View Full Version : Do you ever stop and think...

03-08-2005, 10:58 PM
about past dogs? Yesterday I don't know why but I was very very depressed about Morgan. It has been awhile since I've actually sat down and thought hard about losing her the way I did, remember holding her while she took her last breath. I don't know why, but it really really upset me and I've been thinking about her ever since. Whenever I see another Golden that resembles her I die inside. I miss her so much. :(

03-08-2005, 10:59 PM
Sorry for the pointless post. :( I just miss her.

03-09-2005, 12:01 AM
aw... I definitely understand Cass :(... I always miss my first pup Bingo, an Australian ShepherdxBorder Collie from the SPCA. I compare almost every dog I meet to him, he was the coolest dog and I miss having him around. I just realize that he had a happy life and no dog will ever compare. It's so hard to see pictures of him and dogs that look like him ^_^

03-09-2005, 06:22 AM
Definitely not a pointless thread!

I miss my girl Chloe every day. I can't help it. I think about her all the time. She was a wonderful girl and I will probably never have another dog like her. She was so smart and so good and just always there. I can't even put into words how much I miss her. She was so special.

03-09-2005, 01:38 PM
Not pointless at all, Cass. I think of my Lab Jingles each and every day and some days, I get really blue, cry. Happily, most of the time, I think of the happy days and try not to dwell on that sad, sad day when she passed. {{{HUGS}}}

03-09-2005, 01:41 PM
I stop and think about the beagle I had as a kid all of the time. He was my best friend for 10 years and I still miss him dearly.

03-09-2005, 03:10 PM
Thanks everyone. Sometimes it's so just hard. I think reading the thread about Echo just got me thinking. I've always been very very lucky to have dogs that there really is no way to forget. Isn't it amazing when you think about how much we really love our pets? :D Some of you know my screen name comes from my old cat Lucky. He was, number 1 the BEST cat I will EVER have! No one has compared to him. He had the most gentle soul of any cat I've met, and I believe we were brought together for a reason. Just the way he loved me, if you could have seen it. It was truly amazing!

Ginger's Mom
03-09-2005, 03:24 PM
You are definitely not alone luckies4me. I often think of my Peaches. She was a very special little girl :) She instinctively knew how to behave in any situation. She was amazing. She was so much smarter than me, and she was sometimes impatient when I was slow to catch on to a situation. It's funny, she was a year old when she came to live with me, and then there was a period of adjustment while we tried to figure out who was in charge (turns out she was-who would have thought ;) ) But all of that was quickly forgotten as she learned to read my mind (I never learned to read her's) and anticipate what it was I wanted her to do. She was definitely the best dog in the world for me. And yes I do still think about her, and I miss her very much. The dog I have now is wonderful, and I love being with her and doing things with her. But she is very different than Peaches, which is probably a good thing for both of us. Ginger could never be able to fill Peaches' pawprints, but fortunately she has chosen to take a different path, so she won't have to try :)

Buddy Blaze Lover
03-09-2005, 03:29 PM
Oh, I definitely think about the passing of my Bandit every day.:( I miss him so much...I know how you feel Cass! If only we could bring them back...:(:(:(

03-09-2005, 03:30 PM
Luckies4me - I think about my past pets. Fenway is the first dog I've ever had, so I think about my past cats. Especially Rusty. I always cry when I think about when she was PTS. The night before, I knew I was going to have to do it and I spent the whole night with her in my arms. I'm actually crying as I'm writing this! Sometimes you just get so emotionally attached to a pet. I've had many pets in my life (mostly cats). I loved them all. But with Rusty, it was different. She was my best friend.

I was with Rusty when she was PTS and I'm glad I was with her. I told her how much I loved her and how I'll see her on "the flip side". I thanked her for being there when times were tough.

It was very hard as I'm sure it was very hard for you. I'm sure Morgan was glad you were there, holding her and talking to her.

You have to believe you'll see Morgan someday. You'll get big licks and fluffy hugs. You'll go running and walking and it'll be like old times.

I think you were lucky to have such a special dog and Morgan was very lucky to have you.

Take care.

03-09-2005, 03:41 PM
Definately not a pointless thread. I think some of us can understand your pain. I think about my rb dogs everyday. I live by the quote "Whoever is gone will not be forgotten" (((hugs))) If you just need to talk pm me or feel free to vent here. I am sure everyone well not everyone but some of us understand. Hang in there. I know there is no words that I can say to make you feel better.:( I wish our pets lived forever.

