View Full Version : We have a new baby elephant

11-28-2001, 11:34 AM
Well, not me personally, although that probably wouldn't surprise a lot of you :rolleyes: but at the National Zoo in Washington DC :cool: To see pictures go to www.washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com) then click on Metro. Under MoreNews the article starts "Months of Worry..." There is a photo gallery. Is there anything cuter than this little boy? What a doll. Can't wait to go see him, maybe this weekend :D :D Yea us!!

[ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: lbaker ]

[ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: lbaker ]

11-28-2001, 12:13 PM
OOOOH what a darling little, big baby :D I share in your excitement - around this time last year our little polar bears were born here at the Hogle Zoo. Couldn't have been more excited than if I had given birth to them myself (not really :D :D )

11-28-2001, 12:24 PM
Laurie! That title will grab some attention, for sure!!! :D I knew you had lots of pets at your house...... :D

Thanks for sharing the link. What a special new birth that is. :)

11-29-2001, 08:04 AM
I found this link with several photos of the new baby and his mama. They are just priceless, and I am SO envious of you getting to see him in person!!!
:D http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/photo/metro/G23195-2001Nov27.html

Have fun and report in, please!!! :)

[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Logan ]

11-29-2001, 08:40 AM
LOOK at that baby!!! SOOOOOOOO adorable!

[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

11-29-2001, 11:39 AM
I have to admit that the heading got me!
First thing I thought, was WHAT has she taken in now.

I saw that special new guy on television last night. He is so adorable. If you visit him, be sure to tell us about it.

Daisy's Mom
11-29-2001, 09:42 PM
What a cutie!!! I wish I could have an elephant :) LOL

11-30-2001, 05:47 AM
Come on Gini.. is my rep that outrageous :o Well, maybe deservedly so ;)I'll be visiting my new baby this weekend and will tell all y'all about it :D Into every life some good will fall :p

11-30-2001, 09:08 AM
No, your reputation isn't that outrageous at all. It's just that if that new little baby needed a home, your soft heart would find a place for him.

I am not sure about this, but I have heard that elephants are very good luck. This little guy is somewhat of a miracle.

12-01-2001, 11:57 AM
OHBOYOHBOY :D :D I just met my boy and he is an angel :) He has the most beautiful little smile on his face and I swear I could almost hear him giggle. His mama is soooo proud. For those that may not know..the National Zoo in DC is free...part of the Smithsonian..and all museums and art galleries [and zoo] are free, after all...we are the Nation's Capitol.. sorry, just had to brag :o But this little angel boy is soooo dear it made my eyes leak. Come visit...he is sooo funny and happy and so am I today :D :D