View Full Version : Ever Had A Dream About Your Pets?

03-09-2005, 04:42 PM
I keep having dreams about my pets. Past and Present, one of my oldest dreams was: I once had a dream where my dobie, Maggie, attacked and put me in the hospital! It was so lifelike, especially since she had attacked me in my bed,It was such an awful dream because when I woke up in the hospital my mom told me she had Maggie put to sleep because she was just to dangerous! I mean I wanted to scream and cry when I really woke up since 1.I thought Maggie was really dead and 2. she was sleeping at the end of my bed!

Another dream I had was: I was walking down a street by my house, I'm allowed on because there are a lot of drugs dealers on the street, I was scared because there was a lot of thugs around but none of them noticed me. I walked all the way home and when I got there my sister was sitting in a living room where our kitchen was supposed to be and infront of the door was a box, It had my name on it. I opened it and three of my RB rats came out of it! Cotten, Candy, and Vanilla. They were crawling all over me, and I was crying because I was so happy. Then our RB cat, Chester came out of the box too. He went straight over to Rachel and Rachel started to cry, because she loved Chester so much when we had him.

I had another dream about my pets but I can't remember it right now:p when I remember I'll post it... anyways post the dreams you had about your pets!

03-09-2005, 05:14 PM
I dream of them all the time. I also had a terribel dream where I thought Nicki was dead. I woke up and ran over to her pillow just to make sure the dream was only a dream.

03-09-2005, 05:22 PM
Well, it was only 1 dream, and Speedy wasn't in it much. It was mostly about a dog that I never had......

Well, I walked outside and I saw this adorable little dog, I mean, it was tiny. It had fluffy white fur and it looked just like my neighbor's dog looked like. I said that I was going to name the dog Gracie (which was the name of my neighbors' dog) My mom, then told me that dogs that looked like that were violent, and that if you didn't train them the right way, they could kill. Well, I didn't think too much of it. Then my mom told me that I could only keep Gracie if I threw Speedy away. I was just about to open my mouth to say no when my brother brought a trash can outside and put speedy in it. I was hitting him and yelling "get my bunny outta there!!!" But he wouldn't stop.

That was it. And it's the only dream I've ever had about Speedy. Told ya it wasn't much about Speedy but still, he was in it.

03-09-2005, 05:54 PM
I have had a few dreams about Mercedes (RB) but don't think I have had any that I recall about Gracie

03-09-2005, 05:58 PM
I am constantly dreaming about my RB dogs. Occasionally I'll dream about Tia and Tango but not often.

Suki Wingy
03-09-2005, 08:18 PM
I had a dream that Clark was given to a wonderful family and then they had a child who turned out to be allergic so they gave him to the shelter and then the orriginal rescuer asked us to take him back, but when we went she wouldn't let us see him.
I had a dream through Layla's eyes. She was going from home to home, being surrendered to shelters, being adopted out by another family, only to be dumped later. I woke up crying.
I have many of Niño, one I can remember was he and my aunt's dog Elsa were running with some strange shepherd mixes on a plot of halk forrested, half farmed-prarie that I hiked through with out Niño a few years ago.

03-10-2005, 12:25 AM
The most awesome dream I ever had was about my RB Keisha.

I always felt so at fault for her death.

One night I dreamed she was sitting in front of Mark's chair. I looked at her then to Mark and said to him "Do you know that Keisha is sitting there in front of your chair?" So he looks down and says "Sure is".
But the most wonderful part of it...she wasn't moving her mouth or actually talking, but she told me that I shouldn't worry any more about her passing. She knows it wasn't my fault and wan't mad at me at all. Just to quit worrying and be happy.

I tell you, I woke up with the best feeling! I just felt so at peace after that. Obviously that was what she wanted:)

Beautiful dream. Wish I could have one about Angus too.

03-10-2005, 01:09 AM
I had a dream many years ago (too many, actually!) about my childhood dog Happy. It was the night before grade five started and summer came to an end (again). I suppose I must have been stressed about it as we had just moved and I was starting at a new school. Anyway, the dream was that I was terrified about going to class, and when I finally went and sat down, Happy was my teacher! If nothing else, it gave me a good laugh in school that day!! I never figured out how he could write on the chalkboard so well with paws!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-10-2005, 09:40 AM
For months before Tubby died I was having dreams about him dying. In one I found him on the side of the road - not quite dead....yet. :(

Just the other night I had one where Tubby showed up with his flanks all raw and bloody. Turns out Peanut was picking on him and had bitten him and scratched him. I felt so bad, first of all for Tubby, and second of all because I would have a dream that would portray my sweet little girl as viscious and mean to her brother.

So far no Cracker Jack dreams, which is ok because usually the dreams I have about my pets are not nice ones. :(

Like Anna, I'm waiting for the nice dream about Tubby like she had about Keisha.

Queen of Poop
03-10-2005, 09:44 AM
I had a dream about Sami, just a few days after she died last February. She came to see me and let me know that she was ok. The same thing happened again after Trouble died, he to came to let me know that he was ok.

03-10-2005, 02:05 PM
Mine was really weird, I'm not sure if was a dream or if I was just seeing things though...

Well we had left my cat Necko outside for a night to run around. I asked my parents if she could sleep with me but they said she will be fine out there, she looks likes she's having fun. After I went to bed I woke up (or at least I think I woke up) and I thought I saw Necko there on my bedroom floor! I called "Kitty, kitty, come here..." I hung my hand over the bed and waved it around. But she didn't come. It just looked like she was laying there with her paws curled under her and her head tilted. It even looked like she was moving a little. I just thought my mom or dad brought her in after I fell asleep and she will jump up in bed with me when she wants to.
So I woke up in the morning and I looked all around my room for her but she was not in there. And my door was closed the whole time! I thought I was looking at a stuffed animal or somthing on the floor and I thought it was her. But nothing was on the floor, no clothes, no stuffed animals, no nothing. When I went to lay back down for a while, My mom walked in and told me Necko was hit on the road last night.:eek:
I said "She couldent of been hit because she was right here in my room last night!":confused:
My mom said that she really was hit, and someone already got her off the road.:(

I still really don't know what happend.:rolleyes:

Suki Wingy
03-10-2005, 04:28 PM
I think she came to you before she went to the RB.

03-10-2005, 06:07 PM
Glad to know im not the only one. :D

ive had lota dreams about my past and present pets.
i dreamed once that i got lost in some strange mansion,, and my bridge dog Muffin was there.. and i just followed her around till she lead me out of the mansion.

ive also had dreams about her playing in a rolling feild with lots of flowers. ive had that dream more then once. i guess thats my version of the her at the Rainbow Bridge or something.

and ive had a really weird dream about Kirby.. my parents had taken him the groomers as a suprise.. and it truned into a disaster. the groomers werent groomers at all... they were strange psyco people,, that wanted body parts off all kinds of animals to make some kind of living dead thing.. :rolleyes: LOL