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09-20-2001, 11:40 AM
It makes you wonder where all of these supposed America(n) haters in the
world are living...

World Support (http://home.earthlink.net/~hankinhsd/thankyou.htm)

09-20-2001, 12:20 PM
That's really something, isn't it?

Dixieland Dancer
09-20-2001, 12:31 PM
It makes you wonder????? Thanks for sharing the link. It was very moving.

09-20-2001, 01:21 PM
Very, very moving. I cried, espeically seeing those babies...those angels, those little children lighting candles for us.

09-20-2001, 02:27 PM
There are no words for how much this has touched me. Thanks Fuzzy.

Daisy's Mom
09-20-2001, 04:39 PM
Wow what a great page! It gave me goosebumps. Thank you so much for sharing it. This picture is my favorite; I can't take my eyes off it.


09-20-2001, 04:42 PM
My hope is that if a similar action were taken on one of these countries, that our "people" would react the same way, including myself. It takes a lot of unselfish people to react this way to an attack on the US.

Thank you, Fuzzy, for sharing. It brings so much hope for our world. :)

09-20-2001, 04:58 PM
Logan, I agree. I think that even if you don't particularly like someone, you still feel for them when they experience a tragedy, especially the loss of loved ones. We all know how that feels and shouldn't wish that feeling upon anyone else.

09-20-2001, 10:17 PM
Thank you for the link. As part of the rest of the world I can tell you that the feeling here in Nova Scotia is a mix of grief, shock and wanting to help.
The day after the attack there was a 6 hour wait to give blood, people wanted to do something, anything to help. Our newspapers are unanamous with support, people want to be there to help our US neighbours. One story that made me cry was about some children that had a lemonade stand to raise money.
99.99% of the world is behind you USA! God bless you all.

4 feline house
09-20-2001, 11:22 PM
I was extremely moved. And, at the risk of sounding heartless at worst, being misunderstood at best, I have to confess that I disdain what I call empty gestures. Little "feel-good" actions that don't accomplish a thing other than make the "doer" falsely feel they have "done somthing". Such as all the makeshift memorials that spring up at the site of a tragedy - the money spent on that stuff would be better spent helping the victims of whatever tragedy is being memorialized (and yes, I have helped out financially to the terrorist victims - more than I can even afford, in fact).

However, when the entire world is lighting candles, when the soccer teams refuse to play, when the guy with the green mohawk is in tears, when the Japanese business men are signing a condolences book at the American embassy in Tokyo, I have to say I am moved beyond words.

We do have to remember, though, that this was a tragedy that affects the world. It was not called the "American Trade Center", after all. Many countries lost citizens last Tuesday. Further, the world economy is going to be affected. Also, we are not the only country that has been terrorist free. I'm sure many countries now are questioning their own comfort right now.

09-21-2001, 03:25 AM
Angels 3 posted something similar under Dog general. Some of the pictures are the same but there are a number of others. Sorry I don't seem to be able to make the link work, but the address is:

4 feline house
09-21-2001, 07:47 PM
Gio, it worked for me. Thanks for the link. The pages were loading very slowly, so anyone wanting to look at it might want to be sure you have a lot of time to devote to it.

09-22-2001, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317:
<STRONG>It makes you wonder where all of these supposed America(n) haters in the
world are living...

World Support (http://home.earthlink.net/~hankinhsd/thankyou.htm)</STRONG>

ok i will here say something that alot of ppl might dislike me for very much, so if you know you will be one of those, please dont read it. all i want is to be honest, its the way i have been raised.

i think, no matter how much you might hate the united states, you will still feel sorry when innocent ppl have been brutally slaughtered. to be honest, i am not very fond of the united states myself, and if this had been your president that had been killed i really wouldnt have cared so much. if you hate a political system, kill the system. dont go attacking innocent ppl for no reason other than that they live in america.

if this EXACT same attack had happened in say, Iceland, almost no american would even have KNOWN about it and even less cared.

well, im sorry if i offended someone and i DO feel very extremely sorry for all the poor ppl that died on the 11th and i have myself had my flag at half mast and burned candles for them over here. so dont tell me i dont care cause i do... i just wanted to say my opinion. thats all, so sorry

09-22-2001, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Ann:

ok i will here say something that alot of ppl might dislike me for very much, so if you know you will be one of those, please dont read it. all i want is to be honest, its the way i have been raised.

