View Full Version : thank yas again

03-13-2005, 01:03 PM
im not sure on the different colour types or breeds
i have 1 female black hooded, 1 half an half cinamonish back and white belly, roland has a black stripe from his forehead to his tail, and toffee plus his babies are a sort of gingery/cinnamon and white patches, with the exception of a couple of his young having paler grey and the runt which has the fur problem is a white and grey half/half and there all gorgeous LOL.... and i understand ur reason for quarantine but i have never had any problms with rats bought reputable petshops infact one pet shop in the UK petsmart has an instore vet who gives the animal a check up when u purchase it. mayb i've just been lucky but any animals i have breed in the past have never been affected by a store bought pet aquired at later dates...... i go alot on my experience with gerbils and the likes although different they are all more or less the same.............

and can any of u tell me how i put pictures of my rats on here as i have them on the camera ready to go....

03-13-2005, 01:25 PM
There are many picture sites that can help you figure out the colours of your rats. Did you breed your rats? :confused: