View Full Version : Pet of the Day will be Down

11-21-2001, 02:45 PM
Our ISP has told us the Pet of the Day website is going to be down tonight starting at 10 pm and will be back up tomorrow morning. We don't have much real confidnce in them, so if there is a problem, you can go to: to see the pets and get further information.

The Pet Talk bulletin board will not work from there, if it did it would mess everything up. So please copy and paste that URL somewhere, and we hope you are all going to have a wonderful holiday with your families and furred and feather and scaled friends!

11-21-2001, 04:00 PM
Oh My! Withdrawal is setting in! :eek:

11-21-2001, 06:50 PM
This is awful!!! Are you SURE it will be back on in the morning? Tonight might be a good night to get some sleep :D :p :D

11-21-2001, 08:04 PM
We sure hope it'll be back in the morning. Our ISP is moving their physical location, closing a branch office where our machine is located, so they are shutting it down tonight, and starting back up tomorrow morning, presumably. Everyone sleep well, eat well tomorrow, and we'll keep you posted! :)

Happy Thanksgiving again!

11-21-2001, 08:49 PM
They're moving the ISP servers!? :eek: Hope they've got a map of where they're going ;).

Hope we get to 'see' everyone tomorrow...

And Have a Happy :) Thanksgiving! :D

11-22-2001, 09:17 AM
Everyone knows what a computer genius I am,Ha but when I click on those numbers the only thing that comes up is a black background with PetTalk in red on it. Is that right?

11-22-2001, 10:21 AM
That's what I got too, Jackie. Fortunately, we don't have to worry about that any more. Yea!

11-22-2001, 10:40 AM
But if you can post here, that means we didn't have to use the back-up emergency server! All is well, the Thanksgiving Pets are now up, and we hope you all have a wonderful holiday! :)

11-22-2001, 11:45 AM
Maybe a break is OK for a bit but not for long I hope. I am totally computer illiterit (sp? :confused: I just want you all (all yall) :D to know that I just buttered my turkey and of course put my hands down for my pals to lick my fingers....why waste good butter :D I am so glad I'm doing this today and Dog bless you all :D :D
Jackie, I think I'm OK with today (that's for everyone in the San Diego area...I miss it too
:cool: :cool:

[ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: lbaker ]

11-22-2001, 02:17 PM
Chuck, now you have done it. Everytime I log onto Pet of the Day, I will hear Robin Williams voice.

I adore his humor!

11-23-2001, 10:16 AM
...and I adore all of you and am glad things are back to normal - NORMAL :eek: :D Hope everyone had a calm, peaceful day and thanks to all my "family" ;)

11-23-2001, 11:38 AM
zippy's response to the nov., 20-21 'tragedy'---

"At first I was afraid I was petrified-
I kept thinking I could never live without you on my screen-
But then I dialed up and those furry faces appeared-
I grew strong-
I learned how to get along-

PetTalk will survive!"

11-23-2001, 06:20 PM
So THATS where you were!! :( :(

11-23-2001, 07:49 PM
And now We're All BACK!

Hope all the Turkee made up for the Pet Talk withdrawal pains :eek: we all suffered from! :D