View Full Version : Cute Cornelious!

03-10-2005, 12:57 PM
What a cutie you are, Cornelious, all snuggled in the bowl of cat food!
How smart you are to figure out a way to have a snack and a snooze at the same time!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today!:D

03-10-2005, 01:24 PM
Greetings to you, adorable Cornelious!:) Well it's clear you are not only one handsome little Ferret man, but quite the smartie, too! Snooze, snack; snooze, snack; snooze, snack!:D Sounds like a plan to me!:D I know that's an M.O. my "kids" would wholeheartedly approve of, especially if it included a bowl of kitty food or cheerios! And after a stressful early life of breeding, it's comforting to know that you are now fully enjoying your well earned retirement years, wiling away the hours cuddling with your loving human, snacking in bed and even enjoying the company of your daughter, Layla!:) Life is good for precious Cornelious!:) Congratulations to you Cornelious, our cute as can be and extra special PET OF THE DAY! Make sure you pencil in plenty of time today for some big time celebrating with your proud human, daughter Layla and all your fur pals!:) Long and happy life to you dear, adorable Cornelious!:)

03-10-2005, 03:08 PM
You are too cute Cornelious!! You look so sweet in the cat food bowl - wonder what the kittie's think, lool?! Congrats to COOL Cornelious!:) :D :)

03-10-2005, 03:41 PM
Now THAT picture put a huge grin on my face, Cornelious you are too cute! What a character you are! A comfy nap spot plus a snack right at hand when you wake up right? ;) Your coat is beautiful, so rich and healthy looking, testament that pampered retirement is indeed the good life! What a sweet and friendly nature you have too, both with your other ferret housemates and your well-trained human ;). I've never had the privilege of sharing my home with a ferret before, but I can say without a doubt if I did I'd want him/her to be just like you, Cornelious! I hope you have an EXTRA special day today as you shine in the spotlight as today's very top pet! I'd definitely say it's occasion enough to break open those Cheerios ;). Congratulations Cornelious, our delightful Pet of the Day!

Queen of Poop
03-10-2005, 03:43 PM
Cornelious, you are such a cute little woozle!! Here I thought my Miko's washing in the water bowl was funny. Kind of kills 2 birds with 1 stone, a place to sleep and munchies, talk about crumbs in the bed!!