View Full Version : Moving Katie to are new home…

03-13-2005, 08:20 PM
My fiancé and I will be moving to a new home soon (2 hours away) and we're concerned about moving Katie, as well as her getting used to are new home. She is very skiddish about everything-new people, new places. I want to find a way to move Katie and get her used to are new house in the least traumatic way possible. Any ideas?

03-13-2005, 09:09 PM
We've moved the cats to several new places since we've had them. In Tucson, they lived in two different apartments and then moved cross country with us to Alabama. We found it was best to keep them in the bathroom for a few days with food and litter to decrease any stress they might have. Mine adapt quickly to change but it does take them a few days to explore all the house. I hope everything goes well!

03-13-2005, 09:28 PM
i've moved a few times with my cats and it would be my suggestion to either put them in a room where you will not be entering frequently, keep doors closed, if you have carriers for them allow them to stay in those with doors open(of the carrier)...keep them isolated during move because they are already stressed , add noise of move, people coming and going...keep water and food in room preferably with familair bowls and blankets with their smell on them...or what, i did was went with cats a day early and allowed them to investigate place with no one else around, but if you do this, MAKE sure you shut doors to attic and basement and any other rooms that they could hide where you wont find them...hope this helps....GL!!!!!!!....there gonna be scared and want to hide....:) :)

03-13-2005, 10:12 PM
When we bought and moved to our house from an apartment, we took RB Butterscotch to the house to get aquainted. That was a bad move he ran upstairs and shook. So we only stayed like 5 mins tops and went back to apartment.
Moving day we kept him in one of bedrooms until the last load. In carrier he went and over to the house. We put carrier out on front porch so he could see us. After unloading which was under 2 hrs. I opened the carrier door and he didnt want to leave because he was to cozy. :) Couple mins later he came out and walked around saw familar things and was just fine.

RB Butterscotch always had to see what was going on even when we've had work done on the house. Bathroom remodel I put him in carrier in livingroom so he could see what was going on. We had a new back door put on he had to be in kitchen in his carrier to see what was going on.

03-14-2005, 07:12 PM
Thank you for your advice! :)