View Full Version : My Yorky has dandruff What do I do

03-05-2005, 06:48 PM
I live in Michigan so it is still wiinter here. My 8 month old Yorky has developed dry flaky skin. I really monitor what she eats and I give her no "people food". I have heard of giving the dogs Col Liver Oil for dry skin. Is there any think else that would help her.
She scratches frequently too.

03-05-2005, 08:44 PM

I'm not sure what you could do, I've heard of the cod liver oil also, but have never dealt with dry flaky skin on dogs.

I would suggest you post this in the "DOG HEATH" section... You'll get more results.

Best !

03-05-2005, 09:06 PM
It's probably wise to see your vet as she might have an allergy to here normal diet, or could even be something from the garden. Flute had a slight problem of this nature, and the vet recommended a change of diet and also to wash her with this shampoo called "PYOHEX" it's a medicated foam for dogs. You would have to get a similar type available in the States though as this stuff is made in Queensland. Again your vet would advise you on which brand.
Hope she feels better real soon. :)