View Full Version : I got threatened today...

03-09-2005, 02:11 PM
I don't know if you guys remember about 6 months ago, there was a fire in a neighborhood house. These dirtbags kept a sweet dog named Luca chained up in their yard with no food and water. I called Animal Control and they said I need to contact the Humane Society.

At the time, there was also an orange cat roaming around. The firemen suggested I take of them to the Humane Society. I did. Unfortunately, BOTH were euthanized. If I had the room I would've taken the cat. :(:( I felt awful!!

Well, I was walking to my apartment door and this crazy broad in a black Jeep comes screaming down a one way street the wrong way. It was the cat's owner. She started yelling at me demanding to know what I did with her cat. I tried to calmly explain, telling her that SHE left the cat there and the fire department suggested I take BOTH animals to the HS. She yelled at me, telling me that she now knows where I live and knows my car registration and is going to sue me!!! :eek: She said I had no right to take her cat. I told her SHE had no right to abandon it like she did. She said that when she got the cat in the car, it jumped out the window. I said, "Well it serves you right for not putting your cat in a carrier like a RESPONSIBLE pet owner!!" I told her that she didn't deserve to have a pet seeing the way she treated poor Luca.

The house that was burned has been boarded up for MONTHS, but they're back there living in it.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about what I did and that poor cat. From what my neighbor said, this lady has been looking for me since the incident. :(:(

03-09-2005, 02:21 PM
well, its unfortunate that poor cat was euthanized ... but you didn't do it. Someone who mistakenly didn't think the cat was worth anything euthanized it. If she "sues", she wont win. Especially if you have pics or some kind of evidence that the animals were not cared for while with this woman.

How far away does she live from you? When my mom and I had problems from her psycho ex, we went to night court and got a order of protection I think its called. He goes to jail for 60 days everytime he comes near our "area". Maybe you should do the same.

03-09-2005, 02:32 PM
*HUGS* I'd definitely log or report the incident.

03-09-2005, 03:12 PM
Donna - If I were you, I think I would call the police and report her threat. A protective order might be something they could get for you = or at least some extra patroling in case this woman tries to further harass you or do some vandalism.:(

03-09-2005, 03:16 PM
Moosmom, let me butt in here. I would call the cops and make sure they put a report on file of this incident. I'm so afraid she might do something to you, your family, your pets or your home. It's better to be safe than sorry. She had no right "accosting" you like she did.

Don't feel bad about the animals being PTS. It's not your fault. It sounds like they didn't take proper care of their pets. Don't beat yourself up over this. You had no idea they'd be PTS. It's not your fault.

These people should be ashamed of themselves. Pets are a big responsibility. If they can't take care of them, they shouldn't have any. Perhaps they've learned their lesson.

But please remember, it's not YOUR fault.

Good luck and take care.

03-09-2005, 03:35 PM
MoosMom, I would definitely make a report of her harassment to the police in your town....just to be on the safe side.
Also, I don't know what state you are in, but I know that in New York, cats don't "belong" to anyone, like dogs do. They are not licensed by the Dept. of Agriculture in NY like dogs. If the cat was roaming around outside with no id tags, she cannot claim it was her cat. As far as you knew it was a stray and you did the right thing by taking it to the Humane Society.

PJ's Mom
03-09-2005, 03:38 PM
Since you'll be going to work full-time soon, I'd take everyone's advice and report this threat. That way if something happens while you're not home, ( God forbid) you've got it on record that this woman threatened you and the cops will have a place to start looking.

Good luck.

03-09-2005, 03:45 PM
Is there a license law in your town....

You may be able to turn the tables on her based on that!

03-09-2005, 03:52 PM
I agree with Debbie about calling the cops and reporting the threat. Also, she could have gotten her cat back from the HS by CALLING them or GOING THERE to inquire about her cat. She did neither and the cat was put to sleep. A judge will take one look at that and toss the case out of court.

03-09-2005, 06:40 PM
I agree with the others, call the cops and report it!!

03-10-2005, 07:45 AM
Well, unfortunately I don't know WHO she is. I know that she lived or lives in the house that had the fire. The fire department saw how emaciated Luca was, as he was chained up outside 24/7 with no food or water. I know this woman doesn't have a leg to stand on based on the situation. I'm not worried about the lawsuit. I thought about this all last night and also considered going to the PD and filing a report. But I don't know her name. I should've gotten her license plate number but just wanted to get into my apartment and away from this whackjob.

I drove down the street where the house is and didn't see her Jeep. If I do, I'll get the plate number, find out who she is and file a restraining order against her.

03-12-2005, 08:45 PM
I THOUGHT I had seen and heard the last of this whackjob lady. Until today that is.

