians have a very strong pack drive, and that breed is best kept in multiples. But you have a "pack" of kids! (no disrespect intended:) ) Maybe you need a couple herding dogs? She really is beautiful!

03-15-2005, 11:15 PM
She's a gorgeous pup.:) Carole got around me by saying that Oggy needed some company, so I relented. (I'm glad I did.:D ) She is now working away at me for a third, which no doubt she will eventually win.:D

03-15-2005, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by tricollie4me
How do you stop at one...

Easy! You don't! LOL

Seriously though I think generally it is best to wait until your pup is full grown and trained to how you like. That way the new dog won't learn any of your pup's bad habits only good behaviours (in theory of course).

I personally like to space dogs out by at least 2 years in age. :)

03-15-2005, 11:19 PM
How do you stop at one? Ummm, I don't know! ( I have a recent addition that hasn't yet made it to my signature).

By the way, Bijou is really cute.

03-15-2005, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Oggyflute
She is now working away at me for a third, which no doubt she will eventually win.:D

I'm sure I'm not the only person here who will forward to that!!

03-15-2005, 11:21 PM
That evil petfinder . I can't tell you how to stop at one I have 2newfys and a springer . I keep looking at Boxers or Great danes. Thankfully they are too far to go. But hubby did drive to Idaho for the last newf that he picked out.

03-15-2005, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by schteve_d
I'm sure I'm not the only person here who will forward to that!!

Oops, meant "look" forward to that!

03-15-2005, 11:27 PM
He he.. like others have said, you don't! ;) I'm pretty sure I'll always have at least two dogs.

I agree with Shelteez2, though. If you do decide to bring another one in, I'd wait until Bijou is full grown and well trained. Dealing with two puppies can be pretty tiring and hectic.

How's Bijou's puppy stage going? ;) He's a cutie! I've found that Collies generally have a more "mellow" stage then most breeds.