View Full Version : How do you know when it's time to change vets?

PJ's Mom
03-08-2005, 09:48 AM
Peej and Bailey's vet is a nice old guy who's only been seeing them for a year or so. He's the one who took care of Peej's boo boo foot.

When I took Peej back to have his stitches removed, the doctor had to fight to get the bandage off because he didn't shave enough of his leg hair off. Then, after the bandage was off he looked at Peej's foot and asked his vet tech if that was where the incision was. She said yes, then he asked her if there were sutures in it. She said yes and told him that they were the purple things. :eek: The vet shrugged it off and said that he had to get Peej in some better light so he could see what he was doing.

This guy has been practicing since I was born. (August 1966) He's always seemed like he was ok and knew what he was doing until that day.

Would you keep taking your dog to him or do you think it might be time to start looking for a new doctor?

03-08-2005, 09:56 AM
Unfortunely I think I would look for a back up just for your comfort. I would use the old guy for routeine stuff(ashot, check ups) but have another one for other stuff . I had to makre this same desison with a vet who I even worked for, the younger associte vet got him from seeing patients and work on his passion, birds of prey. (and that was another whole nother story finding eagles in my dog kennels in mornings:rolleyes: )

03-08-2005, 11:38 AM
it's a tough situation, especially if you really like the vet and he gets along well with the pets. I would probably switch though since a newer, younger vet might be more up-to-date on current procedures and technology. Does he have any other vets practicing in the same office? Maybe do what Corinna said, keep him for routine visits...Your animal's health is what is important though and is ultimately what you are paying for, that and the veterinarian's knowledge and skill...

03-08-2005, 01:35 PM
I wouldn't feel to confident in him at this point, and if I don't feel confident, then why should I entrust my kids to him?

In other words, I'd look for a new vet, asap.

PJ's Mom
03-08-2005, 01:41 PM
There are no ther vets in his office. It's just him and his tech. He was recommended to me by my old vet in Dallas and he's the only one I've used since we've lived here.

How do I find a new one?

03-08-2005, 01:42 PM
I would be looking for a new vet as we speak. Get some referrals from friends and neighbors. Ask around. Changing vets is a emotional experience so you don't want to have to do it again.

03-08-2005, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
There are no ther vets in his office. It's just him and his tech. He was recommended to me by my old vet in Dallas and he's the only one I've used since we've lived here.

How do I find a new one?

Ask your groomer. :)

PJ's Mom
03-08-2005, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Ask your groomer. :)

Petsmart? :D

One of the vet clinics around here just opened up a grooming facility. Maybe I'll take Peej in there to get groomed and check out the place while I'm there. :)

03-08-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
Petsmart? :D

One of the vet clinics around here just opened up a grooming facility. Maybe I'll take Peej in there to get groomed and check out the place while I'm there. :)

that's definitely a good idea! LOL, I would run from Petsmart if I were you... I know 18 year-olds who have been hired there a groomers, with no experience whatsoever.

You have the complete right to change vets, as Micki said, whenever you feel uncomfortable with them. These are our babies, and we pay a lot for them to get the best attention possible. It sounds like that guy really needs to retire, or get lasex. We switched last year, after our vet opened another clinic and was clearly spreading himself way too thin (we realized that after waiting 2 hours for a routine check-up, with no apologies). He also started charging $50 just to see him. We love our new Vet clinic, they have 5 vets in the office who are totally on it, and I'm so glad we changed. I actually got a referral to them from our groomer!

:) good luck!

03-08-2005, 02:20 PM
BCcrazy...can you pm me the name of that vet? I am not 100percent with mine...they are "okay"...when I first got casey she had a parasite and he gave me antiobiotics...they made her so sick she almost dies...he wouldn't believe me...said in 17 years he never heard of that reaction...I found on the internet where that antibiotic caused those side effects (i am sure he loved hearing that) I stopped the antiobiotic after 5 days, had her retested and the parasite was gone and I made them note in her file that she couldn't get that antibiotic again..

03-08-2005, 02:51 PM
Another thing we did when our vet retired and closed his office; we checked to see what vets were in the area, then we went to the office and met with the vets on staff. Found a vet clinic that we felt certain we could trust with the kids health. All four vets in the practice are excellent with our furkids. Turned out to be the right decision because they love going there, love to see the girls behind the desk and it makes me feel better about taking them there.

03-08-2005, 04:49 PM
I just recently moved to New Jersey and had to find a vet to get Duncan's rabies shot. (They do it weird down here...all tags expire the first of the year and you have to have a rabies shot that covers at least 1/3 of the time I think...I don't know..it's confusing..but anyway, it's not important to what I'm trying to say....)See how easily I get sidetracked...if I type like this, can you imagine how I talk? One subject to the next, to the next....

SO, my point was, I called my vet at home that had been seeing Duncan since I got him and asked if they had any recommendations, maybe someone they went to school with or something like that...they told me to go to this website...I didn't keep the website but I think its AHA something....I will check...

OK, here is the link to my vet at home...Just click there and then on links and it's the first one....http://www.lahc.petplace.com (/http://www.lahc.petplace.com)

I can't get it to work but if you type it in your browser it should work.... Sorry. I try to help and I creat a mess!!!

03-09-2005, 12:00 AM
I think you have to ask yourself, would you feel comfortable seeing a doctor with the same level of compitence? If not, then go to another vet, and as everyone has said, get referalls as such.