View Full Version : AIM apology!!!!

11-03-2001, 12:22 PM
Just wanted to say sorry to those of you who have tried to contact me through my AIM ID, greythounds4me, and not received a reply from me. My husband uses the computer more than I do at home, and he told me yesterday that sometimes people IM whem he is online, and he just closes the response box. I installed AIM on our machine, and he didn't know what it was. He thought people were just randomly IM'ing him.
Just wanted to let everyone know that, if you IM me and don't get a response, it's probably because it's not me on the computer, it's my husband! :D
Hope no one thinks I snubbed them! :( :)

4 feline house
11-03-2001, 01:12 PM
We had that problem, too at first. I would sign on and all of a sudden my son's friends would be sending me messages! I had some pretty interesting conversations with some of them.......even though I revealed my true identity from the start! Anyway, there's a way to set AIM to keep it from launching automatically, I thinks it's in Preferences or something like that. We've since uninstalled it since we have AOL, too, so I don't remember now exactly where it is.

11-03-2001, 03:44 PM
I was wondering why noone replied when I tried to I.M. you! :D Ok, now I get it! Thanks!

Sarah & Sadie*

11-03-2001, 10:30 PM
Yes, go to the My AIM tab at the top, then click on Edit Options, then Edit Preferences, then on the left side click on Sign On/Off and you can remove the check in the box that starts it when Windows starts.

11-04-2001, 01:01 AM
Ok Thought i would just post this here.. ANYONE who has AIM or AOL post your screen names PLEASE! Mine is NellyLuvr55 IM me whenever you see me ill be glad to chat!!! just sometimes i keep my aim up while im gone so i may not respond!

11-13-2001, 11:16 PM
Mine is: LabLoverKEB :)

11-18-2001, 02:36 PM
Well, Jessica, I will say that I was one that tried to IM you :D! I wasn't sure why you didn't respond but now I know!!

Thank you so much for posting this! It clears it up :D! Me being the nut that I am will have mess with hubby next time... hee hee hee - if he has a good sense of humor of course ;)