View Full Version : I think we have competition here!!!

03-13-2005, 05:20 PM
I had posted this in my other thread, "My Sweet Poppy."

We are in the middle of painting, so my pictures and knick knacks had to be removed from the shelf and Poppy took it upon himself that I did this just for him. LOL. He's been up there every day since.
You know what this means eh! I have to make the decision of, "Do I put the original stuff back up there, OR, keep my Poppy as my computer buddy."

I think we all know the answer to that.

Of course I had to make it more comfortable for him.


More in next post. :D

03-13-2005, 05:24 PM
Here's where the competition comes in.
No sooner had Poppy jumped down, Sades took his spot.


Don't even THINK of getting me down.

Poor Poppy went to go back up there, but he wasn't to happy to see Sades there.
*Sigh* I guess after the painting, I will have to think about putting up another shelf.

03-13-2005, 05:33 PM
Great pictures.:) I agree that you must leave the shelf bare so that your furkids can use it as a bed. It must be a great spot since Poppy and Sades are already fighting over it. LOL:) You really do need two shelves.

03-13-2005, 05:45 PM
aww! Poor Poppy was there first!! On the shelf anyway:rolleyes: Sades has been in the house much longer so guess he gets more clout - eh??

Tracey is right - might need more shelves??

I really LOVE that shelf right above the monitor like that. I wish I had onne since the babies are always getting on top of the monitor - but because I have it slanted/tipped - they don't stay long. How nice to sit at the computer and be able to look at a sweet kitty!!

Maybe hubby will build me one. I will have to submit my work order;)

03-13-2005, 05:47 PM
How adorable!

03-13-2005, 06:42 PM
:D :D :D I had a similar problem last year with the shelf over the radiator. I kept having two boys fighting for space on the shelf, and knocking everything down. I ended up upholstering the entire shelf and its a favorite spot where two kitties can stretch out!

03-13-2005, 06:48 PM
I think it's time for "bunk shelves" (like bunk beds lol)! One for each cat, and one on top of another! And maybe a ladder to make it easier for them to get to the higher shelves. :confused: :D

03-13-2005, 06:55 PM
Yeah! Poppy and Sades in one post!!! You sure have gorgeous kitties at your house.:D

I does look like two shelves are called for. I don't want my little Poppy to not have his comfy spot.

03-13-2005, 07:36 PM
That happens,at the found Cat Hotel,all the time,where one Cat,will sleep,in a certain spot,then everyone wants,to sleep there.You can see it,in the number,of Cats,who sleep,in that wagon wheel bed.I am getting another Cat Bed,maybe.Even,the tent,is getting used.Noone touched it ,until Ragnar,started sleeping in there,on a regular basis.

Summer Magic
03-13-2005, 08:11 PM
Sure looks like it's a two shelf kind of situation to me too! Or there could be WAR!

03-14-2005, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I think it's time for "bunk shelves" (like bunk beds lol)! One for each cat, and one on top of another! And maybe a ladder to make it easier for them to get to the higher shelves. :confused: :D

Jan came up with the same suggestion I was going to offer. Of course, I was going to say double shelves but I love the way Jan put it! Bunk Beds!!! LOL!!!:D :D :D

Poppy and Sades, you two are both such stunning kitties and I know I sure would like to work on the computer and look at either one of you! Of course "bunk beds" and looking at you both at the same time would really be a treat!!:D