View Full Version : I need some help with summer plans...

03-12-2005, 11:27 AM
Okay, Lillycat, Jonah and I are travelling to the shore this summer-YIPPEE! Jonah will be 10 months old at the time. I think I will end up carrying him on my lap on the plane, as I don't think he would sit in the carseat. Plus, I want the ability to nurse him during takeoffs and landings, so, he would be in my lap then, anyhow- the most dangerous part of the flight, statistically speaking.

But, since we will rent a car, I still need to bring his carseat. And his pack n' play. And his stroller. Oh, plus his 1000 pounds of necessary items. And, my stuff, and Lillycat's stuff. As you can imagine, this is a HUGE undertaking.

I thought maybe we could just stop off and buy a pack n'play, they retail under USD $100. But, that still leaves a bunch of junk. Do I also buy a stroller? I don't like umbrella strollers. They aren't safe for the baby- IMO, and they don't glide very well at all. Since we will be at the shore, I would like the opportunity to push him in the hard sand, as well as on the boardwalk, without having my hands vibrate off.

Anyone fly with young children? Anyone have any ideas? Wouldn't it be great to find a re-sale shop in the area? Any thoughts?

Ready for Summer,

03-12-2005, 11:31 AM
I wish I could help! However, I have no experience.. yet, thank gosh! :p

I hope you find a plan.. and take LOTS OF PICTURES of the fun! :p

03-12-2005, 11:33 AM
Shoot, I used to be a nanny for a family and I flew with them and young kids a lot. The dad was a pilot though so we were able to haul anything we wanted on the plane, as it was just us flying. Wish I could help with advice, but I just don't know. I do have two cousins that have travelled a lot with young children (one cousin has 3 kids under 4 yrs old right now :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: ). I'll ask them if they have any advice.

03-12-2005, 11:33 AM
That's okay, Kay. I know you would help if you could! Maybe the trio could be hooked up to an umbrella stroller. Then I would have no problem manuevering, would I? Or, would I? LOL.

03-12-2005, 11:34 AM
lol Viel Glück ;)

try UPS! have all that junk sent to your hotel, or another ups location to pick it up when you arrive.

03-12-2005, 11:35 AM
I think you should just give up on the shore and come to Az to visit me and your sister. :D

03-12-2005, 11:36 AM
Danke (I think).

Yeah, I thought of UPS...then I could ship all my stuff, minus the car seat, since I need that when we get off the plane, for the rental car. I will have to investigate the costs of UPSing the stuff, vs buying the stuff. I do like my stroller....

03-12-2005, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I think you should just give up on the shore and come to Az to visit me and your sister. :D

Laura, that is in the plans. I might do that this spring. I will definetely be letting you know!

03-12-2005, 11:40 AM
We have plenty of shore up here btw ;D

lol I don't know anything either, but I hope you figure it out ^^

03-12-2005, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by slleipnir
We have plenty of shore up here btw ;D

lol I don't know anything either, but I hope you figure it out ^^

Think WARM, Aud, think WARM!!! :D

03-12-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Think WARM, Aud, think WARM!!! :D

Hey, it is warm here in the summer :rolleyes:

03-12-2005, 12:13 PM
I do not have any children, but have travelled many times with friends that have them. They have always brought the stroller with them and the flight attendant would store it somewhere in the cabin (probably the back) during the flight. Call the airlines and check on that as an option for Jonah's stroller.

Can you box up the car seat and check it in as luggage? I am not sure what your weight allowance is. Hpw long will you be there? If you are allowed one piece of lauggae each, how about you and Lillycat combine your stuff in one suitcase and then check in the car seat as another piece of luggage. Another solution is boxing the seat up and checking it as excess luggage. Depending on the airline, you will have to either pay a flat fee for one addition piece of luggage or a rate per pound. It maybe cheaper and more effecient than UPS that way. Again, call the airlines and find out.

Hope that helped!

03-12-2005, 12:54 PM
Can you rent a car seat where you are going? Maybe you should check into that possibility. I've known friends/family to do that before. I'll have to find out where they rented them, though, if something like that would help you out.

Otherwise there are strollers that have the car seat built right into them. You can use it as a stroller OR a car seat with a few minor adjustments.

When I traveled (14-16 years ago) with my son when he was a baby, we just checked the car seat and the stroller both with the luggage. They didn't have any problem doing it that way.

Let me know if you would like me to look into this rental car seat idea. I know it's been done around here before......

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-12-2005, 01:06 PM
Re the pram or stroller - most airlines will allow you to keep it with you until you board, at which point the cabin attendant will arrange for it to be placed in the hold, and returned to you upon landing. (This should NOT count towards your luggage allowance - check with your carrier). Mums with little kids are usually given additional cabin baggage allowance to provide for a nappy bag etc,

I am not sure re taking a "pack and play" - is that like a play pen? If the ailine will not give you extra luggage allowance, you could look at buying one and the donating it to a childrens home or hospital - I suppose it depends on how much you will use it, and how badly you need one.

My SIL has one of these (http://store.babycenter.com/product/safety_babycare/bathing/tubs/3779) for travelling - she uses it as a bath, and also to sit the baby in with a few toys on the lounge floor. It's inflatable so it takes up very little room.

Re seating / takeoff etc: Bulkhead seats have attachment points for "cots"supplied by the airline, however these are not always available on short-haul flights, and have to be stowed for take-off and landing. A "loop"seatbelt which goes through your belt and around the baby is provided for when the baby is on your lap. Another option for in-flight is one of those baby carriers that you strap onto yourself. It will keep him safe in your lap and free your hands up. (Could also be useful later for the trips to the beach, but make sure he is used to it a few times before you leave for the trip).[See here (http://store.babycenter.com/product/gear/carriers_backpacks_slings/carriers/5046) . Babycenter.com has loads of different models.

If there are multiple flights to the same destination, try to find out which one is the least full - they sill be less sticky about your luggage allowance if the plane is emptier. Book your seat WAY in advance to make sure you get the bulkhead seat.

For during the flight, (and travelling in general) start saving up the "sample size"products so you are not carrying huge bottles of shampoo, talc etc.

Some rental companies provide car seats for a nominal additional fee, so you may not have to take yours. Your carrier will take it as luggage - but be aware that it can get a bit "roughed up" if it is checked with the bags - wrap it in a tarp with a couple of elastci Boungie cords to protect it.

Disposable bibs are a LIFESAVER when travelling.

I have travelled quite a lot with young kids, so PM me if you have any other questions.

03-12-2005, 01:09 PM
I know that Hertz rentals have car seats to rent when you rent a car. Iused to work for them. Just tell them the size and age of the child and it will be there when you pick up the car. We were at the airport and if you tie up the stroller so it doesn't open you can put it in the check lugage. It would be best to attach it to some lugauge or it could be lost. I don't know what kind you have but for traveling the small umbrella ones are the easiest and best. I took my kids every where in mine.

03-12-2005, 01:30 PM
You're going to the 'shore'? :eek: WHICH shore? :p West coast, East coast....where? LOL! I would love to help too if I could, but of course I know nothing in the baby department. This is one thing only the mommies can help on. ;) One thing though...if you're coming to the West Coast, it will most likely be very windy at the ocean....even in the summer. Of course there are warm beaches around here too, but everytime I go to the beach in the summer, it is windy, and sometimes even cold. That might be something you'd want to prepare for, just in case, with a baby.

Be sure to take pictures for all of us. I know you'll have fun. The 'shore' is ALWAYS fun! Wish I could help more!