03-09-2005, 04:02 PM
Well I am glad for the many happy times we spent together. :) She was an AWESOME dog! I think adopted/rescued animals know how much you have done for them. Thanks everyone. Just had to let some things out. :o :p

03-09-2005, 04:33 PM
I think of them all the time. I don't think there's been one day I ahven't thoguht about any of them.

03-09-2005, 04:36 PM
TOday I was outside and it smelled sort of 'springy'. I started crying because it smelled like the days I had spent with Spencer, a golden retriever. She was not mine but I was close to her and loved her. She died really young.

03-09-2005, 06:28 PM
We always had dogs as I was growing up, and cats (outdoor cats) when we lived on the farms. My family moved around a lot as I was growing up. I can remember a German Shepard named Pepper, when I was about 4 years old. I can remember Smokey, then Rusty, then Sandy, also---all dogs. And I can remember a few cats when I was 8 or 9 years old. I had one that I named "Koolaid" because it drank Koolaid one day that I had spilled. I can also remember a little rabbit that my twin sister and one brother and I named "Bugs" in secret, after our oldest brother named him something else and wouldn't accept our name for him. I can't even remember now what my oldest brother's name for "Bugs" was.

This is a neat thread, remembering pets from our past!:)

03-09-2005, 07:08 PM
I will never forget our pet dogs we had when I was a child, especially Scotty, he was a border-collie, that we took with us when we left the farm, it was not ideal, but we loved him so much we could not bear to part with him, he was as gentle as a lamb, very much like his mother, and he loved our cats, so much, oneday I saw him on the courtyard with our then Burmese Astra between his two front paws, and he was licking her.

Sadly Scotty got bowel cancer, and was PTS to stop him from suffering, I was a teenager at the time and I have never forgotten him.

We also had a lovely little Sausage Dog called Kim,he was the cutest dog ever, I remember out Cat Susie used to jump on top of him and do biscuits, he just never moved , he was too scared, he kinda liked though I think.

Thanks Cass for bringing back such wonderful memories of my doggie companions from my childhood., it was good to think about them both.

Dixieland Dancer
03-10-2005, 01:38 PM
I am in the same boat as you...I remember my first Golden's last breath as I held her in my arms. She lived a GOLDEN life to the age of 13 1/2 years and that was over 20 years ago. However, I still think of her often. Her memory is sometimes brought back by a look or action that either Dixie or Dusty do.

Fortunately, the memories become sweeter with each passing though of all the joy we shared instead of the unpleasant memory of her last day. I still miss her and think of her to this day and I have two more goldens who make me cherish her memories even more! After all, she was the reason I fell in love with Goldens to start with!! :D All the goldens after her are the reasons I continue to love the breed so much! ;)

03-10-2005, 01:43 PM
Not a day that goes by that I dont think about Mercedes...I had her for 16 years...you can't just forget...

03-10-2005, 02:12 PM
Not pointless.

I don't remember my parents Irish Setter, Rusty, very well. I have snippets of memory and mom said I bawled when he died (I was 8 years old) but I have no memory of that.

I do however remember the pain of losing our cats, Sable, Nike, and Chance. I think of them often and still shed tears.

Samantha Puppy
03-10-2005, 02:43 PM
I miss my old dog, Rags, all the time. He was such a great dog for the entire family but even better to have him as I grew up. He was there for six months before I was born so he saw me grow from a newborn baby he took care of to a 15 year old girl taking care of him. He was such an integral part of our family, my brother and I weren't even my parents' children - we were Raggie's puppies. :)

*sigh* What I wouldn't give for one more day with ol' Rags.

03-10-2005, 03:17 PM
I am sorry to hear about your Morgan. I was thinking about my old dog Bob today while we were out for walkies. He is my shadow & I know he is living on borrowed time. He can't hear well anymore, he has catracts on his eyes, & is on medication for his artheritis. I am grateful he has made it through the winter & I hope summer will be good for him too. You were oh so brave to hold Morgan through the last breath of life. I hope that someday I can be as brave as you when the time comes for Bob. I know when his quality of life is no longer good for him, I will be able to let go & do the right thing too, know matter how hard it will break my heart for sure.

03-10-2005, 04:42 PM
Oh God yes. I think of Brodie even though I'm unsure if he is passed/alive, since he ran away. I used to be heavily depressed over it, and it's hard to look at beagles at times. I miss the little trouble maker. :(