View Full Version : finn whines, advice appreciated

finn's mom
03-06-2005, 10:54 PM
Hey, all. I just moved into a new apartment in Dallas, and, every time I leave Finn alone, even for just a minute, he starts crying. Loudly. It's not such a big deal when the sun's up, but, when it gets dark and people are going to bed, I worry that folks are going to start complaining. He's been alone before while I've been at work, but, it's never been an issue, because it's been in houses. We stayed at the apartment for the first time last night, and we spent all day today driving around and walking together. I was taking things from my car to the apartment, and, would leave him in the apartment with the door to the patio open while I did it. He cried the whole time. Then, tonight, when I had to leave, I put him in his crate with a chew toy and the tv on, and, walked to my car. I could hear him crying the whole way there. And, even when I left the apartments and drove down the street, I could hear him still when I drove past mine. I just don't want anyone to complain too much, and, would like any advice I can get on how to keep him from doing that. He's been crate trained since he was about 8 weeks old, and, he's now over a year old. I am sure (at least, I'm hoping) that he stopped after a few minutes, but, there's no way to be 100%. Unless someone complains tomorrow. Anyway, thanks if you read this all the way through. :)

03-07-2005, 05:36 AM
welll.... perhaps trying to leave him for 1 min at a time and gradually make the time longer and longer over a few weeks time... and never make a fuss when you do,,, but be sure to do the same thing over and over,,, a routine for when you go.....like filla kong with peanut butter, put on your shoes, grab you coat, put him in the crate, smile and say see ya later finn, then turn on the radioand leave. do something like that in that order EVERYTIME you havee to go... perhaps he will then understand that if you leave,, you WILL be coming back and he wont be so upset?? It could also be the new place and perhaps he will need some time to adjust to the new place.....

finn's mom
03-07-2005, 09:18 PM
Hey, Lorraine. Thanks for the advice. He's sortof always whined when I left, no matter where we're at. He's just sortof like that. I have read that it's because he may think that he's the alpha dog and that he's worried about his "kid". I know it's something I need to continuously work on, the whole alpha thing, but, sometimes, admittedly, I slack off. But, I'm getting back on track with it. Eating before him, never letting him out the door first, ignoring him if and when he jumps on me (which he rarely does, thank goodness). But, I got the treat bag and clicker back out today and as long as I work with him every day, I know he and I will get back in the swing of things. He's actually a very well behaved one year old labrador, so, I don't have a lot of complaints. Thanks again, Lorraine!