View Full Version : Cat Delimma

03-09-2005, 01:17 PM
My brother just told me he has to move to an apartment that won't let him have his two yro cat named Tribelle, and he wants me to take him and find him a good home. Normally I would without hesistating, but here is my delimma. Tribelle doesn't like Mina, and just constantly beats up on the poor dear if she even comes into the room. He has gone as far as to draw blood on her before. I've actually had Tribelle for a couple of months now and haven't said anything because I wanted to see if it would work between the two of them. I don't know what to do. I don't want to turn him over to the shelter because I don't want him to be killed. He is really good towards me and Lee Roy, but I just can't let him keep Mina afraid in her own home. We have taken to putting Tribelle in the spare room so Mina can come out of the closet where she hides from him. I thought this was something I could handle on my own, but I just can't.

Is there anyone in the Michigan area that would like a lovable cat????? He just doesn't like Mina, but he got along with his brother. Any ideas????

03-09-2005, 01:49 PM
I don't understand why he can't move into another apartment? I hear tons of people in my town say they are moving and can't keep their pet. I've moved a few times and have never once had a problem finding a place I could afford that would allow me to keep my cats.

03-09-2005, 01:54 PM
Mina's Mom,

I wish I could help you out. But there's no room at my house right now with the mama/babies and foster Meezer plus my own 5.

Is there a way that you can gradually introduce Minda and Tribelle??? It may take a while, but it might be one solution. Tribelle in a room with baby gates stacked on top of one another in the doorway. Feed them both (on opposite sides of the gates) which will make them experience something positive.

I'm really sorry I can't help you out. :( Good luck!

03-09-2005, 02:09 PM
I forget, is Mina spayed? Maybe he still smells the "female" hormones on her and thats what he's reacting to.

03-09-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I forget, is Mina spayed? Maybe he still smells the "female" hormones on her and thats what he's reacting to.
Yeah we had her spayed about two weeks ago

03-09-2005, 03:23 PM

03-09-2005, 03:51 PM
I'd say try again from the beginning - keep them separate for a time where they can smell each other - trade blankets for them to sleep on. Always feed Mina first, pet her first, give her her treats first no matter what. I didn't start out right with mine and went back to the beginning and tried again and it is much better. My male cat did draw blood - a scratch between the eyes - scared me! I picked him up and with my hubby cut his claws. He did nOT like that. I see she has another scar now. But she does ask for it - she backs him in corners and won't let him get anywhere near us - but it is getting better. She feels much better if we back her up and give her lotts of extra attention in front of him. I'm eating it up too since usually she doesn't like to be petted - :) :) :) She does when he is watching! haha Good luck - and if it doesn't work maybe you will find someone who will take him. If you get it to work out please tell me how! :) :) Debbie

03-09-2005, 03:52 PM
I agree with the others, he should have found himself another apartment. You don't leave your children behind, wether they have 2 legs or 4. If I were you I would tell him what is going on and make him pay to put an ad in the paper to find him a home. But if you choose this option ask them that they keep the animal inside and charge an adoption fee. This stops people from taking free cats and giving them to there pitbulls for training. Normal fee is 25 to 50.00,

Other options would be to check with your local rescue groups abnd see if someone can take him. Most of the time they are full, but you can always try. I am so sorry that this is happening to you, i wish it would have worked out . There is a product called?????I think soft paws,? You put them on the cats nails so they can't hurt the other animal. or scratch your furniture.

Another option is putting him in a cage, and making he will back off, but he will have to stay there awhile. and trying to reprogram him,

I know there was a post here awhile back that teaches you how to reprogram them, I know it starts with putting one cat in one room and the other in another room, and then in a week switch them.
Anyone know the post or link to that site?

well good luck on your quest, it is a hard and difficult one for anyone. I hope it works out for the best for you.....keep us update

03-09-2005, 04:23 PM
You already have the cat so no since in worrying about your brother at this point. I know you do not want Trible to go to the shelter so my suggestion is to try some calming medication for a while. I used to be so against drugs for cats but after Magoo I find myself suggesting this all the time. It just made the world of difference!
Like Magoo I think it would only be a short amount of time that he would need them. It really helps to calm them until they can get adjusted to everything. It sure would help Mina too. It isn't fair that she has to suffer while you are trying to do a wonderful thing for Trible. It usually helps take the edge off until they can learn to get along. I really suggest you try it so you can have peace and both cats can be in the same room at the same time.
{{{HUGS}}} to you for doing your best to help Trible, your brother, and Mina!!!

03-10-2005, 07:56 AM
As you may have guessed Trible found a new home yesterday. My neighbor came to visit yesterday. His ex had left him a couple months ago and he has been really lonely so he comes to visit. He and Trible have bonded over the past couple of months, and when Josh didn't come around for a week Trible looked hurt. Well Trible just took to him and vice versa when he came to visit. Before he left my Josh asked if by chance I would be willing to sell him Trible. He said he would pay any amount because he just loves him. I asked Josh the normal questions about taking care of Trible. I was very satisfied with his answers so I told him he could just have Trible with the condition that if it didn't work out that he would bring him back to me, and that I can check on him from time to time.

I never saw my neighbor look so happy as he did last night as he left with his furbaby, a litterbox w/litter, new food dishes and food for him. I feel funny missing Trible, but I know he has a good home. I just hope that this will be his furrrever home. I think it was a meant to be thing for them both. When I left for work this morning I saw Josh bringing in not only three bags of cat toys, bed and such, but also a beautiful cat tree. I think that Trible is going to be a spoiled baby.:) My neighbor told me this morning that he had been so lonely that he had thought about killing himself until I told him he could have Trible. He was going to pay me $100 for him, but since I refused the money he went and bought a bunch of stuff for him. I told him about PT and that he should join us.

03-10-2005, 08:01 AM

Yeaaaaaa Trible, Good Job! We will be thinking of you always....


03-10-2005, 08:08 AM
Thats great. I hope Trible and Josh will be very happy together :D

03-10-2005, 08:12 AM
Oh what a wonderful, fantastic and beautiful story!!! I have heard so many times before that and animal has really saved someone from crossing over that breaking point.
God sent Trible into your house so he could find his way to the person who needed him the most. It sounds like those two were certainly a match made in heaven!:)
This story really touched my heart. God sure works in mysterious ways.
It sounds like Trible went to a great home and everything worked out just perfect for all involved.:) :) :)
Thank you for sharing such a touching story and please keep us updated on Trible and his new dad.:)

03-10-2005, 08:18 AM
Renea, that is wonderful!! Sounds like Tribble will have a wonderful life with Josh. :)

03-10-2005, 08:18 AM
What a great ending! Have a wonderful life Trible!!!http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v471/ratchet22/fam21.gif

03-10-2005, 04:17 PM
aw.. what a happy ending for Trible and his new Dad! it sounds like he'll be spoiled to pieces :D

03-10-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Oh what a wonderful, fantastic and beautiful story!!! I have heard so many times before that and animal has really saved someone from crossing over that breaking point.
God sent Trible into your house so he could find his way to the person who needed him the most. It sounds like those two were certainly a match made in heaven!:)
This story really touched my heart. God sure works in mysterious ways.
It sounds like Trible went to a great home and everything worked out just perfect for all involved.:) :) :)
Thank you for sharing such a touching story and please keep us updated on Trible and his new dad.:)

Lisa, beautifully said.

I wanted to say Renea, that you saved two lives today.
Sounds like Trible is going to be just fine with Josh and Josh is going to be just fine now with Trible.