View Full Version : Disturbing email

Former User
11-09-2001, 01:46 PM
It was in the mailbox of Casper and Kitty this morning. And it said that since we only have cats, I'm not supposed to be posting things on the dog section at all. I should stick with cats. I'd like to think that I do know something about dogs, since I've had them for about 90% of the time I've been here on the earth. At the moment I don't have dog though, that's true, as you (maybe) know, we have Casper and Kitty now. But still, ever since we signed in for Pet Talk, I've been reading dog posts, everyday, and watching pics from your dogs etc. It just has been too painful to post things there, since I lost my dog due to an illness.
I'm not going to give the email addy from the person who send that mail to me ( I don't even have it anymore), it doesn't work. I tried to reply, but the message came back, user unknown or something like that.

Anyways, I presume you dog people don't have anything against other than dog owners posting there too? Of course I won't post things about our cats there :D

It has been nice to get to know so many cute and adorable dogs, but it has also made me miss my dog dearly. Unfortunately I can't have him back....

Here's his pic one's more:


[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: Casper & Kitty ]

[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: Casper & Kitty ]

11-09-2001, 01:52 PM
NO WAY!!!! I think you should at least send the email address to one of the moderators so they can investigate it.

We Welcome you on the Dog Board too! And I personally loved your pictures of your departed dog.

Don't pay any attention to the atrocious person who sent you that email. Casper and Kitty are more than welcome on any part of Pet Talk that they want to visit! :D


11-09-2001, 02:10 PM
Casper & Kitty are ALWAYS welcome on the Dawg's side of the Pet Talk Howse :D!

Did you get that unfriendly note as an internet e-mail; or as a Pet Talk Private Mail here on the BBS? This sonuds like a case for the Senior Head Detective, Mr. Paul! Send a copy of the mail, with whatever address you got, to Paul at: [email protected]

If anyone else gets any similar notes, please let us know right away. Thanks!

Former User
11-09-2001, 02:23 PM
We just went to check the mailbox, but the mail is gone. I deleted the mail earlier and now hotmail has emptied the trashcan... :(

It was sent as an normal email, not as a private message from the Pet Talk forum.

Anyway, we don't pay anymore attention to this person, and we will keep posting things out here and there ;)

11-09-2001, 02:33 PM
How awful! I can't even imagine! I can't believe someone would say that to our dear, sweet Casper and Kitty and their humans! This is a website for people who love animals, regardless of whether they even have pets of their own at all. I talk about my kitties and turtle when I post on the dog side. What's the big deal? I agree that if it happens again, you should forward that person's e-mail address to Paul.

PS-Your Rainbow Bridge pup was so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photo. Please give C & K snuggles from me. :)

11-09-2001, 02:43 PM
Casper and Kitty and family:
As a 'dog side' person :D , I would say that you guys are always welcome with extremely open arms!
The way I see it, the Dog Talk boards are for anyone who loves dogs, is curious about dogs, has (positive) opinions or advice about dogs, and/or is owned by dog(s)! You were a dog owner, and have practical advice to share. And even if you didn't have that experience as a dog owner, your thoughts would certainly be welcomed!
I'm sorry and disapointed to hear that someone on here thinks the Dog boards are exclusively for current dog owners. :(
Please realize that was just one silly person's viewpoint!

11-09-2001, 03:03 PM
I agree!! Post anywhere ya want about anything ya want! And definitly tell Paul/Karen if it happens again!

Dixieland Dancer
11-09-2001, 03:07 PM
Casper and Kitty please join us on the dawg side any time you like. I personally think everyone is invited that wants to come and share about previous, current, or new pets of any kind. I can't imagine someone sending that. It is just awful! Please ignore it and as Joan Rivers would say "CAN WE TALK?" Yes we can on Dog of the Day! and we can even talk about KITTIES if you want! Cause I have a Kitty in my house too!!! :D :D :D

11-09-2001, 04:45 PM
Awwww C & K!!! You two are just too cute for words and I always enjoy reading your posts wherever they may be!! I too don't have a dog right now (rainbow bridge) and I don't post very much on the dog side, but I do read everything that goes on. I agree...Cat Talk, Dog Talk, Pet Talk...General...anyone that loves animals can post anywhere they please! :) Lots and lots of hugs and scritches! We love you guys!! :D :D

11-09-2001, 04:54 PM
Casper and Kitty....PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT PERSON!! This is a loving family of pet lovers and we do have freedom here! I can't imagine who would do such a thing! I was posting on the dog side long before I brought Bella into my life. When I first found Pet Talk I was pretty much like you, (had dogs in the past but at present was just a kitty owner) but that never stopped me from reading the dog posts and responding. As far as we're all concerned ....POST AWAY TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT!! ;)

Marius's Mommy.....Are you Wolflady? How did you get a new log-on name and your post # got carried over?

11-09-2001, 05:05 PM
C & K, what a strange thing to have happen to you! Whoever told you that obviously doesn't appreciate some of the wonderful stuff you learn from the "crossposting" folks: I stick to the dog section almost exclusively, and yet it sure is fun to see things about cats, turtles, ferrets, birds, etc. as I wander around DogTalk. Multi-species people are great!

Nappe was a gorgeous dog, too. Thanks for the photo! :)

11-09-2001, 06:00 PM
Casper and Kitty, please send me whatever you know about this person, even if you do not still have the email - a user name or whatever you remember. We do NOT sanction exclusionist behavior on these sites - cat people are welcome on the dog side, dog people oin the cat side, everyone on all the "sides" and, by the way - we don't think of them actually as "sides" anyway - more like sections, that's all. Paul and I started this site, and we feel responsible for it, so I would love to be able to email that person and remind them that we are a friendly place and they weren't playing nicely!

