View Full Version : Lets talk about Pete

03-06-2005, 11:33 AM
So many of you (including me) think Pete is a very handsome kitty so I thought I would share a little insight into life with Pete.
Pete was the first of the three feral littermates that I caught. I brought him in and just let him go. When I hadn't seen him for about an hour I went looking and found him upside down on the bed sound a sleep. He was certainly cut out to be a house kitty!
Here is one of the first pictures I took of him.
He had been inside for about a week when he and Pepper Jack discovered tissue paper.

This is him with Pepper Jack at about 8 or 9 months old http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid155/p6fb4cf7a8b20088e7784c228928a105c/f561e0cf.jpg

Now Pete kind of fits into that "dumb blonde" catagory. Know what I mean? He's not the brightest crayon in the box nor the sharpest tack. His daddy refers to him as the "odd duck" in the house.
He has strange ways about him. He loves for me to hold him but it can only be for a maximum of two minutes at a time. Then all of the sudden he panics, freaks out, runs away, then comes back for two more minutes only to repeat the same process over and over. :rolleyes:

Sometimes he watches TV

He loves to wrestle with Leroy and now Rosco

But sometimes he just does weird things. He can't stand for me to hold Peanut Butter. If I pick up PB Pete knows it and comes running. He will stand by my leg and scream his head off until I put PB down and then he will leave. He doesn't do this with any other cat, only PB. Why? Who knows!
He is a very primpy fellow. He is a fastidious groomer and keeps his coat immaculate. He likes to be brushed but you have to follow him all over the house. He has to keep walking while you brush him so you have to follow him. He cries if you quit.
He is a very handsome fellow

With the most gorgeous yellow eyes

He gets along with all the other kitties and doesn't really cause any trouble. He loves to play and have fun but for the most part he is very lazy.

He is a big kitty too. He doesn't weigh as much as PB but his is very big boned. He won't eat canned food, only dry, so he maintains his weight very well. Appearance is important you know!
Here are a few more shots of the handsome boy.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Pete



And this one that I just posted in my other thread

Well that is our handsome (odd duck) kitty. I love this boy like crazy and he is a joy to look at and laugh at. He is most commonly called Pete Monster or momma's little "Fluff Muffin".

edit: I forgot one other weird thing Pete does. When he makes biscuits he does it with his right leg for about ten kneads, then left leg for two, then back to the right leg for about ten more kneads. We call this his Elvis routine!

03-06-2005, 11:55 AM
Lisa, thank you so much for sharing Pete's story! I've never heard it before.

He is absolutely beautiful, I always find myself staring at his pictures, His colors are sort of "peaches & cream"ish ;) :D

It seems as if when he was feral, he was just waiting for you to take him in, because it doesn't seem like it took him long to get used to that great life!

We all love Pete here-Odd or not LOL :D

03-06-2005, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by DogLover9501

He is absolutely beautiful, I always find myself staring at his pictures, His colors are sort of "peaches & cream"ish ;) :D

It's funny you said that Robyn because I always tell Pete that if he had been a girl I would have named him Peaches!

03-06-2005, 12:05 PM
Ooh, I'm in love with Pete, the Fluff Muffin!

That's funny about how he makes biscuits, that is how Scout does it but she is very slow.

I think we need to start up a Pete Fan Club like PB has.:D

You know Lisa, you could make a 12 month wall calendar with your cats on it. I'm sure it would sell because they all look like gorgeous kitty models. Maybe that's what you should do, become the agent/manager of the CCL Kitties.:D

03-06-2005, 12:23 PM


03-06-2005, 12:55 PM
Thanks for telling Pete's story. He IS a beautiful boy.

03-06-2005, 01:56 PM
I drool everywhere when I see that gorgeous boy's pictures! Who cares if he's dumb as a fence post...when you look that beautiful, brains don't matter! Too funny about that happy feet routine. :D He has the most kittenish face, and kissably cute at that! :) Now I have to clean the spit off the keybords all over again!:o :o :o :D

03-06-2005, 02:34 PM
I've always thought he's a gorgeous boy! His color is the most amazing! I wish I could kiss his cute mittens.

From what you say about him, I see so many similarities with Pichu. He also doesn't like to be held for long and he kind of freaks after two minutes, he also likes to be petted while walking, he LOVES to watch tv - birds also, but his favorites are coyotes, dogs (esp. Labradors), and sometimes felines. And the most amazing about him is that he's a freak when it comes to his fur - he licks it and licks it until it's wet, he's the best groomer I've ever seen.

Oh, and this! He made himself at home IMMEDIATELY!

03-06-2005, 03:17 PM
You should put Pete,up for COTD,with atht handsome Face,I think,that he would get that honor.Although,I still,think,and mentioned it,to the powers,that be,that we want Scrappy Magoo,as COTD!

03-06-2005, 04:37 PM
Well Pete, its about time you had a thread all to yourself! Don;t listen when they call you an odd duck! Miss Nicki loves to be brushed and does the same thing. She also doesn't like me to pet Abby, but doesn't care if I pet the others. I don't think she's odd. I think she is wonderful, just like you!