i think, no matter how much you might hate the united states, you will still feel sorry when innocent ppl have been brutally slaughtered. to be honest, i am not very fond of the united states myself, and if this had been your president that had been killed i really wouldnt have cared so much. if you hate a political system, kill the system. dont go attacking innocent ppl for no reason other than that they live in america.

if this EXACT same attack had happened in say, Iceland, almost no american would even have KNOWN about it and even less cared.</STRONG>

Ann, I'm sorry you feel that way, and I must disagree with you. We see scenes of global devastation on our TV screens often, especially, somehow, European more than African, for example, and do feel sad when tragedies take place, no matter whether they are on foreign soil or not. I am partially of Swedish ancestry, and am sorry you feel that way about the country in which I was born. I, too, was raised to be honest. Just as not all Swedes are blonde Lutherans, I'm sure most Americans do not fit stereotypes you may have heard about them.

Come visit some time, you may like the place or the people better. (I have never been to Sweden, but have friends who go there often.)

4 feline house
09-22-2001, 08:17 PM
Ann, I'm also sorry you feel that way. You need to read the Gordon Sinclair essay, in it you will find that America has ALWAYS been the FIRST on scene to ANY foreign tragedy: http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/Our_Culture/americans.htm

This was largely a response to our involvement in Viet Nam. Yes, Hanoi fell, but communism was basically defeated in that the world was aware that any further attempts of takeover by communist countries would not be tolerated by the US and the US would be there to militarily aid any country that was invaded by communist forces. Aren't you glad we did that BEFORE Russia decided to invade Sweden?

This doesn't even include more recent disasters, such as the Mexico City earthquake in 1984, or the Southern Indian earthquake in January of this year, just to name a very, very few.

I have visited your website and found that you indeed visited America for an extended time to visit your boyfriend. You wouldn't have been allowed to do that in most countries.

America is largely responsible for the fact that you do not now speak German, and that you do not now live in a country ruled by communism.

It might do you well to read up on your world history and politics in the 20th century, and see how many times "America" is mentioned, especially in comparison to how many times "Sweden" is mentioned.

Your comment that if it had been our president you wouldn't have cared shows your true colors. I could understand that comment if our president, or any of our presidents, were terrorists or dictators. But since we elect them by a majority vote, then when you pass judgement on our leader, you pass judgement on all of us.

I have no beef with Sweden. I have never been there, but our Great Lakes area is populated by many folks who came from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finnland, and they have historically been fine, hard-working, honest people who make many contributions to our society.

God forbid, should anything horrendous happen in Sweden, you will see what country the first relief planes come from. I pray that will never be realized.

By the way, how are we supposed to know we are not going to like what you read, unless we read it? :confused: You kind of lose your credibility before you even get started with that line. Sorry, don't mean to flame.

Thank you for your opinion.

[ September 22, 2001: Message edited by: 4 feline house ]

09-22-2001, 08:25 PM
Ann, your post bothered me very much also. We are a hurting people and your comments couldn't have come at a worse time.

4 Feline House has brought up some things for you to ponder. I would ask you to search your heart to find out why you feel as you do.

09-22-2001, 11:06 PM
No one deserves to die :( People may not agree with Bush, but that is no reason to wish him dead. I respect your opinion, but I can't respect wishing people dead :( I also agree that you should maybe not listen to rumors and instead do research.

Just my opinion.....

4 feline house
09-23-2001, 02:20 AM
I last visited Peachkin's page several months ago, and found it boring and self-absorbed, so never went as far as the links. Tonight I did because I thought it was interesting that Ann never even hinted at the reason why America is to be so hated that its hypothetically dead President would not even deserve mourning. Now I have a little insight - this is boyfriend's website:

Please also click on the page where democracy is said to be a great evil that American is trying to perpetrate on the rest of the world. Looks like more idiot rant and rave but don't think first drivel. Ann suggested that Osama bin Laden should have killed our political system instead of the innocent people, yet apparently denounces America for trying to kill communism, fascism, despotism, etc. Sorry, again, Ann, about flaming you but I believe you asked for this. Just like we won't sit still to a terrorist attack, we won't sit still and listen to to anyone nonchalantly wish our president dead and not even mention why. I remember from visiting your site the last time that you are about 20 years old. Still young enough to be gullible, too gullible for your own good maybe. Methinks you need to start thinking for yourself and stop blindly borrowing some idiot's thoughts just because he once gave you the time of day and that made you fall in "love". Because your contradictory beliefs make it clear you are not thinking on your own.

