View Full Version : Exclusive Einstein

03-10-2005, 01:58 AM
Einstein, I think you look better than your physicist namesake (to know it really we needed to see your tongue;) ) although your hairdo reminds me a little.

But old Einstein didn't have a cute flash on his nose as you do.

In cats, intelligence is closely related to meals and you seem to be very special in that.

So we wish you an extra yummy dinner at grandmom's as well as at your humans' place today, handsome boy:)

03-10-2005, 04:13 AM
How can it be said that you are nothing less than brilliant!!! You seem to have things pretty much under your paw!!!! If it be of any reaasurance, our Norton, who is also a Maine Coon Mix, fits your description to a T. The gentle soul of the clan is how he is described, too!!! It must be in the genes!!! I am sure you are eagerly awaiting the gardening season to start, so you can help pick THE best tomatos!!! I can just picture you "supervising" the hanging of the laundry!! AND you are rather handsome to boot!! Can it get better than that?? MANY more years of gardening and supervising to you Einstein, and HAPPY COTD!!!

03-10-2005, 07:05 AM
I think, Ein, you are VERY smart. Why else would you have your meals spaced 'just so'? I hope your day as our very best COTD is a wonderful as you are.

03-10-2005, 07:29 AM
Ein,is very much,like My Maine Coon Ragnar,who lived down,the street,was was not treated well,by his so aclled Guardians.He also likes,it here,much better,and like Einstein,has become a real fixture,due to his gentleness.Einsterin,is such a Handsome Fellow,and has,a lot,of love,to give,and lessons,to teach.A Mighty Maine Coon mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooow to Einstein,from All The Found Cats,led by Moose,and Ragnar.This is the quiet Maine Coon Version.

03-10-2005, 08:37 AM
Einstein, you are impressive - MOST IMPRESSIVE! Your look is regal, your appearance very dramatic, and well, you're just wonderful!!!! It is such a pleasure to "meet" you this morning. We hope you always have a sunny warm spot - be it inside or out - and that you live a long and loved life! You are indeed a SPECIAL Cat of the Day! And paw applause to your human family for understanding and accommodating your needs so well.

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Cat Happy Pride

03-10-2005, 12:50 PM
What a handsome fellow you are!
Smart too, just like your namesake. I love how you have 3 different homes to visit and share your meals and love with!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day.:D

03-10-2005, 01:44 PM
This is Einstein. His former family gave him that name and as it turns out, it fits pretty well. Though not the brightest bulb in the box, he is certainly the most gentle-hearted.

You know Einstein, it has been reported that the "other" Einstein flunked out of high school! So much for us humans' ability to recognize true genius when it's staring us in the face! Any kitty that can maneuver meals from three different households in a single day, is certainly worthy of the title, genius:D

But after a long day of wandering and sumptuous dining, it's by the side of your "selected" people that you choose to plant your precious paws!:) And who can blame you, for you surely lead one charmed life! I too Einstein am eagerly awaiting those lazy, days of summer, basking in the sun, working in the garden, hanging the wash on the line...feel free to stop by and lend a paw any old day!;)

Congratulations to you beautiful, gentle, lovable Einstein, our most erudite and deserving CAT OF THE DAY! May you and your loving family know many, many more happy, love filled years together!:)

03-10-2005, 02:51 PM
I'm in love with Einstein!! What a handsome stud man you are, E!! You are so majestic and beautiful. Congrats to Awesome Einstein!!! :) :D :)

03-10-2005, 03:23 PM
Einstein, your human's tribute to you was one of the most beautifully and well-written tributes I have had the privilege to read. It is very evident reading the gentle, loving words, that you are one most cherished and beloved kitty. What a sweet and genial personality you have. Besides your human's very apt descriptions, it shines through quite obviously in your COTD photo. You are one gentle kitty who has never held a grudge or displayed a fit of temper towards anyone. How I would love to reach out a hand and stroke that sun-warmed fur of yours as you laze happily amongst the tomatoes :).

Sometimes I can close my eyes, and just imagine something so soft, sweet, and peaceful that I am filled with a feeling of serenity myself. Einstein, today you have brought that feeling to me as I experienced seeing and reading your most beautiful tribute. I thank you for the gift, and imagine your family truly blessed to be gifted with your tranquil presence every day. I hope today finds you extra pampered and praised, with perhaps some special treats to top it off. Congratulations Einstein, our very endearing Cat of the Day :)

Dan Holder
03-10-2005, 04:41 PM
Life has been so good for this handsome fellow, he has never even had to hiss. Now that's living well. He is indeed fortunate to have found his happy home.

03-10-2005, 04:42 PM
Einstien!!!!!!!!!!!!....what does mc2(squared) + cat food + a green thumb equal???...one really cool cat that's what!!!!!!!!!!!!!....enjoy your most wonderful day Ein!!!!:D :D :D

03-10-2005, 09:21 PM
Oh Einstein, you are one extremely beautiful boy! I would love to give you a big hug! Congrats! :D

03-10-2005, 09:35 PM
This is a great time to honor fuzzy Einstein because it's the hundredth anniversary of the less-fuzzy Einstein's discovery of relativity! And Einstein the cat is obviously well-versed in relativity since he sees all his relatives and eats at their houses. Who are we to say which Einstein is smarter?

03-11-2005, 03:06 AM
Einstein, you certainly are a very clever boy - you have figured out direct paths to the best restaurants in town! I would love to have a male like you around to help with laundry and gardening. Einstein, you are so gorgeous with your long brown fur. Can I give you a cuddle and some kisses? You are an exceptional COTD, dear Einstein.

03-11-2005, 04:50 PM
What a wonderful looking gentleman you are, Einstein! And, such a perfect name for such a sweet face.