View Full Version : The winds of change...

03-07-2005, 01:58 PM
Really BLOW!!!!!!


Bus workers paid salary in change

A Chinese bus company paid its staff their monthly salaries in coins after their bank refused to change the cash.

The Huadu District Bus Company, in Guangzhou, had to pay each of its 500 staff 1,000 one yuan coins as their February salary.

Each one had to carry a 6.4kg pack of money home, reports the Beijing News.

A company spokesman said: "The bank has stopped providing such services for us, as it is too time and energy consuming."

However, the local bank explained they had only temporarily stopped the service because of a staff shortage.



Should you get mugged the 15 pounds of coins should slow the crooks down.

Your kids won't ask for anything.....Imagine the embarrassment having to pay for CDs, clothes, movie tickets with coins!!!!!


People commenting on the bulge in your pockets..

Are you happy to see me, or do you work for the bus company??


03-07-2005, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

People commenting on the bulge in your pockets..

Are you happy to see me, or do you work for the bus company??

ROFLOL!!!!!!:D :D :D

03-07-2005, 04:58 PM
Oh Richard. LMAO. The things you come up with! Too funny.:D

03-07-2005, 06:33 PM
I worked for a company once (long ago) that one Friday
paid everyone in cash with $2 bills. It was a P R stunt to show
their impact on the economic climate of the city. Pretty effective.