03-06-2005, 04:51 PM
Pete, you are a sheer delight! Thank you so much for the little bio. I loved it.

03-06-2005, 04:57 PM
Omg!!! I loved hearing about Pete! You can talk about that boy all you want. He is sooo handsome!

Thanks for sharing him with us.

Robin :)

K & L
03-06-2005, 08:02 PM
Pete is stunning and I loved reading his story!

03-06-2005, 08:34 PM
Great stories and great pictures!!! It is nice to get to know them better.

03-06-2005, 09:29 PM
Ooooh! Hugs and kisses to that lovely Fluff Muffin!!! He is so beautiful and you got some wonderful shots of him. Love the goofy picture, too with the shoestring hanging off his ear. :) Wish I could scoop him up and give him those hugs and kisses myself. Yum. I love peaches and cream. :D

03-06-2005, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
You know Lisa, you could make a 12 month wall calendar with your cats on it. I'm sure it would sell because they all look like gorgeous kitty models. Maybe that's what you should do, become the agent/manager of the CCL Kitties.:D

What a great idea-12 months of CCL kitties :D :D

03-06-2005, 09:53 PM
AWWW, Pete is a very beautiful boy, I just love his fur. :)

03-06-2005, 10:04 PM
Pete is so beautiful!
He looks like an Angel in this picture

03-06-2005, 11:31 PM
Aww, what a beauty! I enjoyed his story very much. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

03-07-2005, 07:15 AM
I have always loved Pete. He looks so soft and huggable. I just want to steal him and love on him all day. Please be sure to give him a hug and a kiss from me please.

*note to self* must visit CCL so I can steal Pete...

03-07-2005, 07:26 AM
We thank everyone for the nice comments on the Pete Monster aka "Fluff Muffin".:)

To those of you who want to catnap my boy I'm afraid you might be a little disappointed. He still has that feral blood so he's rather particular about who is allowed to touch him. Right now, that is me only. His cat daddy was only able to touch him a few times when he was a baby. Debbie (sirrahbed) almost had him convinced to come to her but Magoo wouldn't leave her alone so she could never quite get Pete. She came closer than anyone else!

That sweet little angelic looking boy can become quite the tiger if pushed towards something he doesn't want to do. Medicine, carrier, those kinds of things. Hubby and I both needed stitches when we had to take him to get fixed!:eek: ;) :D

I love my handsome BRAT though!:)

03-07-2005, 08:07 AM
Pete you are too beautiful for a boy. You could start singing that song "I'm too sexy..." together with Richard's Eddie;)

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-07-2005, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
He likes to be brushed but you have to follow him all over the house. He has to keep walking while you brush him so you have to follow him.

*lol* Jupiter does the same thing.. silly boys.. :D


The pictures of him with the string on his head are sooo funny.. I do that to Tinky all the time too.

:D :D :D :D

Pete looks so cuddley.. I swear I could cuddle him and kiss him and get lost in all that fluffy furr alll day long..

*KISSES* for Pete!

Rie Rie
03-07-2005, 08:31 AM
Pete is absolutely georgeous and I love the story about him. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-07-2005, 09:29 AM
What a gorgeous boy!!!
I love that pic of him in the window!! makes me wanna sing"How much is that cat there in the window...?"

03-08-2005, 03:19 AM
Pete is so cute! :) What breed(s) do you think are in his background?

03-08-2005, 07:53 AM
Pete is a indeed a beautiful boy, enjoyed the pictures. Thanks :D

03-08-2005, 08:10 AM
Pete is *gorgeous*!! I think of him as the "Legolas" of the kitty world:) - all glowing, golden and beautiful.

Yes, Lisa - I really felt like he might have come up to me and at least sniffed my extended fingers - but good ole Magoo decided he needed more attention:rolleyes: Of course, I was happy to love him again as well.

I love how you are doing these threads with stories and pictures of your crew - you have some wonderfully gorgeous cats and half of them are orangies!!:p

03-12-2005, 02:13 AM
I've always thought that Pete was very handsome and I'm glad that you decided to tell his story.:) If you made a cat calendar with all 12 of your "brats", I'd buy one.;)

03-14-2005, 08:36 PM
Gosh he's so beautiful.I can picture him walking around while you try to brush him.Funny how he likes to walk and be brushed at the same time.Sounds like he likes Peanut Butter because my Lucy always comes around when I am patting the cats that she LIKES in the house.And she won't leave until I stop.Weird...maybe it's the opposite with Peanut Butter,and he's jealous.Who knows what goes through these kids minds nowadays:D ;) :D I love the way he was upside down sleeping on the bed after only an hour of being home.He immediatly said"This is heaven":D

03-14-2005, 08:46 PM
This was a great story! I don't know how I missed it earlier, but I'm glad I saw it tonight! Pete is a beautiful cat, and he was smart enough to know that you were meant to be HIS!:)