View Full Version : Iditarod!!!

03-05-2005, 01:03 AM
It starts today. They are streaming the stars on the web site . www.Iditarod.com

03-05-2005, 02:50 AM
A lead sled dog was lost on Mercer Is. Washington today. Well over the wk end. It was on our local news tonight. Black and white border collie.

03-05-2005, 04:07 AM
I hope we are not going to sing the praises of...nor follow the route of one the world's most cruel races for dogs. Many dogs die on the way, the bodies punished beyond endurance, they are beaten, given almost no rest, and made to run even if they are sick and have injuries. Anyone who loves dogs will not follow a race such as this.

03-05-2005, 11:51 AM
being a newcomer you should be warned we have several mushers here and there is a whole thread from last year on these subject . Please get the truth before opeing you mouth with your opinions. PLEASE!

03-05-2005, 12:10 PM
I'm not going to get into a big debate about the I-rod or races like it. For the facts, not the fiction, on this race check out

And that's all I'm going to say.

Oh and GO KAREN RAMSTEAD!!!! She's a good friend of mine and is running her 5th Iditarod with a team of purebred show champion Siberians!! GO KAREN!!

03-05-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Shantidog
I hope we are not going to sing the praises of...nor follow the route of one the world's most cruel races for dogs. Many dogs die on the way, the bodies punished beyond endurance, they are beaten, given almost no rest, and made to run even if they are sick and have injuries. Anyone who loves dogs will not follow a race such as this.
WHAT?!?! are you joking? i love this sport and have never heard of such things. like Corinna said. there are a bunch of mushers here. i would watch what you say.

03-05-2005, 12:19 PM
We have 7 from Montana this year!!!! Go Guys!!!

03-05-2005, 12:49 PM
Shantidog, if you joined just to say that, then go away. I know for a fact that those dogs are very well taken care of. Probably even better than our dogs. So, be on your merry way. Unless you can show facts of that, keep your mouth shut.
I will check out that link as I love watching that.

03-05-2005, 03:46 PM
I was talking to my friend about it today and he says it's nothing like the movies. He says there are vets at every stop who determine if the dogs can continue. I'm looking forward to watching it - if I can figure out how to find it on satellite.

03-05-2005, 05:06 PM
It will be on OLN - Outdoor Life Network.

03-05-2005, 10:30 PM
Hello everyone....I hope that you did not get the wrong idea....I am a member of many dog sites. I love this one...I think it is great...and I AM NOT ATTACKING ANY DOG OWNERS HERE.. please...do not get me wrong. You people are fabulous in the way you take care care of your animals...and it is heartwarming to see!! Mushing is a wonderful sport...in fact I myself used to be involved in it!! I would love to get back to it, but in fact it is a little unrealistic in Australia LOL. I am from the Yukon in Canada. Mushing as a sport is one thing...but the Iditarod race is something else! I have been to a couple, and seeing some of those dogs come in at the end of it would break your heart! I used to think that the Iditarod was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but where does the sled dog in this race have its say?
Again....I appeal to you do not judge me harshly, I am a crazy, insane dog lover like the rest of you who is a mommy to several rescue dogs here in Australia, and the foster mom of many more. The dogs are kind enough to let me live with them here, and allow me to share their lives. Please just click on this link, and this will give you some more information about where I am coming from. www.helpsleddogs.org
Love to all and thankyou for being the caring dog lovers that you are

03-05-2005, 11:32 PM
Thanks for taking the time to read the last post from me. I will be sending along sume pictures of mydoggie family soon.

03-06-2005, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Shantidog

The woman who runs this site has never been to a dog race, never seen a real sled dog in her life, she lives in Florida, refuses to attend any races, has never been to the I-rod and has refused invites to several kennels, including my own. I know Jeff King, Karen Ramstead and other big name professional mushers have offered her tours which she has refused. In my view, she has less crediblity than PETA and the Animal Liberation Foundation. She's a nut!

Where you from in the Yukon? I've lived in the Territory for years. I've handled on the Quest a few times and watched the Iditarod. I've never seen a pathetic team crossing the finish line. The last musher I handled for broke the brake off his sled as he crossed the Quest line--his dogs were that fresh and that happy to still be pulling. I've seen mushers who were in pretty sad shape, but their dogs looked great!

Ok, I said I wasn't getting involved in this so before I rant much more I'm going to bed. I still think it's highly suspicious that someone involved with Glickman's group shows up on this board the day the I-rod starts.

