View Full Version : Weird Sunday morning, had an earthquake

03-07-2005, 01:26 PM
I know this is something some of you experience on a regular basis, but it was my first time. They happen here but not frequently. It happened about 1:15 am sunday morning, 5.2 on the ricter scale. My dog had driven me nuts all evening, he was restless and whining etc. My husband was on his way home from a tagball outing with the guys. I was asleep and I woke up because the bed started shaking and the dog jumped up and ran out of the room, I got up and my heart was racing, I was still half asleep so I was standing there trying to figure out if I was shaking or if the house was shaking. It was surreal! I thought I had lost my mind, so I went back to bed. I didn't find out what it was until I got up later that morning. I told my husband it was a good thing I thought I had lost my mind, because if I had of realised what was going on I probably would have panicked!

03-07-2005, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by melandchico
I know this is something some of you experience on a regular basis, but it was my first time.

My first time I felt the earth move, too!!!

Then I realized I was sleeping alone.....


The only problem with earthquakes is that you don't know when they will stop!!!

Glad to hear there was not major damage in the area!

03-07-2005, 01:54 PM
I always thought that earthquakes were cool until the 6.8 hit. I was so terrified that I thought I was going to die. NOT fun and unfortunately it will happen again.