View Full Version : A public apology to Cubby!

03-11-2005, 07:11 AM
Dear Cubby,

I am sorry for all I did last night. I let you steal my pillow (which is something that I am use to) you fell asleep on your side. I figured that would be a prime time to give you a belly rub. Which I did do. You rolled over on your back from the enjoyment. I scratched your chest and your belly. You were still sleeping or atleast acted like you were. You woke up suddenly to Meowmies hand rubbing your belly and chest. You bit me kinda hard. I'm sorry for petting you but I couldn't help it. I'm sorry for calling you a bad kitty but sometimes I hate your sharp little teeth. I also don't like that you always go for my pressure points. Why do you do that? If you know it hurts me then why? I will never understand I guess. :rolleyes: I hope you will forgive me now since I did get you bacon this morning. If you don't want me to ever rub your belly again please try to atleast sleep on your belly. That might help my urge to mess up your belly furr.

I hope this apology is good enough for you Mr. Perfect! :rolleyes:

Love Always,

03-11-2005, 07:28 AM
LOL!!!:D :D :D

No matter what they do to us we always end up doing the sucking up!!!:rolleyes: :D

03-11-2005, 07:40 AM
Guess I should not laugh but I could write this same note to that little brat Lizzie of mine! It is MY fault for just dying to love on her. But, I agree that if they don't want a hand or face buried in their bellies - they should keep them covered up!! I can't help myself either. Now I have scalp scratches. OOUCHH!:rolleyes:

03-11-2005, 07:42 AM
:D I sure think that bacon went further in soothing his ruffled fur than a formal appology! :D Maybe you should rub his belly fur in the opposite direction to put it back the way it was! :D :D :D

03-11-2005, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
:D I sure think that bacon went further in soothing his ruffled fur than a formal appology! :D Maybe you should rub his belly fur in the opposite direction to put it back the way it was! :D :D :D

Lol. I wish it was that easy. He just came to sit on my lap but as soon as I touched him he sat up and bit my nose. :mad: Debbie don't let Lizzie learn how to bite noses. It brought tears to my eyes it hurt so bad. I think he needs to apologize!

03-11-2005, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by cubby31682
..... he sat up and bit my nose. :mad:

But nose piercings are getting very popular! Keep a ring handy in case he finishes the job!:eek:

Seriously....OUCH!!!!. On the NOSE??? OOOWWWIIEEE!!

03-11-2005, 08:10 AM
But nose piercings are getting very popular! Keep a ring handy in case he finishes the job!

I wish he would bite the outside of my nose. He gets the center part every time. If he can't get my nose he goes after my eye lids. :( I think I would rather have surgery without medication than have him bite my eye lids ever again. He doesn't just bite down, he also tries to pull my eye lid off. You would think his sweet and innocent looks would rub off on his purrsonality, I've been waiting for that to happen for 4 years now. I think I will be waiting atleast another 4.

03-11-2005, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by cubby31682
I wish he would bite the outside of my nose. He gets the center part every time. If he can't get my nose he goes after my eye lids. :( I think I would rather have surgery without medication than have him bite my eye lids ever again. He doesn't just bite down, he also tries to pull my eye lid off.

Major owie. {{{{HUGS}}}} That sound just awful

03-11-2005, 08:36 AM
There are of the Found Cats,primarily John,and Rocca,that you can pet,but nothing else.Thank God,I have JJJ3,Moose,Ragnar,and Michael,all of who,have prominant tummies,that beg,to be rubbed.

03-11-2005, 09:04 AM
YIKES!!! Cubby..that's not very nice.

Rie Rie
03-11-2005, 09:53 AM
That's a very cute story and comical. NAWTY KITTY!!!!!!