View Full Version : More thawing of my Ice Princess...

03-12-2005, 01:57 PM
YES! She is thawing. I consulted with a behaviorist that Melissa (doolittleky) told me about and got some specific advice that I have been following - and it is working!!!
LOOK!! I was reading and Lizzie came up to me and plopped on my book! The others do this for attention but now Lizzie:)
Here is another. She really did not like me petting her but I could not resist!! She stayed a few minutes and then left after this but it is still great!!!
<BIG SIGH> My beautiful girl!! Someday - maybe a snuggle buddy?? She really DOES seem to crave love but just is leery still. I will win her over!!

03-12-2005, 02:11 PM
Her eyes are absolutely AMAZING!!! I've never seen eyes so pretty except on her Mama. I really hope she comes to enjoy lovings.

03-12-2005, 02:39 PM
I can't believe how fast she's coming around! Amazing! Wish Josie's iced over personality had only lasted a few months! :rolleyes: It was more like a year for her! She must have been frozen solid!

Whatever you're doing, keep it up! You'll have a Lap Lizzie before long!

03-12-2005, 02:43 PM
Come on Lizzie, you KNOW you wanna love meowmie the way she's dying to be loved!

I'm thrilled to see the work you're doing is paying off. I hope she breaks through and melts completely! :)

03-12-2005, 03:03 PM
That's really sweet that she's loving you and her family now so much.:D It just took her a while to get to know you;)

03-12-2005, 03:33 PM
Awwwwwe! What a beautiful girl she is! Are you sure she was being sweet or trying to be a pain and block your book?;) :D LOL!

Did you really consult a behaviourist? Did I miss something? What did she suggest for you to do?

03-12-2005, 03:53 PM
Lisa - the behaviorist is on a forum. It is at ivillage.com and the forum is an informational one called "Think Like A Cat". The behaviorist is Pam Johnson-Bennett. It took several days for her to respond - but she wrote me a long answer all about Lizzie and it was full of suggestions. Some were making sure *I* do the feeding and no free feeding so she associates me with food. I now approach and pet her while she eats....one on one play time with her.....plenty of scratching posts in different places in the house....multiple perches/cat trees at different locations....Feliway (I did not buy it $42 a diffuser at PetsMart!!)....clicker followed by a treat to use with good behaviors....at least one catbox away from the rest of them.....distraction when she gets aggressive....refusing to play if she bites or uses claws...isolation and reintroduction as needed. I have been doing all of these things except the Feliway. I also am not good about the clicker because it is not always near where I am and I forget to keep it in my pocket - but I have been using it:) Also - Dennis had a good idea and I am doing this too - get down on all fours at her level and meow and talk to her!! Weird but she LOVES this!!:D She actually comes up and touches my nose with hers when I do this.

The behaviorist seemed to think that the others (especially surrogate mama Emily) hissing at her when she returned from her spay was particularly upsetting. She called the staring at me that Lizzie does "staus-related aggression" but really did not explain.

03-12-2005, 04:25 PM
Well I don't know how I missed this behaviourist thing unless it happened during my "hell week" of work.

Very interesting stuff and it must be working! How Cool!

My personal opinion about the "down on all fours and meowing" thing is that when she comes to you she is checking for leaks because she thinks you surely must have cracked!!!:p :D :D ;) :D

03-12-2005, 05:06 PM
Here's the cheapest place to get Feliway, just in case.


Glad she is coming along so fast.

I believe in the being hissed at after the spay thing. Very upsetting.

I'd like to know more about the 'status-related aggression'.

I was always taught to 'stare down' a cat, and make them look away first, to assert your dominance. But, boy, I bet that can really 'piss' them off too.

When playing with a cat that tends to bite or claw, I always make sure I get the last 'lick' (pet or kiss) in, and I decide when we are done playing.

Yeah, I go away bleeding sometimes, but I win.

03-12-2005, 05:32 PM
Wow, that is all happening fast. I'm impressed. I'm glad the behavioralist was able to help.

I've gotten Feliway from some online places much cheaper than Petsmart too. In fact it's time to order some refills, especially since Ripley has the bladder infection and has sprayed a few times, or at least has threatened to.

I'm so happy for you about Lizzie. I hope she continues to become more friendly.

03-12-2005, 06:05 PM
If you give a Cat,Love,Tlc,and patience,you can turn any Cat,at all,into a loving Companion.Precious,was terrified,of me,as was Rocca,and John,and now,after only 3 Years,they are my Friends!

03-12-2005, 09:26 PM
That smile on your face Debbie while petting Lizzie is PRICELESS.

I'm so happy to hear that she is melting even more.

Keep up the good work and I believe that you will win her over. :)

03-12-2005, 11:30 PM
Yea for sweet lil Lizzie!!!
Keep up the good work Debbie!