View Full Version : Oh Pouncer....

03-04-2005, 08:42 PM
I love my big nawtee boy! I went away for a few days. When I left his toe was still very sore (he was still holding it in the air all the time), he wouldn't let me look at it, and there was a large scab at the base of the pad. When I came home tonight, I put my suitcase down and picked him up (all in the same motion :D ) and checked out his paw... and I was very happy to see it is healing WONDERFULLY, but sad to see my fears confirmed. It appears he DID manage to rip out the nail. All that he has now is a vein, no nail. Here's his toe... rather odd looking, but not at all sore to him.

Here he is getting lots of belly rubs for being a good boy while I inspected the toe. He didn't fuss at all and laid happily while I checked everything out.

Now I'm going to be hyper about checking the toe to make sure a nail begins to grow. :o Call me a worried meowmie. I sure do wish I knew what he did to pull out that nail.

03-04-2005, 09:11 PM
That Little Pouncer,certainly,is a handfull,and always seems,to get getting into trouble.I am posting my Pouncer Tribute Page,please look.

03-05-2005, 06:14 AM
EWW, that nail picture gave me the creeps. But it looks good, considering.

03-05-2005, 07:46 AM
Pouncer...don't you know declawing is mutilation? And self inflicted declawing...well I don't know what to say! :eek: I hope it doesn't start growing back in all screwy.:( It does look remarkably good considering. ;)

03-05-2005, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
EWW, that nail picture gave me the creeps. But it looks good, considering.
Sorry. :o I didn't even consider that photo would be hard for some people to see :o Is it really that gross?

QSA.... Self inflicted Declaw? ROTFLMBO!!!! If any cat would do that, it would be my Pouncer! :D I too hope his nail grows back normally. The other claw he did a similar thing to last year grew back 100% normal so I have high hopes this one will too.

03-05-2005, 09:24 AM
Ohhh, poor poor Pouncer!!! It must have hurt so much to rip out your claw!!!

But I agree with your meowmie, it's looking good now, and you seem to be out of pain.

Lily is sending lots of purrs and nose-kissies to comfort you.


03-05-2005, 12:44 PM
OUCH! Poor Pouncer. He's so accident prone I believe he was meant to be my kitty. My family doesn't call me "Grace" sarcastically for nothing.:D

03-05-2005, 02:48 PM
Pouncer I am sorry for your poor pawsie but I would like to give you some belly rubs- you are still incredibly cute:)

03-05-2005, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

Boy, that sounds painful!!!

The other claw he did a similar thing to last year grew back 100% normal so I have high hopes this one will too.

And this is the SECOND time Pouncer has declawed himself???? I wonder if that is some kind of a record! Poor baby - I do hope this one returns to something approaching normalcy.
:rolleyes: Pouncer, you're a trip!!!!

03-06-2005, 07:20 AM
Pouncer! What is up with you? I don't think I have ever seen anything like you before!!;) That looks awfully painful, little boy. How in the world do you keep getting your claws ripped out? Pouncer I do believe you are just a mess and I feel sorry for your poor meowmie having to always keep up with you!:p
What a cute little stinker you are!:D :D :D