11-09-2001, 06:03 PM
((((Niina & Patrick)))

Cyberhugs to Casper & Kitty's two-leggers ... :)

11-09-2001, 07:27 PM
Pam, I went into my profile today to change my email address (I'm not going to use hotmail anymore since I just keep getting annoying floods of porno c**p in my account all the time..and I'm highly offended by that stuff), and there was a box where you could specify a user name to be displayed in the forums! I thought that was cool, and changed it to Marius's Mom, but my login ID is still wolflady. Cool, huh? :D

**hugs** to C & K and their adorable humans too...and everyone here on POTD!! It's a great place to be!

4 feline house
11-09-2001, 07:31 PM
Casper and Kitty, please don't go away because of one person's mistake! We love you too much! I sometimes post on the dog side and I've had only one dog in my life who has been at the RB going on 30 years now!

4 feline house
11-09-2001, 07:34 PM
Gee, we must have seen it about the same time! I was tickled to death, because I've never really been that happy with my screen name, I picked it in haste because I was so eager to post the first time.

Ditto on the hotmail, aol is worse!

11-09-2001, 07:36 PM
This is a reply from a poem I read here that I sent to a friend, Jim, in WA state. It doesn't matter whether it's cats, dogs or ET's We love our guys and our guys love us...isn't that what it's all about here? Love to all.

Thanks Laurie for that wonderful little cat prayer. I'm sure my little
Annie read it with me from right over my shoulder. She quietly passed away
a week ago yesterday. The poem was perfect timing, I mean it. Thanks,
baby. Hail Miss Annie, Long LIve the Queen. Jim

11-09-2001, 07:43 PM
I never noticed that feature! I am wondering if it is new. If not, then KayAnn didn't need to re-register all those times. By the way, you two (Karen and Leah) are going to make Freckles crazy!!!!!!!

11-09-2001, 07:52 PM
That's true.
Pam, thanks for catching the Wolflady/Marius's Mom transformation.

11-09-2001, 11:14 PM
You dog that went to Rainbow Bridge was beautiful. What an angel he must be now. Ignore any e-mails like that one. You are welcome on the dog side anytime. :)

11-09-2001, 11:43 PM
Nina, I can't even imagine who would do that :eek: :eek: :eek: It must have been someone who is new to Pet Talk and wanting to start some trouble or something! I know I love to have you posting on the dog side, and I love to hear about your kitties. I often will post about Shiloh or something cat related on the dog boards. No one ever seems to mind. I really can't imagine who would tell you not to post there :(

Please don't let this stop you from posting there. Your Rainbow Bridge baby is absolutely beautiful. That pic is priceless.

11-10-2001, 12:15 AM
I am not sure if I will be able to express in writing how I mean this in my heart, but I am going to try.

Since 9/11 we have learned something and we keep learning more each day. I personally, don't like what I am learning, but it sits there and cannot be ignored. There are people who truly hate us - hate what we believe and want to destroy it.

PetTalkers are a unique and wonderful group of people. We share many things - but the most important thing we share is a passion.
That passion is our animals and how much we have learned from them. They keep giving to us each and every day.

There are those who couldn't begin to understand this passion and won't even try or probably don't know how.

Casper and Kitty - what a joy to see your kitties and each picture tells us how much you love them, and they love you in return.

Seeing Niina is hurtful - because you can understand just by one look what a wonderful dog you had and how painful it must have been to lose her.

But that is what we all share - a great compassion and understanding.

Casper and Kitty - go ahead and post wherever you want - I will follow you around to read what you have to share.

Let us hope that your email was just an isolated incident - posted by some ignorant kids having what they thought was fun.

I agree, that if anyone else gets a disturbing email, we should pass this on to Karen or Paul. Have you ever seen Karen in action? I have - and you don't want to mess with her "velvet" keys.

And we are grateful that Paul and Karen keep this site perfect for all of us - where we can have fun - share our stories and extend ourselves to each other.

Casper and Kitty - we love you and it would be a sad day if you stopped posting wherever you want.

Love from the passionate human responsible for Rascal.


Former User
11-10-2001, 02:23 AM
Hi folks! Thanx for your nice messages. Don't worry, we have no plan to stop posting here, just because one person doesn't like us. As I said on the topic starter message, I do not have the email anymore, nor the name of the person. Frankly we don't give a thought for that person anymore.

So, you'll be seeing posts from Casper and Kitty in the future too. Can't get rid of us that easily ;)

11-10-2001, 07:08 AM
Casper and Kitty,
I can't imagine who'd be so mean! have the moderators investigated yet? and do tell everyone IF you get another of those messages! they will have to deal with all of us!!! :mad: they just want to make trouble, i guess. I tok about my dog on the cat board sometimes and nothing happened to me...
Maybe they were just plain jealous cos you have such adorable furbabies!! :D

11-10-2001, 09:53 AM
Good for you Casper and Kitty, I agree with everyones messages above, this site is not called "Pet Talk" for no reason. I usually post in the dogs section, but I love to read about the kitties and the other pets. We are all animal lovers here, not just dog, or cat or pet lovers, but we love them all. It doesn't matter where you post, as long as it is with love. The dog you had was just beautiful, maybe someday you can bring yourself to get another. In the meantime post whereever you want and we will be right there reading them.

11-10-2001, 10:22 AM
Okay, folks, let us end this thread now. WE all know that everyone is welcome, as long as they are respectful, to post in whatever section they want to! To reiterate - if anyone recieves such an email in the future, PLEASE forward it to Paul or I, and we will handle the situation appropriately.

The End.