View Full Version : Let's Play a game!

03-08-2005, 02:38 AM
Ok, I hope this game is not a stupid idea. I thought it would be fun to play.

We use peoples pictures, and try to make a story out of them. We make just a few lines of a story apiece, and then see how the story as a whole adds up. Do you guys get what I am trying to say? lol (I am terrible at explaining things;))

PS- you may add characters, take characters out of the story, anything you want...

I will start:

Coming from Puff:
It was a cold winter day, and everyone in my house was napping:
But I just could not get to sleep.. I was too busy thinking of my oh so yummy treats:
I was just sitting there, minding my own business:
When all of a sudden I hear a HUGE "BAM, CLANG" What could it be I wander...

Now someone else has to start filling in the story. You dont have to have pictures, but it would help;)

03-08-2005, 03:52 AM
...the noises were coming from those wild cats of Jayna's - the ones that love Mardi Gras, beer, and poker...getting into all sorts of trouble and creating quite the stir!

Those boys and their Schlafly and Leila & her Michelob Ultra (she's a svelte one - always mindful of the figure):

Claudia was making her own mischief without alcohol...which often involves making a mess of whatever papers or pens or other non-kitty toys are lying around:

(by the way, the top 3 cats are "of age" b/c I was told that at 2.5 years old, Leo is equal to 26.8 human years, which makes Bailey & Leila just slightly younger than that. Claudia isn't even 2 yet, so she isn't really old enough for the alcohol or pictures making it look like she likes alcohol!)

03-08-2005, 03:28 PM
but then they got into the fridge and started stealing all of my food. that was when I scolded them.

Suki Wingy
03-08-2005, 04:08 PM
Ty desided to join the party!

03-09-2005, 12:23 AM
All of a sudden, they all noticed a birdie in her cage...

None of the kitties could figure out hope to get to it... UNTIL this little kitty pranced along, and took aim:eek: :eek: :eek:

Gladly, it missed the sweet birdie! After this defeat, they all decided to.....

03-09-2005, 03:06 AM
Play some Texas Hold'em poker!


However, Leo was the only one out of all the kitties to play Texas Hold'em well, and he also kept getting all the good cards, so it was a game that ended quickly with Leo winning all the chips...after that, the kitties decided to...