View Full Version : Giving Kitty pills?

03-14-2005, 06:55 AM
I think this must have been addressed here before, but I have not found the information. My friend has a cat who NEEDS antibiotic pills, but they are having real trouble getting them in. They have tried crushing the pills and putting them in food, but kitty won't eat them. Dogs are easy -- just a little cheese and they love their pill.

Please help! Thank you.

03-14-2005, 07:17 AM

03-14-2005, 09:38 AM
My tried and true method of giving pills is as follows...........

sit on the floor, because when you put your feet flat and knees up, there is a perfect "V" in which to cradle kitty.

Put kitty on its back laying across your lap.

Have pill in your favored hand, and your other hand on top of kittie's head.

Move the hand off the head and to the side of the mouth to pry open. Stick thumb or finger right behind the canine tooth and the mouth should open. Top of head should go back.

Drop or place pill in VERY BACK of throat. Close mouth.

With practice, you will almost never miss.

smokey the elder
03-14-2005, 10:38 AM
I use this technique:

I kneel on the ground and pin the cat between my knees. This frees up both hands. With the left I open the mouth, the right pops the pill down the hatch. I close the cat's mouth, rub the throat and blow on the nose until he swallows. Then the reward comes.:)

03-14-2005, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
I use this technique:

I kneel on the ground and pin the cat between my knees. This frees up both hands. With the left I open the mouth, the right pops the pill down the hatch. I close the cat's mouth, rub the throat and blow on the nose until he swallows. Then the reward comes.:)

I use that method also :)
I got a pill plunger thingy from the vet, I find half time it's easier to use my hand.

03-14-2005, 07:18 PM
Thank you for the replies, I sent them on to my friend. Her kitty had a blockage in her bladder. She does not like her antibiotics. I hope this information helps get the pills into the kitty!

03-14-2005, 11:34 PM
I am no help because if I had to pill either of my cats, I'd be in BIG trouble!!! Best of luck to your friend and her kitty.

04-05-2005, 09:16 AM
I Just recently have been having to give Jaxon pills...he is so firsty adn hates it! So I wrap him in a towel, coat the pill in butter (per the vets instruction) and slide it down with a shot of water from a syringe. If I'm lucky he gets it down the first shot but normally this whole process will take about 20 minutes...UGH!