I was surprised to see the link to Pet of the Day on your site, too.

Anyway, I need to stop or I will start flaming you so badly Pet Talk will start smoking, and I don't ever want it to turn into that kind of bulletin board.

Oh, and if any Pettalkers know Swedish, please check out Ann's recipe page on her website and tell me, please, that that word has a different meaning in Swedish!

[ September 23, 2001: Message edited by: 4 feline house ]

09-23-2001, 05:12 AM
heh, i didnt expect so many ppl to be so ignorant and straight out mean here but i guess i should have expected it.

this will be my last post and my last visit here. i dont enjoy being around ignorant ppl that just try to pick on anything to prove a dumb point. first i will try to respond to everything tho.

Karen said "Come visit some time, you may like the place or the people better. (I have never been to Sweden, but have friends who go there often.)" ive been in the US for long periods of times several times. that is also the exact same reason why i dont like the country so much. i saw to much of the real USA, behind the facade.

4 feline houses said "you will find that America has ALWAYS been the FIRST on scene to ANY foreign tragedy:" no crap, i know that. your country loves to meddle and act like the world police. did u really have ANYTHING to do with vietnam?!? NO u didnt but u still went there and burned ppl up in your napalm. thats just great.

4 feline houses also said "I have visited your website and found that you indeed visited America for an extended time to visit your boyfriend. You wouldn't have been allowed to do that in most countries." that is a lie. the US is the only country u cannot stay for over three months in without going thru all kinds of interviews... i ahve done that same thing in atleast 5 other countries and only the US treat you like some animal asking u all kinds of rude questions. try to look into it a little more before u flaut your ignorance next time.

she also said "America is largely responsible for the fact that you do not now speak German, and that you do not now live in a country ruled by communism." i speak german. unlike the US kids we actuall learn languages in school and are educated properly.

also said by here "It might do you well to read up on your world history and politics in the 20th century, and see how many times "America" is mentioned, especially in comparison to how many times "Sweden" is mentioned." oh really. well lets take it like this... my country was the greates power in Europe before you country was even stolen from their rightful owners.

4 feline houses, i will say this and i will say this with no regret sinc ei am not coming back to this place anyways. you are pathetic. to go to someones personal website and just ridicule it to try to get your point across... it just shows how poorly you have been raised and how little respect you show other human beings. its just sad.

my boyfriends site have absolutely nothing to do with my opinion. PERIOD. if u asked him ud know how many times i fight over his opinion and say i dont agree... you just wanna attack anything and act liek your smart. youre an idiot... u sit there and claim i want your president dead altho I NEVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT! all i said was that if your president had died i wouldnt care AS much as i do now. i never said i wouldnt care at all or that i wanted him dead. give me a break... cant u even read properly?! "Oh, and if any Pettalkers know Swedish, please check out Ann's recipe page on her website and tell me, please, that that word has a different meaning in Swedish!" ooooohhh LOOC if Swedish ppl heard u say that they would either laugh like i do or slap you. this is so ridicolous... we have had that cake for lets see.... 400 years now. it had ALWAYS been called that. tell u waht, read huckleberry finn sometime and count how many times it says "nigger". get the point? nigger wasnt always a racist word. why should we change the name of one of our old recipes just cause you idiot americans turn the word into something racist?!? give me a break you are THE most ignorant person in the world... thats all i can say.

"I was surprised to see the link to Pet of the Day on your site, too." i am removing that right now actually. i love this site but i cannot stand the blind and mean ppl here.

goodbye and thanks for the few of u who had the common sense to be nice. that wouldnt include u 4 feline houses.

good bye.

09-23-2001, 05:55 AM
all i have to say is "wow"...that is one angry young girl...i also was raised in europe...it,like the u.s. and all the worlds people have strengths and weakneses...nobody is perfect,no country or government is perfect...but we as a people learn tolerance...obviously...this was not taught to this girl....diversity makes the world go round....we accept our differences and grow as a people and a society by drawing on them for knowledge...the deli dog

09-23-2001, 07:18 AM
I am closing this topic, as it has become something that has no place on this board. Ann, I am sorry that you are not feeling welcome here, we wish you and your animals well, honestly we do.