View Full Version : Tigger & Emma Pictures!! *13*

03-12-2005, 09:34 AM
Well first there are some updates!!

They both play alot, chasing each other, or just watching each other play.

Yesterday morning I was late for school because when I woke up I seen Tigger in my room playing like a kitten, hitting something back and forth with his paws and didn't want to disturb him ;)

Emma smacks him sometimes, alot lately, twice yesterday, and my mom said that on Thursday when I was at school, she had him cornered and was smacking him and hissing, and he had no choice but to smack back, but missed her.

So, no snuggling yet!!

Also Emma is out around the house more often, my bedroom door is always open, at night I have it closed but not all the way and she can get in and out.

This morning when I got up she was laying by the stove, what kitty could resist all that heat?? I think now that she's discovered that heat, she'll spend alot more time there!

Okay, on to the pictures!

Here is Miss. Emma this morning, by the stove:

The rest of these are from last night.

Handsome boy, sleeping:

Until I woke up him...;)


Look how low to the ground he is!!


Emma smacked him, yet again, right after this picture:

More Comming!

03-12-2005, 09:36 AM
Here are a few of my beautiful little girl!



LOL Look how BIG his tail is!!

Sweet boy:

Sleepy girl!

Hope you enjoyed :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-12-2005, 09:38 AM
One word: WOW!!!!!!!

These pics made me almost speechless. Your cats are fantastic!! More pics are welcome ;) :)

03-12-2005, 10:12 AM
Such gorgeous pictures! Emma is so beautiful, and Tigger is very handsome.

Is Tigger still weighing in at 22 lbs? He certainly is a big fellow!

Yeap, Lut is right more picture are most welcome!


03-12-2005, 10:21 AM
Emma and Tigger are so gorgeous! I love your yawning girl:)

03-12-2005, 10:49 AM
Your cats are adorable. :D

03-12-2005, 11:28 AM
Great pics! I especially love the ones of Emma in black & white! It's good to see that they're at least acknowledging each other! Josie smacked Brodie around for a few weeks before they became civil . . . maybe it's a good sign and it's just going to take Tigger & Emma a little longer. ;)

03-12-2005, 12:43 PM
Thanks all :D

Originally posted by trayi52
Is Tigger still weighing in at 22 lbs? He certainly is a big fellow!

Actually, since Emma came along he's been playing more and running a bit, and last month he weighed in at about 18 pounds :D

03-12-2005, 12:53 PM
You're cats are both gorgeous! :D

03-12-2005, 01:45 PM
It's kind of funny that a 6 lb. petite kitty is beating up on a 22 lb. kitty. :D Your pictures are always so wonderful and I love your kitties to pieces.

03-12-2005, 01:51 PM
You always post the prettiest pictures!! Tigger and Emma are terrific models too:D

You know - all this smacking is not such a bad thing, really. As long as there is no furr flying and no bloodshed - it is probably something they will just have to get past - before they become friends! I really think they WILL be buddies in time:) Maybe not snuggle kitties - but friends! We still have smacking here - Dylan is the main..ahem...smacker. Robbie does his share also - and yet the next minute I will see them grooming each other:rolleyes:

03-12-2005, 03:23 PM
LOL!!! So they are interacting more?!:p ;) :D You remember when we were all in second and third grade that when you smacked a boy it meant you liked him....a lot! Maybe that is what Emma is saying?:D

Great pictures Robyn! I loved each and every one of them. Your babies are too cute! I love the picture of Tigger in his sleepy stretch and Ms. Emma soaking up some heat. They are too adorable. Belly rubs and kissies from me!!

03-12-2005, 06:13 PM
Great pictures of your two gorgeous kitties. I just can't get over how beautiful Emma is. Her markings and her eyes are always stunning.

The smacking sounds a lot like Scout and Ripley. She tries to boss him around and smacks at him a lot. If he ever stands his ground she will leave him alone. Isn't it strange to see a petite girl bossing a big male cat around.

03-12-2005, 08:02 PM
Emma sure is a feisty little girl. Poor Tiger!:D
I think that he enjoys her company despite all the smacking.
Don’t you just love it when they play?
Great pictures! They are both gorgeous.

03-12-2005, 09:50 PM
Awwww, those are just love taps that Emma is giving Tigger.;)

Gosh Emma is such a gorgeous girl and Tigger is soooo handsome.

Great pictures and I always look forward to seeing your two beauties.