View Full Version : Making dogs beds

03-12-2005, 04:00 PM
Does anyone here make their own dog beds, and can give me some tips? I'm making different dog things for the Farmer's and Crafter's Market in May, and dog beds are one of the things I'm making. If anyone has any special tips, please tell me! :)

03-12-2005, 05:02 PM
I don't. I know some cat people make cat beds. They still might have some tips for you that might apply to any beds.

03-13-2005, 09:17 AM
My sister makes her own dog beds, I've even bought all the material for a bed but have not made it yet!:o

Go to a fabric store and buy the fabric, the amount of fabric depends on the size of dog bed you are going to make.

You can always have someone at the store help you figure out how much you'll need. You'll also have to buy a long enough strip of velcro to close the end. (or a zipper if you are good at sewing)
The velcro or zipper are needed if you want to be able to take the cover off and wash it alone.
Also you'll need the filling, you can get stuff from a pet store, or you can buy Polly-fill at the fabric store. My sister uses two bags of polly fill for her bed for her husky.
(She throws the entire bed in the washer, polly-fill and all, so she didn't have to use velcro or a zipper.)

Take the fabric, and once you've deceided how big if a bed you want to make, turn it inside out, sew up open edges, leaving one open so you can sew in the velcro. Turn it right side out, fill with polly-fill, or what ever you are using (I think I am going to use an old blanket or two) Close the velcro, and you're done!

03-13-2005, 09:34 AM
I have seen dog beds that look like a couch,, but you unfold the cushion and it looks like a fold out bed,, VERY neat!!!!

03-13-2005, 11:48 AM
My mom bought my dogs a doggie sleeping bag. Charlie and Buster both love it as they love to be in blankets. I bet they would be really easy to make. It's just like a regular sleeping bag only smaller. I bet they'd be popular with Chihuahuas, min pins, dachshunds and other dogs who like blankets.

I think I have a picture of it on my other computer, I'll have to check later.

03-13-2005, 12:10 PM
Thanks everyone! :)

Val, I'll ask the cat side. :)

Suki Wingy
03-13-2005, 02:35 PM
I make beds. I just go to the fabric store and buy some foam. Then I sew some cheap fabric on it. If (like the second one I made) I want a back, then I get a smaller piece and do the same thing. Then I sew/hotglue the back onto the main part. Last, I cover it all with good, soft fabric. I have made two so far.