03-06-2005, 01:49 AM
Thank you Glacier I was thinking the same thing it also appears this is the only thread they are posting on.
I couldn't remember if that was the nut jobs site or not.
Side note I tried watching the start but appaently too many people were too as it kept cutting out. got the times though and my musher sheets out and filling them in. Go Montana teams !!!!!

03-06-2005, 09:59 AM
haha...look at this dog! how can you say they don't like this!?

03-06-2005, 10:04 AM
Great pic Lute! It looks like they're insanely happy.

03-06-2005, 10:11 AM
The site www.helpsleddogs.org, is registered to Margery Glickman of Miami Florida. Even though it's public knowledge, I won't list the phone number given for her. I got the info at www.networksolutions.org. All you have to do is click on "who is" up at the top. So Margery, quit your lying and trying to stir up trouble. No wonder you've refused to visit anyone in Canada. That could be a long and expensive trip and expose what you really are. Have a wonderful day!

03-06-2005, 11:10 AM
I support the HSUS position on the Iditarod. If it were still
a run and not a race and still stuck to the original plan of 600
miles. Using relays running 100 miles at a stretch, would be
more in keeping to the original idea.


03-06-2005, 01:35 PM
as fare as im concerned the dogs were bred to run, they LOVE it. many dogs are competive, they WANT to race, as in not just run but race. some people consider Flyball dangerous, its a race, the dogs want to run and the dogs want to WIN, sure the people do to, but what makes you think the dogs could care less about winning? if that were the case then Happy would just wander up to to the box rather then watch the other team and only run as fast as it takes to win. I know plenty of dogs who are highly competitive, its not a hman thing that owners just stick on there dogs. I know my dogs would LOVE to run the iditorod, my dogs getting to run that much would be a dream come true. "forcing" my dogs to run all day for 2 weeks.. oh boy they would love me forever lol they would be happy to rest for 10 minuts every 8 hours lay down pant grab a drink and start jumping up and down barking to go again. I think hat some people project what their pet dogs would think of it, the dogs that run this are ALTHLETES, they are not couch potatos that would drop dead after an hour of running.

03-07-2005, 02:54 AM
Sleddog racing for sport and recreation is one thing....and it is wonderful!!! The Iditarod is something else again.....I did not mean to agravate...but to educate. If even only one dog dies....then it is too much. I always thought there were two sides to every story....but I guess I am outnumbered ....I suceed and say uncle...I just wanted to voice an opinion...that is all . WE agree to disagree. The Idtarod is a safe and non cruel race, and there is no dog abuse...just as there are puppy mills, no electrocution of dogs in Mexico, no dog farms in Korea, no racing greyhound abuse........

03-07-2005, 09:27 AM
Racing is racing and you can say the same thing about all of them. Greyhounds love to and are bred to run. Huskies are the same way. So are Thourobred horses. That is what they do. That is what they are bred for. I frankly don't believe the people who say nothing is ever done to the animals that is wrong any more than I believe the people who say it is all evil and should be stopped. Nothing is ever one way or the other but ALWAYS somewhere in the middle.

It is up to us as responsible human beings to make sure that while these animals are doing something they really love they don't become abused. The animals don't always have the sense to know when to stop even when they are injured. That is why there are check points with vet checks and people who don't have the vested interest in winning to make sure the dogs are taken care of. It is the same with endurance races on horseback. Do some people go to extremes and give pain meds so that the animals can run further and longer than might be safe for them? I wouldn't take bets against that. I know it happens in horse racing. I know it happens in dog racing and endurance riding. So do I believe it happens in sled dog racing also...you bet. Do some dogs/horses etc become injured or die in the course of the race? Absolutely. So do humans. Does that mean it ought to be banned? NO. But as responsible humans we need to continue to strive towards minimizing these incidents.

The vast majority of mushers love their dogs and properly take care of them. That is also a known fact. I don't think the I-rod should be stopped. Nor do I believe it should be made safe to the point of ruining the race. These types of races are suppose to test the heart, soul and strength of humans and dogs alike. If there was no danger what would be the point. Not everything that causes pain or injury is abuse. It is just life. So lets all use some commen sense and realize that most things in this world are not all one way or the other...there are always shades of gray.


03-07-2005, 09:53 PM
Thank you Denyce....that was very well put. ...it would be nice if they would decide to run the race in relays, and use fresh teams at certain checkpoints. Thanks for your contribution.

03-08-2005, 01:47 PM

03-08-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD