View Full Version : Don't try this at home!

01-09-2002, 04:33 PM
A fellow goes into the hardware store and asks the clerk for some canary colored paint. He then tells the clerk that he wants the paint to win a contest. It seems the local bird club is having a singing canary competition, and he just knows his parakeet would win. However, his parakeet is blue!

The hardware clerk says, “I don’t think that paint will be good for the bird. I bet you $10 that he doesn’t survive!”

The man takes the bet, and leaves with his paint. Two weeks later, he returns to the hardware store and hands the clerk $10. The clerk said, “Oh, I’m so sorry your bird died. It must have been terrible to be painted like that!”

The fellow replied “Oh no, he didn’t die from the paint. But he didn’t handle the sanding between coats very well.”

:eek: :eek: :eek:

01-10-2002, 05:53 PM
Poor little Birdie!!! :( How sad! Thanks for sharing, TheAntiPam! ;)

01-12-2002, 02:16 PM
ha ha good one :D