I hear a pounding on my downstairs door. I open the door and it's two boys, ages 8 and 10. "We want our cat back, we miss John Doe!!" I told them I did NOT have their cat. The said they SAW it in my front window on the cat tree. Literally impossible. I tried to explain to the kids what transpired, and that the fire department suggested I take both the cat and dog to the Humane Society because the house was being totally boarded up and uninhabitable.

:eek: :eek: The words that came out of the 8 year olds mouth would've made your hair curl!!!! "Look 6itch, we want our cat back!! We don't care about the dog!!" They walked away yelling obscentities at me that I can't even PRINT here!!

Well, I took everyone here's advice and drove down to the PD and filed a formal complaint. I explained the whole story to the police officer. I gave them their address and he said he was going to go talk to them and tell them to keep their distance from me. I told the officer that I don't scare easily but I want it on record just in case something happens to me, my car or anything else.

I HOPE it'll be the last I see or hear from them. Yes, I feel TERRIBLE for what happened to their cat. But I did what was in the dog and cat's best interest. I was only trying to help two animals who were being neglected. I didn't do anything wrong! :(:(

03-12-2005, 08:59 PM
Donna, you didn't do anything wrong. If anyone else's house would have burned they would have taken their animals with them when they had to leave. If they are just now looking for their cat then they sure as heck don't deserve to have it! Just from the description of the poor dogs condition makes me sick! Then to tell you they don't care about the dog is even more disgusting. These people don't deserve to have any animals at all! They sound like a bunch of physco jerks!:mad: :mad: :mad:

I'm so glad you made the police report. It sounds like those two kids are soon to be juvenile nightmares (if they are not already!). That kind of behavior from kids is ridiculas and I'm sure momma put them up to it. Now that you have this reported you will have some help in the future if they decide to key your car or something. That lady is nuts and her kids are going to be terrors!
Prayers coming that this is the last time ever you have to deal with any of them!

You did the right thing Donna. Don't start second guessing yourself and feeling guilty. They could not love the cat and do what they did.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-13-2005, 07:03 AM
Don't feel bad, Donna! What you did was right!! I am so glad that you reported this to the police. Better be safe than hurt :eek: !
I hope you won't have to deal with that %*@รน$ lady and her rotten kids any more!!

03-13-2005, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Yes, I feel TERRIBLE for what happened to their cat. But I did what was in the dog and cat's best interest. I was only trying to help two animals who were being neglected. I didn't do anything wrong! :(:(

if you hadnt been responsible and taken the animals to the hs, I'm sure one of the firefighters/cops would of.

good thoughts coming your way :) bad karma coming those idiots ways.

03-14-2005, 08:45 AM
Eeks!! You didn't mention that last night Donna! I'm glad you filed a report.

Hope you didn't think Andy and I were those mean old kids.. ;)

03-14-2005, 10:52 AM

Heck no! I KNEW you guys were coming over. I had a nice time last night and I'm glad you got to see the babies!!

03-14-2005, 11:23 AM
First I will say that it isn't right for her to threaten you.

My mom had a house fire a few years ago. Her home was burned to the ground. It was such a horrible horrible feeling once the camera crews and firemen were gone. We just stood outside for hours. We didn't know what to do or where to start. My mom had two dogs that the neighbors were nice enough to take for a few days. I tried to take them but they didn't get along with my dogs. It took over a year for my mom's house to be rebuilt. She first lived in a motel and then in a rental home. Neither allowed pets. To top it all off, it was the worst time of her life, she had so many other things going on in her life. We built a kennel in her backyard while the house was being rebuilt. She'd visit the dogs daily and give them food and water. It was really hard on both her and the dogs. More then once people tried to steal the dogs, assuming that they were neglected. With everything else going on in my mom's life, she would have been devastated if they'd succeeded.

I'm not saying that you did the wrong thing. I don't know the circumstances with that woman. I hope I don't make you feel bad, but it just brought back memories of my mother's house fire.

03-14-2005, 11:37 AM

You didn't make me feel bad at all. I still believe I did the right thing under the circumstances. I was the one who took care of Luca while he was chained up all the time in their yard. My SIL gave me a dog igloo to put back there so he would at least have shelter.

The sad part about it is when I took Luca to the Humane Society, they immediately saw how emaciated and thin he was. He also had mange.

As for the cat, I would've taken him in had my house not been full at the time. But when I noticed the cat roaming around the neighborhood, I assumed she purposely left the cat there, or she would've taken him with her in the car. My mistake.

My question is, why did she wait so long to come looking for him? If it were my cat, I wouldn't have left till he was in my arms.