View Full Version : Annual Vaccinations

03-11-2005, 01:45 PM
Here is a cross-post. I completely agree with this legislation. I feel that annual shots are not nessecary, and that they are dangerous. While I feel that the first vaccinations are important, after that, once a year just isn't nessecary. Once every five years just for piece of mind would make me feel much better. I definatly hope the bill passes, and I hope that this will soon come up to Canada.

Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 9:31 AM >Subject: [GTOTCGoodDog] LD429 Pet Vaccine Legislation I received an e-mail that only affects the State of Maine at the moment, but I thought that it would be worthwhile read no matter what state one lives in since it has to do with the health of our dogs. Important vaccine legislation is pending in Maine which is the FIRST IN THE NATION and will require veterinarians to provide vaccine disclosure forms to pet owners BEFORE they vaccinate their animals. The bill, LD 429, An Act to Require Veterinarians to Provide Vaccine Disclosure Forms (http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/billtexts/LD042901-1.asp) has been introduced on my behalf by Representative Peter Rines of Wiscasset and has been vigorously opposed by the Maine Veterinary Medical Association and its members at the public hearing on Thursday, February 28th.

If this legislation passes, it is only a matter of time before other states follow suit. Already pet owners in CT, PA, FL, NV, MO, MN and TX have contacted me saying they are going to ask their legislators to file similar bills. If you support this bill and wish to help in the effort to get it passed (even if you're from out of state), please send the sponsors and committee members, whose e-mail addresses are listed below, an e-mail telling them that you support LD429, An Act to Require Veterinarians to Provide Vaccine Disclosure Forms. This small amount of effort will make an enormous difference (please ask any of your friends or acquaintances to do the same). You can cut and paste the e-mails below into your recipient line and if you put something like "I Support LD429 Vaccine Disclosure" for the subject line, they'll know what it's about. I'd also like to offer anyone copies of my source documentation, which has come from researchers around the world and is unavailable to the general public. It consists of 7 separate e-mails and includes the 2003 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines, the "Italian" study which showed dogs develop cancerous tumors at vaccinations sites just as cats do, and the "French" study which demonstrated dogs were immune to rabies, by challenge, 5 years after vaccination?

You're free to post all of my material and share it with anyone and everyone! Please let me know if you'd like the studies. Cheers, Kris Christine [email protected]; [email protected]@uninets.net>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]@adelphia. net>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]@verizon.net>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

03-11-2005, 04:50 PM
wolfsoul:Here is a cross-post. I completely agree with this legislation. I feel that annual shots are not nessecary, and that they are dangerous. >>>>>>>>

(Not talking about rabies shots)

Interesting you should bring this up.
I live in the USA,
Sheba who will be 12 this year is due for her annual
shots. (DHLPP)
My vet gives annual shots and we have a outbreak
of distemper.
My girlfriend who works for a vet clinic in AK,
told me her vets do not give yearly shots.
I wrote recently to a vet web site and I asked the
Vet if I needed to give Sheba her shots this year.

THis is her reply: "Here in Los Angeles we vaccinate for distemper every 3 years. We would consider your dog vaccinated. If you are concerned there is nothing wrong w/boosting the vaccine or having a titer run to see what her antibody levels are like. The distemper outbreak is only of concern for dogs who have never been vaccinated or haven't been vaccinated in many years.

I find it interesting that some vets give shots annually and
others do not. I would think all U.S. the vets would follow
the same protocal? Very confusing. :(

Needless to say, Sheba is skippping her shots this year.

03-11-2005, 05:31 PM
Glad I read this now. Nicki has her yearly on Monday. I know she needs her rabies and we'll dfinately be getting that, but I think I'll see what my vet says about the others.

03-11-2005, 05:39 PM
Hope it passes!

Kaedyn just got his annual shots. ICK! He had to get them since the shelter never said anything about his shots, he didn't have a rabies tag and most agility/obedience places require records. Ughhhh. We're definitely waiting a few years til his next set.

03-11-2005, 05:42 PM
My city has an ordinance that dogs are required to have & wear
a current rabies tag. That means annual shots. I believe there are
some Vets who will say every three years is fine.

03-11-2005, 09:16 PM
In Ohio, and for therapy dogs (which are required to get annual shots) the three year rabies is accepted. We still do everything else yearly, although I have debated having titers done to see if they are neccesary. I haven't looked into it too much, are dogs are around so many others, so often, I have felt more comfortable keeping them up to date.

smokey the elder
03-12-2005, 07:54 AM
A lot of the local vets are changing the protocols to stagger the rabies and distemper shots for cats over 5. It's a start. My vet actually recommends against FLV shots if the cat is strictly indoors. I have read several years ago that distemper vaccines were good for up to seven years, by direct challenge! Hopefully it will get like people; you get all your jabs as a kid then you're done.