View Full Version : can belive this add i red in the classifieds on petfinders

03-08-2005, 09:21 PM
i was going through the classifieds on petfinders.com and seen this add and i thought it was wierd!? first of all i cant belive that the husband is doing this. sec. of all, if he does do this why does he wait till they are weened? and then do it? then they want an adoption fee,?and then 2 refrence?? to determine the right home !OMG just get them out of there is my thought any home would be better then were they are at! i copied and pasted the add in here so you could see for yourself

Dog:boxer/lab mix
springfield,MO 03-03-2005
Name: no name
Delete hi i am posting this ad for a friend of a friend.her dog had puppies and her husband waits until they are old enough to wean and then takes them and kills them.so this time they asked for my help and so know i am turning to you wonderful people who love animals to help me.these guys and girls will be melarge size dogs.an adotion fee will apply and we will need a refrence or 2 to help dtermine the right home for these babies.a spay/nueter agreement will also be made.if you feel you can help one of these little bundles of joy out email or call.will try to have pics soon. thank you

03-08-2005, 10:25 PM
There's something "fishy" about this ad! I wouldn't trust them for a second. Did you see the thread with the title "Would You Give A Dog To This Person?" yesterday? (It's in this same "Dog General" section.) This ad sounds like it would match the lady in that thread pretty well. There's more to the story here than they're letting on in the ad. Can you find out any more about it? I'd report them if there's any question about what they're doing. These kind of people make me so angry!:mad: :mad: :mad:

03-08-2005, 10:35 PM
Seems a bit odd to me. If they are so worried what homes these pups go to, why even consider killing them? Why are they so worried about the pups being spayed/neutered, but they don't spay their own dog (not to say that would be a bad thing in the case of a reputable breeder -- just odd in this case)? This person made it sound like this has happened more than once. Hm..

03-08-2005, 10:59 PM
Sounds very sus.

03-08-2005, 11:05 PM
Maybe there is no "friend" and they are desperate to get rid of the unwanted puppies so they made up the "dad killing the puppies" story. That's what I would guess - because even if that were the case, why would you say that on the ad.. if only to get them bought faster for sympathy.

03-09-2005, 07:19 AM
What a sick-o!!! I can't believe they would post such an ad!!
I've posted ads before for dogs needing homes, and they take at least a day and a half to be posted because people look them over and have to approve them before they get put on the web site!! Why on EARTH would PetFinder let that ad be posted?!?

03-09-2005, 08:12 AM
how odd! he probably thinks he's doing these pups a favor.

Pit Chick
03-09-2005, 08:43 AM
Sounds fishy to me too. "A friend of a friend"? People use the "if you don't take it soon it's going to die" tactic all the time to get people to jump through hoops to take a dog and in this case it seems like they're trying to get money out of it too. I would report these people.